
Nathan Abramson's page

45 posts. Alias of Oskar.

Full Name

Nathan Adam Abramson




Sorcerer HP 10/10, AC 14, CMD 12, Touch 14, Flat 10, F +1, R +3, W +1, INIT +3, Perc +0








Chaotic Good


Caiden Caylen


Common, Elven, Halfling


Galley Cook

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Nathan Abramson

(Backstory to come)
BACKSTORY: Evening'. I 'ear ya wanna 'ear what me whole story is. Well, its quite simple really. Me 'rents were the court wizards to the Lords Court of Ridonport in the grand s@*$e hole that is Taldor. {spits on the ground} Me ma and me pa were both wizards by trade and ones of quiet accomplishment. Their main claim to fame however is a small tale of them taking a trip afore they had little folk to Cheliax. Something odd happened there (another story not for now, but my da told me once it involved demons) and by the time they came back several years had passed and they had 4 young boys with another one on the way. The little one in me ma's belly woulda been me.
I was raised well enough, I guess. But being numma five of a full bakers dozen of kids tends to grant you a certain sense of freedom, as long as you dont mind missing out on things like a mothers affection and a fathers presence. I spent alot of time sneakin off to the only library in town to read a book or seven. I loved the stories of the heroes ya see, so I would bribe, lie, cheat and steal my way to those stories. An honest enough living for a little child like me, until I accidently electrocuted one of the stock boys.
Now, afore you get all up in arms, twasnt my fault. Bastard was trying to take the latest copy of H.R Tyuet's Umberhulk romance series out of me mitts right when I was getting to the good bits. I got mad as hell and all of a sudden bands of bright white light shot up from me hands, across the metal bindings of the book and into the quickly charring arms of the young mister.
The trial was fair enough, I guess. But to pay the clerical bills to the poor mans family it took every dime my family had. From then on my house was shamed, my parents unemployed and even worse, people started to notice me.
Not that I didnt eventually end up getting a shine for it. Even took to sharing those stories I learned to a tavern. Eventually made a job of it, especially after the last of my da's favors ran out and we got ran out of town. Literally.
Actually, I prefer life on the road. More free, less worries. Just have to come up with food which is easy enough if you got a knack for it. Which I did. (You can hear a gullible sap wanting to pay for a story a mile away I swear)
Eventually, me 'rents had enough of a broken family and split. Me da took me brothers and me sisters north to Cheliax for a new job he had. And me ma and I went back to Ridonport where she got a job as a seamstress. Good pay, and a room under the shop. Cant complain.
But Im not made for that life. I need oceans, and monsters and stories. Gods I need me stories. So I went wandering on me own. Tavern to tavern, caravan to caravan until, when I was 18, I stumbled on this poor chappy trying to swindle some folks at a tavern in Kintargo, Cheliax I was working at. I dunna what I saw in him. Maybe just a wee bit o meself, but I sauntered up, bought him a drink, and told him some sob about making a name for each other. Within a couple years, we were causing enough mischief in the town that Emi got thrown in the slammer and 'is dan forbade him from ever speaking to me again. Now, we'd grown to be quite the troublesome (but not dangerous! Heavens no!) pair. I broke 'im out (no help from him, I might add) and wound up on a boat out of town towards the Shackles.
I saw the name of the Inn as we disembarked and, well, I liked it. Theres something about a maid that is a bit too easy. But a formidable one? I had to see this. HA! So we stuck around, drank away his wealth, and are there to this day. Hell we're here now. You be askin these questions under the very same roof. Now, about me beer....

PERSONALITY: My personality, eh? Well... I would guess I'm a likable enough fella. Never had a blade slid between me ribs over the fluttering eyelashes of a fine wide hipped lass, if that's what yer sayin'. I also gots all me own original teeth, which let me tell ya is a feat of pure amazement where I'm from, and all of my digits are still in tact. The lassies call me Handsome, and the lads glare at me when they do so I'd assume there's some truth to that too. I don't hold much of a candle to that though, Im havin' far too much fun without mixing in the fairer gender at this point. Rather charm my way into some extra coin, if you catch my drift.