Thrall of Pazuzu

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Since I think making spreadsheets is fun, I made one for the Pathfinder 2 beta character sheet. It's roughly based on the official paizo one, and should be usable either filled out & printed or directly from Sheets. ihmG8EVU/edit?usp=sharing

* Much of the sheet is meant to be edited away from its autopopulated values. If you want to use it more than once, make a new copy.

* Generally, things that are required have a red background, things which autocalculate have a grey background, and things which autocalculate but should generally be edited during character advancement have a green background.

* During character creation and advancement, except for Ancestry, stat bumps must be entered manually on the Stats tab.

* Skills must be chosen, though it tells you how many skill bumps you get based on class, Int, and level. Signature skills are automatically given based on class, however, additional ones from bloodlines or domains or other abilities should be added manually.

* AC, saves, spell DCs autocalculate. Spells per day autocalculate based on class, although extras from bloodlines and specializations need to be added manually for it to give you the proper numbers. Spells known do not, because that's relatively easy and I wanted to keep the layout close to the official charsheet. That tab could probably be used with care and editing for spellcasting gained via feats, but there's no particular consideration for it.

* The feat sheet lists what sort of feat you get at what level, and additionally provides a summary of class abilities and stat bumps. (It's meant more for planning than printing or use during play.)

* The wealth tab is pretty basic and based on my PF1 sheet. It's got a set of hidden columns with the PF2 armor table on it, and will autofill the stats for the armor if you type it in exactly correctly. You can unhide the columns but of course need to hide them again if you print it out.

prd wrote:


Source move earth
This spell can move earth much more quickly, with each full round of casting allowing you to reshape a 25-foot-square area up to 10 feet deep. All creatures on or under the ground within that area are knocked prone and moved to the closest square outside the area being shaped. A successful Reflex save prevents a creature from being knocked prone, but it's still moved.

Does this mean a 25 square foot area, ie, one 5' square? Or does it mean 25 feet on each side, ie, a 5x5 square?

I have a (non white-haired) witch who plans to grapple people with her hair. She'll have feral combat training for her hair, to allow Hex Strike -- would she be able to use hex strike while grappling with her hair?

Can a character who can physically speak but has no known languages still cast spells with verbal components?

"Feral orcs without additional languages due to high Intelligence scores or ranks in Linguistics can only communicate with grunts and gestures." That seems too fun to resist, but I might have to if my scarred witch doctor otherwise has to memorize most of her spells Silent Spell'd.

My sorceress has been killed/mauled by black dragons several times, and having just gotten access to Contingency, cast a Mirror Image contingent on being within 100' of a black dragon.

Contingency states that the triggered spell occurs whether I want it to or not, so I assumed my knowledge was irrelevant. My DM is unsure. What do you all think?

Contingency excerpt wrote:
The conditions needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear, although they can be general. In all cases, the contingency immediately brings into effect the companion spell, the latter being “cast” instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances occur. If complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the whole spell combination (contingency and the companion magic) may fail when triggered. The companion spell occurs based solely on the stated conditions, regardless of whether you want it to.

My animal companion already has an Amulet of Mighty Fists +3. I'd like to give his hooves a different enchantment.

If I give him Horseshoes of Crushing Blows +1 Cruel, would they function, and if so, would his hoof attacks be +1 Cruel or +3 Cruel?

Or would the enchantment on the horseshoes need to equal or exceed that of the amulet before they became active? If so, that wouldn't deactivate the amulet for the other natural attacks, would it?

background & explanation:
My sorceress recently spent I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it amounts of gold and time to build a Normal Rod of Metamagic, Widen, just before a closer reading of the rules informed me that it wouldn't work with Cold Ice Strike (her shiny new spell), or in fact most of her other plans (she's become the main blaster after the departure of the alchemist from the party). The only spells I have that work with the feat would've fit on a lesser rod... so I was all set to come here and ask for suggestions when I decided to do it myself.

Incidentally and so we don't have to repeat it, the reason why Widen Spell doesn't work with lines and cones is because it doesn't extend their maximum possible range; there has been comment that Enlarge Spell should be used in addition to or instead, but they're not valid targets of that because their range isn't Close, Medium, or Long. Several years ago, it was said that this is a problem with line and cone spells, and would be looked at, but the only change so far is partial editing of the feat to remove reference to lines, so in the meantime...


