
NPC: Maligorn the Satyr's page

10 posts. Alias of Jacob Trier (RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).


"You should be able to carry your birds with you, if you hold on to them as you make the transition. As to the faengard and the ritual to restore it - the magic of the crook and the runes on the wardstones should guide you. The precise details of the ritual is lost to us. But the wardstones burn all Fellnight fey, so I would recommend that you place them back in the faengard to keep more of them from passing through. This is just a temporary solution, however. If the warding ritual is not restored, the Fellnight realm will eventually be pulled through and merge with our world."

We can try to procure the items you need from Bellis, the elves or the fey. We should be able to find something to help with the things you mention, but even with this dire situation, the owners are not going to part with them for free.

Feel free to level up and spend the loot you have found to buy items and consumables. Please post a summary of whatever changes you make and what you buy in the OOC.

"I have, Palombier, and what these heroes have told us confirms much and more. You said she was wielding an oak staff set with green gems? I believe this to be the crook of Cildhureen, a powerful artifact that is at once her greatest weapon and the key to her undoing.

You see, when Rhoswen started dabbling in shadow magic, using it to twist and pervert the creations of the First World, the other fey banded together to oppose her...and thus, they employed a bit of deception. Under the guise of "aiding" her efforts, they're the ones who gave her the crook of Cildhureen, knowing full well that such a staff would intrigue and please Rhoswen to no end.

At the same time, however, they secretly laid the wardstones to create the faengard and constructed the "anchor points" in the First World and the Second World, attuning the staff to them. Cosmologically-speaking, those anchor points on the two "planes" of existence allow you to draw a straight line across the multiverse towards the Plane of Shadow. The fey did this purposefully so that when Rhoswen used the crook of Cildhureen it would react with the wardstones and the anchor points to literally project her Fellnight Realm out of the First World...towards the Shadow Plane...and into its own demi-plane bound by the limits of the faengard to act as a prison and keep Rhoswen safely locked away.

But, the whole crux behind this elaborate deception is that the "key" to invoking the faengard has always been in Rhoswen's hands. As she used the staff to perform ever greater shadow magic, it doomed her to the outcome of shutting herself essence, she provided her own punishment for her misdeeds in a fey manner of speaking. This bit of irony and equilibrium is something the First World fey rather prided themselves on.

But, what that ultimately means is the fey court doesn't have the power to reinvoke the faengard unless someone turns the "key" to the "prison" again...and only after repairing the "lock"...meaning, somebody has to go into the Fellnight Realm, wrest the crook of Cildhureen from her, and then use its magic in a strong enough invocation to reignite the magic of the repaired faengard again and push the Fellnight Realm away from Golarion."

Maligorn listens intently, a worried expression on his brow. After you are done explaining what happened, he confers quickly with Aripha and Devarre, and then motions for all of you to gather round.

"Come, follow me - there is something we must do, and quickly!"

He leads you to his own tent, and retrieves several scrolls and exotic components. Grabbing a bowl, he begins to mix the components while Aripha begins to recite phrases in sylvan from the scrolls. The pair then anoint each of you with the mixture and chant one final spell in unison.

"There! We can talk freely now. We have cast a spell of nondetection on you. From what you told us, there can be no doubt that the queen has been spying on you for some time. She knew each of you by name, and the details of events from the past few days. This ritual should shield you from her for at least a week, and hopefully we will have sealed up her prison again before that time. Now, tell us everything that happened once again, and leave out no detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem."

By now, all of the conclave leaders, as well as Devarre and Palombier have gathered in the tent. They all listen intently to your retelling of nightmare visitation.

Maligorn steps forward again, and raises his arms.

"We are all in agreement, then. We will repel the minions of this dark queen, and use the wardstones to repair the faengard. Let us convene this conclave for now. On the morrow, we will call a war council to determine how best to use our forces. In the mean time, I will consult the ancient legends in order to determine more of how the faengard can be restored, and the Fellnight Realm sealed away once more.

From all the gathered groups, murmurs of agreement break out. Before long, the first participants start to slip away into the night, to prepare for the coming conflict, or take part in some light-hearted revel or mischief.

Maligorn turns to you and says "Thank you for your part in uniting us and for giving us some glimpse of what it is we face. You must be exhausted. A tent has been prepared for you - sleep easy, for you have surely earned your rest. The camp is well guarded, and scouts watch the woods for approaching enemies."

He motions for a couple of satyrs to show you to your quarters, then leaves to do his research.

Unless anyone has anything else they want to take care off, I assume you all embrace the chance to rest.

Maligorn steps forward after Caelin has spoken, and gestures towards the stone Taecuss is holding.

"The esteemed Taecuss tells it true. The faengard, which has kept the Fellnight fey at bay for countless years has been breached. It must be repaired, or we will be overrun. Fortunately, this brave bunch has recovered the missing wardstones at great personal risk. We must join our forces - we only have to agree on how."

Succes - make a new diplomacy roll, please

"A bleachling gnome, you say? That would make sense - gnomes are children of the First World, after all, and more likely than most other creatures to stumble across places where the borders of the Fellnight realm would intersect with this one. And the Bleaching does strange things to the gnomes...It is possible that the Fellnight Queen or her minions somehow persuaded him to remove the stones. But that is of little consequence...the faengard must be restored! We will need to discuss this at the conclave."

Maligorn turns and exits the tent in a rush, paying you no further heed.

Maligorn's eyes narrow at the sight of the stone. He regards it carefully for a moment, then picks it up carefully and turns it over in his hands.

This is not treasure. This answers some questions, but poses may others. You see, Queen Rhoswen's Fellnight Realm is a relatively small demi-plane which borders Golarion, the First World and the Shadow Plane. Natives of the Fellnight Realm, like Queen Rhoswen and her minions, find themselves bound by the faengard, a prison-like hedge of wardstones - wardstones like this one - anchoring them to the demiplane. They are only able to cross to other planes where such wardstones also exist. Only, they cannot touch or move these stones directly - doing so would cause them great pain, and burn them horribly. As such, their only means of escape lies in convincing outsiders to take the stones back with them, thereby giving Fellnight creatures access to their world.

He puts the stone back on the table and sends you a suspicious look. is it that you happen to be carrying these stones, just as our woods are swarming with Fellnight fey?

The unspoken accusation hangs in the air like a tangible thing.

"That may be a wise precaution. Come, there is a tent nearby we can use."

Maligorn leads you all, including Devarre, to a pavilion tent big enough to fit you all. After ushering out a few pixies engaged in some elaborate game involving wild forest apples and empty wine jugs, he draws the opening shut and sweeps a table in the center of the tent clear of knocked over wine goblets and half-eaten food.

"Well, you have a tale to tell and treasures to display - which will it be first? he says, picking up one of the goblets and filling it from a nearby cask.

"I thought I sensed something from you, elf." someone says, before Devarre can answer.

Turning, you see it is Maligorn the Satyr leader, who has lingered in the shadows close to the group. He steps forward and motions to Tae's haversack.

"I think we had best take a look at what you are carrying in that magic pack of yours. Whatever it is, it carries a strong tint of First World magic."