Tsadok Goldtooth

MycanoidLord's page

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Well having to spend multiple rounds holding the ale in my hand is my main issue, using the move action for drinking it's self without an AoO isn't really a problem since I only have one attack at the moment anyways. I also don't have 18 con yet.

But wow yeah that Drunken Rager is way more interesting than the Drunken Brute archetype. Being able to drink pre-combat for my abilities would solve most of my issues I think. Thanks a bunch!

So I'm new to Pathfinder but have played plenty of D&D 3.5. A group of my friends just got the pathfinder beginner box and played a game and liked it so now they're kicking into full gear with it and got some of the other books and I decided to make a character and play with them.

I decided a barbarian with a huge weapon sounded like fun, and the drunken brute seemed like an especially fun archetype to play. But once I started making my character I began running into issues. The first one was actually having an over-sized weapon, there's no monkey grip in this game so I eventually settled on a large dwarven war axe and used my feat for the proficiency.

Then while looking around these forums for an indication of how many uses my gallon jug of ale is going to give me I noticed people talking about having to use a separate move action to actually get the ale, and then having it in your hand while using the drunken brute's ability. So now I'm looking at a move action + aoo just to have it, another move to use it each round I want to, and then another move action + aoo to put it away once I'm done. And the entire time I can't fight because my weapon is two handed.

Armor spikes seem like the work around for having my other hand busy, but then I'm going from 2d8 damage to 1d6. The armor spikes are really expensive at level 1, and all that combined with the two aoo's is making this start to feel like a really bad idea for a rather mediocre ability.

Is there some kind of viable work around for this? A little home ruling could probably fix it but I'd really like to avoid that since the DM is new to playing and I don't want to bog her down with my nonsense while she's trying to learn.