Here's a list of all (thanks to Paizo Spells Database. Copyright 2011 Mike Chopswil, spells on the PRD which are valid targets of and benefit from Widen Spell:

Alter Winds
Alarm -- doubling the radius to 40' would allow some warning, depending on attackers and terrain; oddly enough this might be very useful depending on the campaign

Arrow Eruption
Whispering Wind (enlarges the area that receives the message, not the distance the message can be delivered at)
Glitterdust -- a 40' radius would allow you to catch an invisible foe who has only 30' movement, but by the time you're fighting greatly invisible guys they're usually flying, IME
Frost Fall -- even a 10' radius is meh, even with Rime Spell to entangle

Magic Circle against Evil
Magic Circle against Chaos
Magic Circle against Good
Magic Circle against Law
Shifting Sand
Deep Slumber
Invisibility Sphere
Distracting Cacophony

Dragon's Breath (maybe; a widened cone shape would fit within the 60' range meant for the line)
Black Tentacles (annoy your party even more!)
Obsidian Flow
*Intensified Fireball

False Vision
Wreath of Blades
*Empowered Fireball
*Intensified Dragon's Breath

Dispel Magic, Greater
Undeath to Death
Circle Of Death
Tar Pool

Lunar Veil
Delayed Blast Fireball

Dimensional Lock
Incendiary Cloud

Mage's Disjunction
Meteor Swarm

Non-Wizard Spells

Sacred Space
Sound Burst
Zone of Truth
Calm Emotions
Discovery Torch
Chaos Hammer
Holy Smite
Unholy Blight
Order's Wrath
Aura of Doom
Discordant Blast
Pied Piping
Detect Aberration
Arcane Concordance
Aura of Greater Courage
Ward the Faithful
Blaze of Glory
Frozen Note
Transmute Metal to Wood
Detect Animals or Plants
Faerie Fire
Song of Discord
Zone of Silence
Diminish Plants
Blistering Invective
Judgment Light
Burst of Nettles
Haunting Choir
Blood Mist

My shadowdancer has bought a shadowform belt (allowing her to become incorporeal). I have some questions about how she can then attack material foes.

I had assumed I'd need a ghost touch weapon, but I am not sure whether that would even work (unless I dropped it and picked it up). It says: "Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as both corporeal or incorporeal," but I am not sure if it would still count as corporeal since it would go incorporeal with the rest of my equipment.

There is language in the ghost touch property for armor that allows incorporeal creatures wearing it to pass through solid objects, but no such language for the weapon property. Does that mean that if I'm carrying a ghost touch weapon, I can't follow my shadow into the walls? Does it matter whether I was carrying the weapon when I became incorporeal, or can ghost touch stuff NEVER have the incorporeal condition?

However, I'm not sure if this is even necessary. There's nothing under the incorporeal condition that limits what damage they can do, only what damage they take from corporeal attacks. Does this mean that I don't have to worry about it at all? Would I be like a a witchfire, whose spells work perfectly fine on corporeal targets, or a spectre, who looks like it has a sword but just does incorporeal touch attacks? If so, would it be my regular weapon damage? Would it be halved if I didn't have magic attacks? Would I be attacking incorporeal touch AC, or standard AC?

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Does a creature who successfully saves against Loathsome Veil have to make saves while it continues to view the spell, or is it safe for the rest of the duration?

Monstrous Physique II allows you to take the form of Large Monstrous Humanoids, some of which have the Undersized Weapons property, which states: "the creature uses manufactured weapons as if it were one size category smaller than the creature's actual size."

However, the Polymorph rules state: "If your new form does not cause your equipment to meld into your form, the equipment resizes to match your new size."

Does this mean that if I were wielding a medium longsword and turned into a centaur, that the longsword would become sized for large creatures, and therefore I'd have to use it as a 2 handed weapon with -2 penalty for it being inappropriately sized? And that if I'd started with a greatsword, I couldn't use it at all?

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Well, actually, it's a magic Varisian wagon for my sorceress to live and travel in.

So, my plan is that my animal companion (Sylvan bloodline) will pull the wagon.

But I've also been researching alternate methods of wagon propulsion. Unfortunately, the only example vehicle with magical propulsion is a Colossal airship with two decks, described as "exotic and expensive." So it's a little difficult to extrapolate based on that, however, if you divide its price by its size, and multiply by the wagon's size, you get something around 8334gp. If, instead, you subtract the cost of a sailing ship (which the airship states it resembles) from the cost of an airship, you get the balloon, chains, and magical propulsion system adding 40,000 gold to the price. Even if you assumed that half of that was the expense of an airtight balloon, I guess it would explain why there are very few magic carriages.

