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![]() Scott Young wrote:
Amazing :) I wish I thought of that lol We are very lucky to have Scott and Myron in Manitoba it just would not be the same without them. ![]()
![]() If it was left to the GM to have all the books He/She would be lugging around 100+ books, just so they could be prepared to deal with a player that is using an adventure path for its feats. It is far more reasonable for the player to have the one resource they use for any given character. and asking it to be legal is 100% legit Paizo is a company and they should make money from their user base. Piracy is a plague and it has harmed several industries and as a player I want paizo to stick around so I will buy the books and or Pdfs. ![]()
![]() If they do infact work like Channel Energy, then you would get two seperate pools of domain powers and each would be based on thier own individual classes. Pros: multiple uses of abilities per each class Cons: The level 8 domain powers will probably not be gained if they work like Animal conpanions then they would have a single pool and the powers would be based on the total of classes that granted the domain Pros: the level 8 domain powers will probably be gained Cons: Only a single set of domain powers is gained ![]()
![]() 59: You own more dice sets than you own books 60: You have had plans to remake one of your favorites characters from a previous edition for years but havent yet. At first it was due to the lack of feats and archtypes to properly make it, now it is due to your current charecter(s) being far to fun to stop playing. ![]()
![]() Tom Baumbach wrote: It's B, unless there's some errata I'm not aware of, but A is entirely appropriate for a house rule (and quite reasonable, if you ask me). That was what I figured and how I was going to run it. But it bugs me; it makes no sense how Channel Energy is more unbalancing then Spells or Paladin auras The plan was to go a 5/5/10 split Cleric/Paladin/Holy Vindicator if built from the Paladin (Cha 18) Perspective you will give up 2 BaB and lose access 4th level spells and have fewer spells in general, and lose access to the Paladin special abilities; 5 uses of Smite Evil, 5 Mercies, the Auras of Justice, Resolve, Righteousness and Faith as well as the Holy champion on top of sacrificing 2 dice on your channel energy and losing 7 uses of lay on hands (3 channel energy) leaving you with a mere 6 uses of lay on hands. You gain 7 uses of channel energy but they are also 2 dice smaller. Giving you 10 Channel energy in total if built from the Cleric (Cha 18) Perspective you will gain 3 BaB and lose access to 7th 8th and 9th level spells as well as drastically fewer spells in general sacrificing 2 dice on your channel energy. You gain 6 lay on hands (3 Channel Energy) but they are also 2 dice smaller. (10 channel energy total) I can understand the concerns about level dipping just to gain several uses of Channel Energy, but when you have a class that is built around a core mechanic you should not punish the player for trying to get more uses of it A simple addition to the entry would solve that and make the prestige class more attractive Channel Energy (Su)
![]() I took a look through the archives and this question was not answered that I could see. Channel Energy (Su)
Normally Channel Energy does not stack, and you keep track of the number of uses and dice separately. Does this ability allow them to stack? Or does it simply mean that Holy Vindicator levels count as both cleric and paladin levels and you continue to keep track of them separately as they both advance simultaneously? Examples
A) Cleric 2/Paladin 4/Holy Vindicator 1: with 16 cha would have 6 uses of Channel Energy for 4d6 (Cleric 2/Paladin/4 Holy Vindicator 1) and have 5 uses of lay on hands that he can expend to gain more Channel uses. Why A makes sense: holy vindicator stacks with either cleric or paladin and one would assume that it would stack with itself. B) Cleric 2/Paladin 4/Holy Vindicator 1: with 16 cha would have 6 uses of Channel Energy for 2d6 (2 cleric +1 Holy Vindicator) from the cleric side and have 5 uses of lay on hands making it 2 uses of Channel Energy for 3d6 (4 Paladin + 1 Holy Vindicator). Why B does not make sense, If I have 3 classes with Channel energy and I keep track of each separately let’s say 4 paladin, 3 Cleric and 3 oracle of life and 10 Holy Vindicator my effective character level would be 40 why B makes sense ![]()
![]() I would like to see this clarified as well. I am planning on running a Cleric/Palidin/Holy vindicator Sacred Servant Palidan 4 with the protection domain (cleric 1 for domain)
