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Jason appeared this Tuesday on the inaugural episode of the Semanticast. Hear him talk about the design process for Pathfinder, its influences and differences from earlier editions of D&D, as well as descriptions of the six upcoming new classes to be introduced to the Pathfinder game.


I was struck by the selection of classes that were chosen for "balancing." I think they were self-balanced. There is reasons again to continue on as a cleric rather than taking a prestige class as soon as you qualify. But balancing in relation to the other classes is silly, given that the cleric and the wizard are two of the most powerful classes in the game. I take it more as a nod back to the old school, with the archetypal classes having a Pathfinder spin on them.

If that's the case, then please say so rather than masking the agenda under the guise of class balance. If that is not the case, then a few other classes need your attention as well (including the sorcerer).

The fighter's versatility and rapid feat progression still make it the premier damage dealer. The rogue's sneak attack has certainly grown more effective, but the class won't replace the fighter. What you will see more of, possibly, is fighter/rogue builds to maximize the damage output of both. The fighter still has its draws.