Jeggare Noble

NPC Raphael Montefiore's page

7 posts. Alias of Goldstool Shroomshine.


While Raphael acts apprehensive around Reyes, on the boy’s declaration he can dispel the magic, he breathes a sigh of relief. He gives two taps to the pressed-glass he earlier laid out. “How fortunate.

Reyes briefly closes his eyes, breathes in, and calms himself. Raphael continues: “Does your magic comes from the divine or-

Raphael seems almost irked by Guillaume's informal tone when addressing him. Only a slight tonal shift betrays him, the lawyer remaining still as to not provoke the vine. “Well, docteur,” he stresses the honorific, “nothing for the patient, no. As for you, I have minor magics, and," he reaches into his jacket pocket, removing a four leaf clover pressed in glass, “luck, should you require it.

He places the pressed clover onto the makeshift operating table beside Luc.

At the surgery, Raphael shakes his head, unsure. “I’d like to not believe one of the wisest men of our nation willingly implanted such a creature within himself.

Guillaumine is cautious as she searches the body for the magical object. Even as she avoids the branches of the vine, the plant writhes ever so slightly, evidently aware of her tampering. Avoiding the plant, the doctor doesn’t much evidence of additional foreign objects. Raphael guides her, speaking out the location of the aura he sees. “Closer to his core, a few inches down. Under that tangle there.

Nestled within the plant’s sprawling roots, Guillaumine finds something that somewhat resembles the vial of explosives she has created in her alchemical studies: Two cylindrical vials connect via thin glass tubing.

In the first vial, a yellow liquid, perhaps with only a third of the volume remaining. Slow, measured, bubbles rise, the liquids seems to slowly trickle through the glass piping at the bottom, into the second vial.

In the second vial, a various powders and shavings are partially mixed in yellow fluids. Strangely, the remaining chemicals don’t appear to be the same reagents that appear in standard alchemical bombs.

Verrill hovers over the open wound, mouth agape in amazement. If it wasn't within the doctor's patient, you'd expect that he would want to tinker with the device.

Patient Condition:
Patient Status: Unconscious (Fighting Off Death, Stable). Taken 1 lethal during surgery.

Active Ailments: Malnourished (Unhealable Non-lethal damage, fatigue), Ability Score Damage.

Active Medication: Troll Oil (Automatically Stabilizes, 50% chance to end a bleed effect each round), Various pain reliefs.

Luc Gardinier Surgery Map

Raphael gives his opinion, agreeing with the dwarf and ratfolk’s identification of the vine. “The species isn’t local. Murgleis may have the rare specimen, but much more common in Tizona. Transporting an assassin vine would be quite the dangerous affair.

Raphael pauses, turning to the doctor. “Docteur Sanz, while an interesting development, the plant is not the source of the magic I saw earlier.

Verrill nods, assembling the medicine into neat, organized lines. After, he turns his attention to his own alchemical ingredients, beginning to prepare potions in small, rectangular vials.

Raphael takes the tools, giving them a quick test. Guillaumine recognizes that he seems to have some familiarity with the equipment. Raphael offers a smile, “Special Forces taught us field surgery in case our work brought us to a Tizonian magical-dead zone. Forgive me if I am out of practice, I’ve come to rely on Abadar's blessings.

The lawyer smiles nervously as the doctor prepares to make the opening incision. “The brightest minds in medicine - a lawyer, a holy man, a plague researcher, and a clinic doctor - operating on one of the most powerful men of this country. Gods save us.

Druids like the spymaster shouldn’t be unable to cast such spells. His appearance lead the guests to panic, the panic lead them to Pascal, that sorceress. Indeed, this was planned, hopefully Seth and the others will catch the man behind this.” The lawyer paused, looking over his backpack for any tools that may help. “Or the murderess, should they find a way to contain her.

Raphael is perplexed, leaning in to examine the elf’s abdomen for himself. With a quick utterance to cast a spell, the lawyer examines the spymaster deeper. After a dozen or two seconds, his brow rises. “It’s… faint, nearly not present, however...” He turns to the Gill, almost doubting what he is seeing. ”There’s magic in there.

Mood Music for Gill's Scene: