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![]() Yep and that is Ezren. Our DM discourage me to take him and instead I took Valeros. I am not sure it was a good choice. Specially during the last encounter when my fighter become dominated and try to kill the other players and our paladin was suggested to go to find the guard... A rogue, a sorcerer and a cleric against the succub and the fighter... oh and of course the iconic was the cleric, the paladin and the fighter, so the rogue has no cold iron dagger. ![]()
![]() Personnaly, I think what could be the best it is a campaign who start as a beginner box but at the end you finish to have explore the principal upgrade and go easily to the core rule book. Like with the first adventure BB, they discover new rules, new characteristic, with each encounter. And when they arrived at the level number 5, the GM and the players do not feel so afraid of the core rule book. ![]()
![]() Aazen wrote: There is a trait. I want to say its called Pathfinder Recruit: you choose Survival, Perception or Knowledge: Area. You get a plus one and its a class skill. Hello, can you told me in which book do we find this trait, my MD proposed me this one and I would like to use it for the personnage I want to use for my first character for a pathfinder society.
About HeiwaHeiwa
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 --------------------
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 --------------------
Ranged shuriken +4/+4 (1d2+1) Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), stunning fist (1/day, DC 12) --------------------
BAB +1; CMB +2; CMD 18 Feats Dodge, Fast Learner[ARG], Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse Traits blood of dragons, family honor [Father framed, died of disgrace] Skills
Languages Common, Draconic, Tien, Varisian Gear
The Chau family has lived in Varisia for a long time – 5 generations and counting. In that time, the Chaus have been porters, farmers, merchants, soldiers, scholars, writers, and (in Hei-wa’s case) a barkeep (Prof: Barkeep) and martial arts teacher. Over the decades, the Chaus have shed many of the Tian Xia traditions… but they retained a strong belief in both personal and family honor.
So, it was a particularly devastating blow to the Chau family when Hei-wa’s father Chau Min was arrested for murder. Even though he was later exonerated of the crime architected by Lamm, the stain to Min’s honor and reputation plagued him. He died a year later - well before his allotted time. Hei-wa believes his father died from this disgrace and places the blame squarely on the shoulders of Gaedren Lamm. And so – for his honor, his family’s honor, and in his father’s memory – Hei-wa pledged to deliver utter ruin on Lamm. Unfortunately, in the last nine months, Lamm has proved to be an unbelievably slippery and cunning target. Hei-wa has determined that he may need adopt Lamm’s own tactics to defeat him (multiclass in uRogue) because his current skills have proven insufficient for the task. Appearance & Personality:
Hei-wa is a sharp-featured and slender Tian-dan with black hair highlighted with streaks of blue that match the color of his eyes.
He is reserved, almost shy, but when he chooses to speak his tongue can be as sharp and unappealing (CHA:8) as his features. |