the rest holy vindicator incresing both channel energies ![]()
![]() Stynkk wrote:
Barring the ruling that specifically states that you can not use Free Actions outside of your turn. My point was that no where in the ammunition rules does it state that drawing an arrow has to be done before you fire the bow. so providing you ready your bow and have it loaded before you make an attack multiple AOO are possible. Ready(loaded)
etc... But that assumes Free Action out of turn ![]()
![]() What allows you to use a Weapon during a AOO? Melee weapons Require to have them drawn and have available AOOs that round Projectile Weapons require you to have the weapon loaded, and out and have available AOOs that round If your Bow is loaded aka Nocked you can fire your bow correct? Does this count as "Using your Bow"? ![]()
![]() Stynkk wrote:
Ammunition: Projectile weapons use ammunition: arrows (for bows), bolts (for crossbows), darts (for blowguns), or sling bullets (for slings and halfling sling staves). When using a bow, a character can draw ammunition as a free action; crossbows and slings require an action for reloading (as noted in their descriptions). Generally speaking, ammunition that hits its target is destroyed or rendered useless, while ammunition that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost. Although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them, crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them, and what happens to them after they are thrown. Source WWW.D20PFSRD.com If you already have the Bow Ready then After the first AOO it is a Free action to Reload ![]()
![]() Talonhawke wrote: The difference being if you are needing to quickdraw the weapon their is no action going on to quickdraw it. No weapon No AoO unless you have IUS. I have an arrow nocked to make the 1st AoO with snap shot which gives me the action to trigger my free action. If you are using your Free action to REload your weapon as opposed to PREload, you should be able to Qualify for multiple AOOs with a Bow. I Have a nocked arrow, make an AOO free action draw arrow and nock it allowing me to make further AOO as per Combat reflexses. ![]()
![]() It seems like we are arguing the same point, that the rules as is are not appropriate to the situation and that the DM should modify them to fit here is a quick table I came up with it needs work. providing they have line of sight. the DC to see a medium sized object 0-500 feet away DC 0 the DC to see a medium sized object 501-1000 feet away DC 10 the DC to see a medium sized object 1001-1500 Feet away DC 20 the DC to see a medium sized object 1501-2000 feet away DC 40 the DC to see a medium sized object 2001-2500 feet away DC 80 the DC to see a medium sized object 2501+ feet away DC 160 for each size catagory larger than medium treat the range as being 500 feet closer for each size catagory smaller than medium treat the range as being 500 farther so the DC to see a Castle from 2501+ feet away would be DC 0
![]() as a player I would argue that there should be only opposing roles so unless the target is hiding I see him, the DC 0 would only come in if I wanted to identify him my reasoning is even if I put everything into Perception as a half-elf 20 ranks, 2 racial, 2 sharp senses, 4 alertness, 6 skill focus, 1 Brightness seeker, 10 wisdom of 30, 20 hunters eye spell 850 feet maximum sight* +20 favourable* +2 to the check ie 20 feet +50 eagle Eye Feat* it actually ignores 5 of the DC ie 50 feet for 920 feet, that is still 280 feet short of the maximum range of a Heavy Cross bow 120 x 10 or 1200 x2 with a spyglass for 1840 the existence of the distance enchantment support this position as there is no way in hell anyone could see something 2400 feet away as they would need a perception bonus of 220 or 110 with a spyglass. even maxxing perception the check falls 560 feet short of maximum range. ![]()
![]() Adamantine blanch can be permanently bonded to any material granting it the amazing resilience of Adamantine, however this process is very expensive and takes almost six (6) weeks to complete. An object is submerged in a series of six (6) 100 pound baths of equal parts Nushadir and Acid for 24 hours per bath, each bath once used is rendered inert as the Acid and Nushander react to one another it cleans and prepares the Mythral armor for bonding, once clean the object is placed in a final bath made from eighty (80) pounds of Adamantine weapon blanch and one hundred (100) pounds of Alchemical solvent that dissolves any impurities in the Blanch leaving only Adamantine dust to which 1 Alkali Flask and 1 Alchemical Fire flask is added every eight (8) hours for five (5) weeks. Cost 19815 (based on purchasing the alchemical reagents) 3000 gp worth of Nushandir (300 pounds)
Making armor this way is more expensive than forging raw adamantine but it allows you to make existing armor much stronger. Adamantine bonded items count as both the base material and adamantine Sample item Adamantine Bonded Mithral Breastplate cost 24015 gp Medium armor (counts as light)
![]() not that this is what the post was about but a quick thought on the Goggles Sniper Goggles The simplest solution to the Sniper Goggles stepping on the Sniper's toes is to allow them to incorperate the Deadly range bonus to the goggles within 30 foot property. the 18 squares max is not game breaking especcialy when your average power gamer would probably skip sniper all together as with all the circumstances needed for a range sneak attack to work your average Two weapon Rogue will out perform a sniper ~Ryan ![]()
![]() Animal companions are already different from your run of the mill Animal and should be treated as such. the fact that you can increase a Companion's Int to 3+ might remove it from the Animal classification but it would not remove it from the Animal Companion classification and no where in the Druid Power does it State that it has to be an Animal. what does that mean they are no longer considered an animal Charm animal will not work on a Companion with int 3+ Companions with int 3+ can learn any feat or skill they are capable of ![]()
![]() Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Alex The Chevalier 3rd level ability wrote:
and you are right about the Challenge I saw that Banner and tactician stacked and assumed that challenge did to when I saw demanding challenge and assumed that it did stack as well my bad. ![]()
![]() Alexander Kilcoyne wrote: Yes. But the combo is somewhat meh unless your playing Gestalt where it could be truly horrendous. My build is as follows 6 Cavalier(Cockatrice), 1 Bard Arcane Duelist, 1 Chevalier will take 2 more Chevalier and finish with 10 levels of Battle Herald will Smite like a 20th level Pal and Challenge like a level 16 Cavalier of the order of the cockatrice ![]()
![]() Dire Mongoose wrote:
The rules need to clarified when both sides of the argument use Core and contradict each other something needs to be changed. Do Smite and Challenge do Weapon Damage or Precision damage or untyped damage? Do crits multiply everything but Bonus Dice damage as per multiplying damage? or do they only multiply Weapon Damage as per Equipment Qualities Criticals? ![]()
![]() Steven T. Helt wrote:
That is my opinion as well, but the Book is terrible at specifying what is or is not multiplied, under the Equipment qualities Section it states that only Weapon damage is multiplied, and it can be (and currently is being)argued that Smites are not Weapon Damage, but this is later Contradicted in the Combat Section under Multiplying Damage. so we are at a Stalemate ![]()
![]() Allright I can see where this Confusion lies my argument
From the SRD in the combat section wrote:
which implies that only additional dice damage is not multiplied on a crit or charge Wizards Argument from the SRD Equipment Section wrote:
which implies that Smites are not multiplied on a Crit which is correct they contridict eachother? this is why I wanted some Clarification lol ![]()
![]() I am currently having a disagreement with one of my fellow players regarding Lances and Smite/Challenge. Can I please have an official confirm that Smites and Challenges are Multiplied on Crits and charges with lances My level 8 Cavalier/Bard/Chevalier Challenges a creature while charging with his Lance (he has Spirited Charge and Vital Strike) normally my lance does 2d8 +5 while Charging (+2 str +2 Enhancement +1 Arcane Strike) but while Charging it will do 3d8+15 +1d8 (or 1d8 +5)+ (1d8 +5)+ (1d8+5)+ (1d8) but While Challenging I get +9 (6 from Cavalier +3 from Cockatrice)damage making it 3d8+42 +1d8 or (1d8 +5 +9)+(1d8 +5 +9)+(1d8 +5 +9)+ (1d8) Also do Smite and Challenge Stack when on same target? ~Ryan ![]()
![]() Mr.Misfit wrote: So, how to proceed then? Are there conversion rules or some guidelines for this? as is the grey guard is good I would only suggest 1 of 2 changes either or maybe make it player choice 1) Better Spell Progression (every level) 2) Further development of the mount/weapon and a slight clarifiaction on how the smite abilities stack Smite Chaos adds Chaotic to the smite effect as well as adding demons (Chatoic Evil) Justice blade will add all alignments to the smite effect as well as adding Devils (Lawful Evil) other than that I think it is good to go |