Nana Cad's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Lucy_Valentine.

A wizard can learn spells from a spellbook, scroll, or other arcane writing. No problem.
So if a wizard wants to copy a level one spell, they can do it really easily by buying a scroll. Yay.

But you can't buy a scroll of a cantrip. So how do you add more cantrips to your spellbook? Sure, if you meet another wizard, you could copy theirs. But is there any other way?

In PF1 you could get scrolls of cantrips. You could also buy access to spellbooks by spending half the copying cost. Is there any equivalent in 2e, or specifically in PFS now?

Have I understood this correctly? I am rather puzzled.
If I create an elven ranger character, they are trained in martial weapons. The elven curve blade is a martial weapon so they can use it no problem. But it is uncommon, so they cannot buy it. If I want to buy an ECB for this character, I'd need a chronicle sheet or to unlock it with a heritage feat. The heritage feat in question would give them trained proficiency with an ECB and some other martial weapons... which they already have.
So in order for an elf ranger, from Kyonin, to purchase an elven curve blade that they can already use, they have to take a heritage feat that does nothing else.
Is that really correct?

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I've been thinking about low-level mobility recently, and particularly about moving more than 20'. I think I have a pretty good grasp on the various options to increase base speed, but I'm not sure I've got all the options for moving at full speed in medium armour. So please internet hive mind, help me out. So far I have:
* Mithral armour. Obviously good, but not terribly practical at very low levels,
* three levels of Fighter (any archetype that keeps armour training),
* three levels of Yojimbo Samurai,
* one level of Emissary cavalier.

So... what else is there?

I'm running my own material in 1e, and my PCs are probably going to a Spooky Crypt to deal with a ghost problem. Fine and dandy, but as I was prepping the first encounter outside the crypt I noticed the Haunted template for constructs (the crypt is guarded by constructs), which got me thinking. Since the ghost problem is supposed to be causing some localised metaphysical havoc, we could reasonably expect Haunts, Haunted Constructs, and random undead. Haunts fit the scenario conceptually.

My problem is, how do I make them fun? If the haunt manifests and zaps the PCs, that's not really fun. It's just a "gotcha" type trap. If it throws up an obstacle, they can just back off and wait for it to go away. So I think I need the haunt to manifest and throw up some sort of tactical obstacle into an already extant combat, like for example some mobs and then a manifestation of Haunting Mists or similar. Has anyone done this, was it fun, and am I at least on the right track? Or is there a better way?

I was thinking about Jurassic Park and why it's named that, and came to the conclusion it's all about the shape of the words. But this led me onto a truly wonderful name: Cretacia Spark. To me, this sounds like some sort of terribly upper class British woman from a pulp novel.

Naturally, she needs a T-Rex animal companion. Also possibly a whip proficiency, though that's optional. Note that I don't want her to ride the T-Rex.

The problem is, most of the classes that get an animal companion don't seem to fit very well with "posh British". Druid and Hunter are a bit too much "guardian of nature" and a bit too little "irritating imperialist". Cleric's a bit religious, Oracle is it's own thing. Inquisitor has the educated skillset, but is still too committed to a deity, Beast Rider Cavalier rides the creature (and only gets it at L7 anyway), and Wild Child Brawler is nicely uncommitted, but lacks anything to make it appropriately posh. I could work with Inquisitor or Brawler, but neither is ideal.

So I went to look at Investigator, hoping for an animal companion archetype. What I found instead was a familiar archetype. So then I thought, "What about a Mauler Compsognathus? That's pretty close to being a young t-rex." Sadly a t-rex companion would get bigger at L7, while the familiar would get upgraded to an improved familiar, thereby totally altering the concept.

So, does anyone have any other ideas?

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I had the thought today that a magically capable and artistically-minded character could use illusions to make some glorious temporary art. And then I thought there might not be a mechanic for measuring the artistic merit of illusions - most taught artistic skills being substantially related to the mechanical craft of the medium concerned. EG as an amateur painter, I haven't been taught to imagine stuff, I've merely been taught a bit about how to make the paint look like my imagination. So I imagine illusion magic as almost the ideal tool for turning imagination into picture. And yet, it still seems like there should be people who are relatively good at making visually attractive illusions, as opposed to merely functional ones.

So... what skill do I need? Or is it a feat? It seems like craft (illusionary artwork), perform (illusion play), or profession (illusion artist) could all work, but am I missing something?

(I might be overthinking this.)

Can an Eldritch Knight (who does not have fighter levels) take a fighter-only trait (through the additional traits feat), thanks to their diverse training class feature?

Diverse Training:
An eldritch knight adds his level to any levels of fighter he might have for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats (if he has no fighter levels, treat his eldritch knight levels as levels of fighter).

Obviously they can take fighter-only feats, but are traits different?

Edited to add the second question, which I forgot because it seemed so obviously a yes the second time I looked at it:

Does mithral medium armour count as medium for the purposes of the "Defender of the society" trait?