Musta Joulupukki's page

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Ok, I got it all wrong. Thank you for correcting me.

So, it seems I cannot take the energy attacks evolution for my eidolon with god caller archetype on the side, am I right?

What about Evolutionist archetype? It seems to be compatible with Wild caller(ARG) and it has a thing; Mutate eidolon "At 6th level, an evolutionist can change his eidolon’s evolutions as if he had gained a level. To mutate his eidolon, the evolutionist must perform an arcane ritual that requires 24 hours of uninterrupted concentration and costs 200 gp per summoner level in material components"

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I was wondering can you stack archetypes and short googlin'it found out that it actually is a thing. And obviously it's allowed. Restricted but at that but anyways.

My question is that, if you play half-elf wild caller and take one level of god caller, can you get AND keep energy attacks evolution, when you continue as wild caller?

God caller archetype says; "Any Summoner can select the god caller archetype". So if I play wild caller 5 levels, then take god caller at level 6 and take the wc-forbidden energy attacks, can it stay in eidolon evolutions while I continue taking wild caller levels?

Any Summoner archetype stacking advices are warmly welcomed. Thank you.