There are no suggestions in the rules, either way, and my DM's not really comfortable with adjudicating house rules yet.

So, here's some other options:

-Enchant it either with a continuous Mount or Phantom Steed. Mount isn't really durable enough for combat, meaning it wouldn't be suitable for overruns; it would die immediately and often, even just by a single attack, and then everyone in the wagon would die, go flying, or both because of the incredible deadliness of the "sudden stop" rules. It is by far the cheapest route both in gold and resources (1000 gold to enchant with Craft Wondrous Items). Phantom Steed is barely more durable and three to eighteen times more expensive.

-The second is to enchant it as an intelligent magic item. The problem here is that there are only two movement modes available; one is "Item can sprout limbs and move with a speed of 10 feet" and the other is "Item can fly, as per the spell, at a speed of 30 feet." I'm trying to be a gypsy fortuneteller type, not Baba Yaga, so the sprouting limbs seems... wrong. The "basic" intelligent flying wagon that could talk would cost 11,000 gp, which seems quite reasonable and fun. (I'd possibly spend a bit more in order to give it 120' senses and darkvision, plus skill ranks in Fly.) The hitch is that Fly limits the target to carrying its "maximum load, plus any armor it wears," and items don't have strength scores. On the other hand, wagons specifically DO have a carrying capacity: "These wagons can carry up to 4,000 pounds of cargo."

Still, I'm afraid this might be a case of words not meaning what they mean outside the game. Although an intelligent wagon that's always flying off without me would be hilarious, I'm not sure I'd really want to spend 5000 gold giving it the ability to cause me hassles.

-The next is that I could dump all my feats into crafting. Along with the planned Wondrous Items and probably Craft Rods, I could take Arms and Armor and... Craft Construct! This is the most expensive both in gold and in opportunity cost. It would cost 12,500gp for the basic Huge Animated Object, of which Wagon is listed as the example. It would be able to trample all on its own, though for much less damage than if it were being driven. It would probably also fly (though badly) and swim, because the only way of using its creation points to make it more durable are to make it out of metal or stone. (There are options for grab, but none for swallow whole, which would have been funny.) It would be mindless and lot less fun to talk to, too, and couldn't really watch out for us the way an intelligent wagon could, having no perception.

I'd also be able to make other constructs. I'm playing a fortune-teller in Kingmaker, and so I could have a bunch of those coin-operated robots in boxes that hand out cards with your fortune, and they'd all look like me. Unfortunately, the "Inhabit Image" spell has only a 50'/level range, but it still seems amusing. Other possibilities are making little metal vipers -- they usually deliver poison, but it specifically says that they can also deliver potions with a bite. Either way, I could make a few for the alchemist in my party, and that might be really fun.

On the other hand, I'd then be a sorceress who had no feats to help her actual spellcasting. (Not that I'll be needed to kill stuff when there's an alchemist around, but...)

One last thing is that while the spell "Animated Objects" requires a nonmagical object to begin with, there's no such stipulation in Craft Construct. If I actually take all the feats, I don't see any rule against animating my intelligent wagon, although of course this would be really expensive. I wouldn't be able to modify its initial enchantments once it become a creature, either, so I'd have to be sure that it was the way I (and it) wanted it to be, first.

Am I missing anything?

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If I am a wizard 1/bard 6, can I take Improved Familiar? I have all the prerequisites (ability to acquire a familiar, arcane caster level high enough), but not from the same source.

I have come up with way too many options and possibilities for my upcoming sorcerer in a Kingmaker game. Does anyone have insights?

My original plan was a crossblooded elemental/X sorcerer who used her bloodline to make all her blasts cold, and then Rime Spell and Sickening to make them entangled and sick for spell level rounds. The X would be either draconic (for extra damage), or starsoul (free dazzle along with the Entangle and Sickening) or arcane (because I love familiars).

Then I noticed that Waves Oracle gets Freezing Spells, where her cold spells slow victims for 1 round if they fail the save, and I thought that was worth a level dip. (Plus I'd be able to use divine wands.) I looked around for archetypes, and noticed that Stargazer archetype has some nice class skills and takes Guiding Star (normally a Heavens revelation), which seemed ideal for a wisdom-challenged fortune-telling travelling Varisian settling a new country, and well worth the Extra Revelation feat, and I liked the parallel of Elemental-Water/Starsoul bloodline and Waves/Stargazer archetype.

