Musta Joulupukki's page

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Ok, I got it all wrong. Thank you for correcting me.

So, it seems I cannot take the energy attacks evolution for my eidolon with god caller archetype on the side, am I right?

What about Evolutionist archetype? It seems to be compatible with Wild caller(ARG) and it has a thing; Mutate eidolon "At 6th level, an evolutionist can change his eidolon’s evolutions as if he had gained a level. To mutate his eidolon, the evolutionist must perform an arcane ritual that requires 24 hours of uninterrupted concentration and costs 200 gp per summoner level in material components"

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I was wondering can you stack archetypes and short googlin'it found out that it actually is a thing. And obviously it's allowed. Restricted but at that but anyways.

My question is that, if you play half-elf wild caller and take one level of god caller, can you get AND keep energy attacks evolution, when you continue as wild caller?

God caller archetype says; "Any Summoner can select the god caller archetype". So if I play wild caller 5 levels, then take god caller at level 6 and take the wc-forbidden energy attacks, can it stay in eidolon evolutions while I continue taking wild caller levels?

Any Summoner archetype stacking advices are warmly welcomed. Thank you.

Thank you all for your advice and quick responses!

Good examples and interesting approaches. I think that I now have enough means to fix the situation with him. If he doesn't agree, then the campaign stops. Plain simple.

And I agree with Scott Wilhelm about letting the pure roleplaying moments getting time and room in table. I love it when people get in to their characters and act them out, not just calculating numbers or trying to get out of every situation with a throw of a dice and saying nothing.

There's a line though, where it's rp flavoring and where it's just boring bs. In-game humour is always welcome and laughing in the middle of a dire conflict in undead infested dungeon might just be the best magic available.

About the unchained rules, I'm not so strict about them. Psionics are a definite nightmare, from that I won't budge. If paizo wanted to tone up or down some classes, then why didn't they touch other classes as well. Nerfing the spell lists for all casters or something like that. But I guess that's a whole different debate. As is the threshold for power-gaming, as Arachnofiend mentioned.

Like I said, power-gaming is not a problem for me. It just challenges gm and I like it. I also put our power-gamer to help creating characters for other players in the group, before we started. He agreed and was happy to help.

I am GM:ing my first campaign and I have one player in our group that's a power gamer and a diva in play. The power-gamer part of him I can handle, it's no problem but it's the diva part, that's driving me nuts.

For example, he wants to talk all the time and wants to interrupt me and thus guiding the game toward his liking(and overriding me).

I gave him a strict warning, that he can't hog all the attention, all the time. He took this in a way that; "Ok I get it. From now on, I have to raise my hand to get an opening". So, now he's waving his hand all the time and starts knocking the table or making weird noises, if I don't let him speak. Most of his talk is usually something describing his character, the accent he speaks, little details in his character's clothing, the intellectual superiority his character manifests etc. That b******t doesn't even help the group to forward in game. And he's very stubborn. Annoys me quite a bit.

Later I found out that he cheated in ability scores. According to him it was an accident and he will correct it. I can buy that. But then I found out that he build his character using forbidden rules. We have a house rule that forbids psionic and unchained rules. He obviously did unchained rogue for his second level(he is aiming wiz/rog/at build) to minmax character.

I'm considering some kind of punishment for his actions. But I've decided not to take the position GM vs PC's. I don't want to be that kind of GM. Also, means to "lower his steams".

Any advice would be appreciated.