NWolff's page

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Well this book came out of nowhere! I had no idea DSP was doing anything like this, and I stay pretty up to date on their products. Nice surprise though! :)

I haven't gone through all the replies of this thread so I don't know if someone else already addressed this but I have a concern with the elemental ranged touch attack abilities.

I am curious why, when they are already ranged touch attacks, do they require a reflex save for half damage and to negate the effect. I can understand negating the debuff effect but it should probably be a fortitude save for that. And typically if something is an attack roll it does not require a save.

Someone probably already mentioned this but if not I figured it should be brought to your attention :).


EDIT: Okay looking up just a few posts above me Nipin addressed the blast exploits as well. I would like to clarify that I think the staggered/sickened conditions should be fortitude saves and the dazzled condition should be a reflex save.