But then, here's the hitch: "You've got to be dual-cursed," says boyfriend, "Misfortune is awesome!" It isn't quite as awesome as it could be -- my DM has ruled that since it's called "Misfortune" I can't use it on my allies, even though all it does is force a reroll. (It is different from the witches' hex.) But it's still pretty awesome, especially since I'm a flimsy caster with crappy AC, who could die from one crit. (DM does consider 20s to be valid targets for a reroll, even if it's obvious they hit.)

However, the Dual-Cursed archetype replaces mystery skills with nothing, and they both replace a few bonus spells, so they can't be taken together.

On the other hand, I could take the Heavens mystery instead of Waves, and get Misfortune, Guiding Star, AND Awesome Display, which means I'd be a Color Spraying genius.

So as it stands, I can have two of the three:

Misfortune (Ex): At 1st level, as an immediate action, you can force a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. Once a creature has suffered from your misfortune, it cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.
This would come with an extra curse that would never improve, but there are several I think will be fun for this character, either way. Worse, I miss out on class skills, including Perception or Swim. (I'm paranoid about drowning since we're going to the River Kingdoms, I'll have no strength, and a movement of 20'.)

Guiding Star:
Guiding Star (Su): Whenever you can see the open sky at night, you can determine your precise location. When the night sky is visible to you, you may also add your Charisma modifier to your Wisdom modifier on all Wisdom-based checks. In addition, once per night while outdoors, you can cast one spell as if it were modified by the Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still spell feat without increasing the spell's casting time or level.
This is the least combat-focused of the three, barring the free Empower Spell. But it makes me plausible as a gypsy fortune-teller because of the Charisma to Wisdom checks (which would also help during night watches), and knowing where I am while exploring and surveying new territory seems nice.

Freezing Spells:
Freezing Spells (Su): Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes cold damage from one of your spells, it is slowed (as the slow spell) for 1 round. Spells that do not allow a save do not slow creatures. At 11th level, the duration increases to 1d4 rounds.
If this were rounds per level like the rest of the debuffs it'd be a shoe-in, but the differing durations might get complex, and they do have to fail the save.


As for sorcerer bloodlines, again I'm feeling indecisive. Since I'll be taking Craft Wondrous Items instead of Craft Wands, I could give up a familiar, I suppose... I could take Starsoul; Dazzle isn't that exciting an effect, it's just an extra -1 to hit over the Entangle and Sicken, but it does last as long as the other effects and it would be totally free. Plus some of the other abilities are cool, and I like the spells well enough. I'm really not feeling draconic -- it's kind of out of nowhere, and although it would be extra damage, we will have an archer and a bard who plans on using some blasts too, so it's not like we'll lack for ranged damage potential.

But the last consideration is that we'll (probably) be travelling around in a wagon, and animals never really last long in the wild, it seems. So I can either know Mount/Phantom Steed, or take the Sylvan bloodline to get an animal companion. The horse would also provide some melee support, which it seems we might need (4 person party: me, archer ranger, pacifist cleric with 7 Str, and the bard). The bard will take mounted combat feats, so the horse should be fairly survivable when he's not being used for vehicular overruns. Sylvan replaces Laughing Touch, but the Fey bloodline is still pretty cool, with some fun spells.

This is way too long anyway, but I do have a backstory, written for the original iteration of the character:

Anastasia Yefimivna, currently known as Madame Violetta, was born in a caravan in Varisia and raised by her mother, Romana, and her uncle Sandro; sometimes her family traveled by wagon, often they traveled by river boat, but home was wherever she found herself, from Riddleport to Galt. They tinkered and harvested when they could find work, but they also gambled, traded, entertained, and sometimes outright stole. As a child, she learned to tell fortunes and faith heal, but also to distract guards and shop owners, and to swim underwater to cut the moorings of boats and barges. She was always a bit strange, and learned to speak Common late, after spending years mumbling to herself in another language. Although her fortune-telling was the same cold-read trickery as most of her family's, she learned astrology before she learned to write, and when on land, she'd ride up with the driver and watch the stars, and the caravan never took a wrong turn or got lost. Her healing "treatments," as her family called
them, were strangely effective, at least in the short term -- which is all that mattered, anyway.

As she grew up, her mother would occasionally mention that her father was a nobleman, but she rarely paid much attention, and assumed that such claims were the same as other tales, myths, and cons she'd hear around the fire. But, as a teenager, when trading through Chesed and Port Ice, she noticed a Surtovan nobleman whose insignia looked suspiciously like a necklace worn by her mother. On asking her mother, she discovered that yes, according to her mother -- her father IS Surtovan, and fairly highly placed. She decided to try to meet him whether he was really her father or not, and perhaps broker a trade deal between her travelling family and the Surtovans; this went very, very badly. At first, the Surtovan nobility laughed at her, but when she met the man her mother had called her father, the resemblance was, although not uncanny, certainly possible. Upset at the possible scandal or hold the gypsies might have over them, they used magic and trickery to age her, turning her overnight from a teenaged girl to an old woman.

