Nahal Sakashi
Female Human (Tian-Min) Rogue 1
Neutral Medium Humanoid (human), 5' 106lbs
Initiative +4
Senses Perception +4, Trapfinding +5
Languages Common, Minkaian, Tien, Varisian
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12, check penalty -0 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Shortsword +4 hit, 1d6 S dmg, 19/x2 crit
Melee Shortsword +2/+2 hits, 1d6 S dmg, 19/x2 crit
Melee Dagger +4 hit, 1d4 S/P dmg, 19/x2 crit
Melee Dagger +2/+2 hits, 1d4 S/P dmg, 19/x2 crit
Ranged Dagger +4 hit, 1d4 P dmg, 19/x2 crit, 10ft
Special Attacks Sneak Attack, +1 to hit on attacks of opportunity
Str 10 (33lbs), Dex 19, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting
Traits Charming (+1 on bluff and diplomacy against sexually
attracted targets), Fencer (+1 to hit on attacks of opportunity), Bonus Rogue Talent 1/6
Acrobatics +8
Diplomacy +5 (+1 if Charming applies)
Disable device +8
Escape artist +8
Knowledge (local) +5
Perception +4
Profession (smith) +4
Sense motive +4
Sleight of Hand +8
Stealth +8
Equipped 30lbs (light load)
Explorer's Outfit 0gp 8lbs
Leather Armor (+2 AC, +6 maxdex, -0 penalty) 10gp 15lbs
2x Shortsword (Dmg 1d6+1 S, 19/x2) 20gp 4lbs
2x Dagger (1d4+3 P/S, 19/x2, 10ft) 12gp 2lbs
Belt pouch 1gp 1lb
..Chalk (10) kit kit
..Coins 42.98gp
Backpack 38lbs
Rogue's kit 50gp 37lbs
..4x Dagger 8gp 2lbs
..Flint & Steel
..Grappling hook
..Iron pot
..Mess kit
..Piton (10)
..Thieves’ tools
..Torch (10)
..Rations (Trail, 5 days)
..Rope (Hemp, 50ft)
..Whetstone 0.02gp 1lb