Major Factions Envoys Alliance: Grand Archive: Horizon Hunters: Vigilant Seal:
Minor Factions Radiant Oath: Verdant Wheel:
All Faction Reputation Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation:
Purchased Boons (use this for boons bought w/ Fame, which dont come w/ a Chronicle)
(Faction) Champion (Faction) (0 Fame) (the Champion boon for your first faction is free)
Boon #2 (type) (cost)
Character Name Ethnicity: Nationality: Birthplace: Age: Gender & Pronouns: Height: Weight: Physical Appearance:
ancestry (heritage)
background class; Level: #; Experience: #
sizetraits (e.g. Medium Humanoid Human or Small Humanoid Halfling)
Follower of deity
SENSES Perception: ## ((wis) + (prof) + (item)) [T/E/M/L]
Special Senses:
ARMOR CLASS AC: ## (10 + (dex) + (prof) + (item)) [T/E/M/L]
Shield: +## Hardness # Max HP ## / BT # Current HP ##
Coins: # copper # silver # gold # platinum (or total in gold)
1. PFS(2) #-##: title:
Boon: description
Reputation(s): +# (faction) (e.g. +4 Vigilant Seal, or sometimes +4 Vigilant Seal, +2 Envoys Alliance)
Fame Earned: Fame Spent: Gold Earned: Downtime: (may be additional coin from Earn an Income, might be crafting, might be retraining, might be recovering a dead animal companion, etc)