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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Awesome job. I'm trying to use these myself with TileServerGL to render a map, but I'm not sure what format to use, I need to convert it into .mbtiles but it doesn't seem to be in the proper openmap format. I'm using tippecanoe but I think i'm missing something, the documentation doesn't really help, given how barebones it is.

I've also noticed a small mistake, in Brevoy, the "Grozni forest" should be "Gronzi forest".

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have both english and french but It looks like I linked the french version by mistake to the pathfinder wiki, my bad. will link the correct ones.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks ! I'm glad I made it.

For future people looking to download these, i'll just link the Imgur album and stop spamming this thread with new links (I just can't help making mistakes!).

Imgur Album

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Damn. Sorry for posting a lot so quickly.

I just noticed an almost insignificant error in one of the labels and I had to fix it, and unfortunately Imgur doesn't allow me to upload a new image while keeping the same URL.

So here goes for the new URLs :



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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For anyone still interested, I've finally stopped tinkering with it, and here's the finished version :

Normal Version

And a political version as a bonus, mostly for my players when i'll be running campaigns, to have a rough political reference.

Political Version

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Unfortunately it was meant to be zoomed on, it's a very very big resolution (try to "open in full resolution" on imgur, should give you something like this : Link, click to zoom in).
The point was to have as much detail possible and be able to use this map as a reference for future projects (towns, dungeons, etc.). Sadly, this means most of the information is too small to read from afar.

I've been tinkering with things to try and put all of the information on one map, and I think i've found a way that doesn't look too crowded, i'll put it here once i'm done with it.

Thanks for the feedback, i've done a few mistakes on this project in terms of planning, I won't be making them again :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I re-uploaded some images, that might be why some of you had issues, let me know if you still can't see them.

Also, the bottom right corner of the map pretty much has no reference, in my collage i used the very approximate "world of golarion" map and put the corner of the castrovin sea there for good measure, but really that source is completely unreliable.

Quandary wrote:

I would just merge each of the map types (natural, political, etc)

into one map with nations etc, presented as transparent/outlined,
so that all the info is viewable... But great job, again!

I thought about it, the problem is it gets very hard to read anything at all. I can make a version with everything, but it won't be very pretty to look at!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just updated the maps to include a legend.

Also, if anyone's interested, here's the collage of source maps I used as a base for my map : Image

I'll keep you guys up to date on any updates.

If this project is in any way useful for your campaigns/adventures, let me know !

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh i've already searched all the different wikis when I had to put towns and places on the map, a lot of source searching for that (finding the size of settlements for example, which reminds me I need to make a legend to explain what the icons mean! Completely forgot).

I'll keep looking though!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll try the hexes, I had not considered it but it might be useful to other people. I might also try to convert the KM scale to miles (I originally made this map in french and thought an english version would be useful to the community).

I did a ton of work and research to make those maps fit and compromise in the best way, there's inconsistencies between different sources which makes it complicated.
For example, the more recent version of the Brevoy map (from kingmaker), has a completely different scale, and since the previous version was from the inner sea maps, everything would fit perfectly including the scale. So I had to compromise and take the older scale (but very slightly increased). The newer version also slightly warps stuff like mountains, rivers and coasts, so it was tricky to make it all fit.

I'm happy with the result, I wanted a consistent source that included all the different areas reconciled into one map, and I think i've succeeded.

The one thing that i'm missing are the various small locations of the stolen lands that some people might want. I keep finding maps with names on them, but I have a hard time knowing what those places are or if they're even real places (I remember seeing "Elkwood" somewhere, but can't find a proper source, for example). So far i've put littletown and varnhold on the map, but I know there's a lot more stuff I could put there.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Haven't tried adding hexes no, although it'd surprise me if it works well, I tried to make it fit to the inner sea maps more than anything and I had had to warp a lot of the stolen lands to make it fit.

This isn't specifically focused on the stolen lands and kingmaker, It's for a homebrew brevoy campaign. Although if you think it should, feel free to flag it/move it there!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

That's actually the very reason I started making this map, I got frustrated with the lack of maps/information about that area, especially since the stolen lands (more specifically the dunsward) go really close to it but it's never mentionned clearly what's there.

After that, I figured I could make it bigger to include more things, since the first goal was to use it for a custom Brevoy campaign i'm preparing. It got kinda big though, so much I had to split the photoshop project into multiple files :P

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello there!

I've been working on this project for a while, it's the first time i've tried making an actual big scale map like this (I only worked on small hand-drawn maps before), and any feedback is welcome !

Imgur Album

I especially would like any errors pointed out if possible (typos, wrong names, missing locations, misplaces locations, etc..)

Tell me what you think !