Grey Maiden

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Terrific! But why so short?


I really enjoyed the heck this audio production. Well acted, great music and sound effects, and just well done all together. But I can't figure why it was so short. Was it the cost of production? I mean the running time was about an hour, and like 10-15 minutes of that was just music. It felt like a credits sequence, but without the credits...

Anyway, I really wish it had a little more time to develop the characters and the story, which with the material it's based on could have easily had 4 hours worth of stuff. I mean, obviously I get cutting out the dungeon crawling parts as that would have been boring, but there was a lot interesting side characters that were omitted from the story that I think would have made it a much richer experience.

That's my 2 cents, anyway. Hopefully Paizo and Big Finish will consider that for future Pathfinder Legends works.

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Fantastic supplement for beginners, but...


I really like the setup of this book. It has some really good tips for new players and how to build a character around the way they want to play. It's also very visual with lots of colors and illustrations which makes it easier for someone new to the game to follow along.

The one complaint I have with this book is that it doesn't include the advanced players guide classes. I get it not including advanced class guide classes, but APG has been out for some time and I think they should have had some love in here too.

Good intro scenario for new players, but not overly challenging


This is a good way to introduce players new to PFSOP, especially with meeting faction leaders, there is also some pretty good rp opportunites here, but my group found the combat encounters and puzzles extraordinarily unimpressive. On the other hand, it's a free scenario, and it's a good way to break in inexperienced players, but players who have experience playing rpg's are likely to be underwhelmed by this one.