Or, so she claims.

She's happy enough to visit the river kingdoms; she's been through there before and she remembers the general lawless air to be amenable. She is, however, also happy to do what she can to assist Rostland against Issia, at least temporarily, because of her hostility towards the Surtovans of Issia. If it would annoy them to have her sitting on the (travelling) throne of a new and more powerful kingdom, that is even better.

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I'm unclear on how this spell works.

My first reading was that it was a spell you cast with an already existing attack, that added some damage and a knockback effect, but I was unclear on the "as you strike" wording. I came here to find out when you had to make the decision to cast -- before or after you knew you hit or if you'd gotten a critical hit, and if so, did the force damage benefit from the critical.

A poster on a Battle cleric thread seems to agree with my original interpretation. (And expects that I'd cast it "after I hit.")

But some of the advice I found on Walter's Magus Guide thread seem to treat it as a standard touch-attack spell with a kind of built in Quicken and Spellstrike.

Does anyone have any insights?

A while back, there was some discussion about the cat agathion familiar's lay on hands ability DC scaling with level, since the agathion ability scales with hit die, and "for the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master's character level or the familiar's normal HD total, whichever is higher." That was resolved in a kind of in-between compromise way.

My question is about the poison for other familiars; poison DC is usually 10+1/2 racial hit dice+Con modifier. Would this scale? In the other threads I've found, there's an implication that it does, but I'm looking for something more official, or barring that, a consensus here.

(My scorpion just realised that the guys the monk's grappling make excellent victims... but nobody's going to fail a DC 10 fort save.)

Transformation says:

You lose your spellcasting ability, including your ability to use spell activation or spell completion magic items, just as if the spells were no longer on your class list.

Am I correct in assuming that I'd still be able to activate spell-storing (not spell-trigger) items in the same way that, say, a barbarian could, as if it's not on my class list?

Secondly, what about Use Magic Device? Could I UMD a CLW wand? Does that line mean "you can't do this because they're not on your spells list" or does it mean "you can't do this AND they're not on your spells list"?

Lastly, pretty sure I'd lose Arcane Strike for the duration, since it has the prerequisite "ability to cast arcane spells." Correct?

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Permanency states that "[you] first cast the desired spell and then follow it with the permanency spell." I interpreted this to mean that the caster of Permanency must be the caster of the spell to be made permanent. ("You.")

However, Permanency is sorc/wizard only, and some of the spells it specifically lists aren't available to sorc/wizards. Does this mean they qualify for Permanency only to multi-class casters, or can another caster provide the original spell, or can it be cast from scroll with UMD?

I allowed myself to be talked into it because the trapfinder wasn't often around. Oh, why did I do it? Please help me be less useless.

(caster level 4)

Str 12, Dex 20, Int 16.

1st: Two Weapon Fighting
3rd: Improved Unarmed Strike (for simultaneous TWF and spells)
5th: Arcane Strike
7th: ??

Also, Finesse Rogue and Scribe Scroll from class features, and Skill Focus (Disable Device) from being half-elf.

Mostly, I cast mage armor and shocking grasp (touch spell I can get sneak attack on), also memorizing Scorching Ray and Blindness (in case I can't get flank).

I'm looking, particularly, for a 7th level feat, although suggestions for spells or equipment would be welcome as well.

I carry a longspear for a reach weapon, but my DM has ruled that I can only threaten with whatever I've used last (either longspear OR unarmed strike/touch spell) so Combat Reflexes is less than compelling. We don't have access to Complete Arcane, so no Practiced Spellcaster for me, and no PF Traits, so my CL is pretty much stuck. There's no more Improved Natural Weapon for monks, so probably not for Unarmed Attack, so that's out. I'm tempted a little by Improved Init (as I usually am), but my init is already +5 and I never go before the monsters and I don't know that the extra +4 would help much. If it did, I'd get more sneak attack with Scorching Ray. Improved Familiar isn't very helpful at this level (I currently have a hawk to help me find traps).

Fleet? Skill Focus Acrobatics? I actually have three feats to take before I can take Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (base attack like a wizard), so... Dodge+Mobility? Bleh.