MysticYeti |
I know its still in rough draft form but I have mixed feelings on the Demonic bloodline currently. I like the various elements, just not all of them together.
Thematically, it feels like it's trying to cover too much ground. We have a smattering of deadly sins without full coverage on all seven but portrayed in a way that they couldn't possibily be alluring except to the Demonic sorcerer. We have hellfire and destruction. We have monstrous self mutation. The demons this bloodline tries to represent are legion.
Demonic could go the weird mutating magical monster route and, indeed, seems like it mostly wants to. It could grant the sorcerer fire and destruction spells, an abyssal maw, and the like with no apparent thought to which deadly sin its commiting. As a rule of thumb, if the sorcerer were to cast a spell to grow colossal and rampaged Tokyo would the feature be cool? This route makes the Desintegrate spell cool.
Theming bloodlines off the seven deadly sins would work better if the entire bloodline was themed around it. Also, it's better to represent all seven in one bloodline or separate bloodlines for each. Anything inbetween can easily feel haphazard. I wouldn't mind seeing a bloodline or so in this vein, though devil bloodlines would allow for more subtlety in a way that could genuinely tempt the unwary. Watching that weird sorcerer conjure a bog of sloth doesn't teach witnesses to go on to indulge in laziness on their own. Seeing him open a maw of gluttony incarnate doesn't make onlookers gluttonous.
Mechanically, it's unfocused. It mixes elements of blaster, controller, and battler caster. For a demon bloodline I'd want to play a blaster with enough battle caster not to fear winding up in melee (Glutton's Jaw is perfect for this). For a devil bloodline I'd want to play more of a controller/blaster.
If Logan Bonner hadn't pointed out that the Slow spell was supposed to portray Sloth, I wouldn't have gotten the intent. With spells like Desintegrate and Meteor Swarm, I'd rather keep with the abyssal blaster theme and get Fireball in place of Slow. I imagine it's a safe bet that the divine spell list doesn't have fireball?
Will there be bloodline features above 10th level? It would be a shame if the fun stopped there.
I'd like to see Glutton's Jaw go all the way up to a +5.
I wish there were some passive features in the Demonic bloodline. If 2e wants to lean more heavily on the Spell Point mechanic that's fine but I don't want that to be at the expense of having any of the passive bonuses, defenses, etc. we saw in Pathfinder 1e. Having a little butter on the bread that doesn't require activation or resource managment is important.
If Demonic focuses thematically and lets other bloodlines pick up where it left off this has serious potential.