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My party's ship is called The Lusty Siren

It has a figurehead beautiful woman, and it's sail is her image over crossed swords.

I haven't yet told them that Pathfinder sirens are closer to harpies, and have been going off the idea that the character have only heard rumors of sirens being beatiful women who lure men in to mate with them.

They will have an encounter with Golarion sirens pretty soon.

I just ran this encounter this weekend. Remember that Pilk has a seeking harpoon tied to the mainmast. I had him throw it, try to impale the biggest threat, then if he didn't, haul it in the next round.

I use the boarding action map pack, which has set gangplanks from one ship to another. The party was hesitant to board the zombie ship, so most of the fighting was done going back and forth on the gangplanks. (The player's captain got bullrushed into the briney deep, but luckily had Besmara's tricorn which I allowed him to turn into a raft.)

After a few rounds I had Pilk come down to get in range for his Steal Air ability. It is nasty, but most of the melee player shrugged it off after one round or before it could stick.

The bell is the main part to focus on. If they don't destroy it, he WILL be back. I had it drawn on the mat to draw their eyes to it. I also drew 6 ropes that attached the two ships. When Pilk was struck down, it was a race to destroy the bell (the bard was smart enough to make a knowledge check to know the story of Pilk)and also cut the boat free. One of my players made a profession sailor check to see if they knew how long before the ship sank, and when they learned it was less than a minute at that point it really kept them on their toes.

Personally, I like the NPC Codex box. It gives your players a nice variety of options for their pawns,and gives you a great way to spice up the crew besides Generic Sailor Male , Generic Sailor Female,Sailor with Boarding Pike

For GMs this is covered in the AP, but as a player you wouldn't know. At the start of the campaign the GM makes a call about guns and gunpowder. As written, cannons,guns and powder are VERY rare in the shackles. There are a few,but they are highly valued.

If the GM allows the PCs access to gunpowder, it usually means upgrading the NPC ships to have cannons as well. It wouldn't be much of a challenge to have the PCs blasting away ballista armed ships. I'd talk with your GM. Maybe he'd be willing to create a sidequest to obtain a single cannon or the supplies to make one.

His main role in later books is to provide guidance as an experienced pirate. You can move this role onto any of the other pirates that they are friendly with.

Don't downplay the fallout from this murder though. Cooks assistant now has to prepare the meal every day without the bull session breaks. Failing the task could also cause some pirates to get angry with the cook when their meal is less than palatable.

I was looking over the Feral Hunter Archetype as it fit closely with a character concept I had of shape shifting dinosaur themed hunter.

Summon Pack (Sp) wrote:

Starting at 6th level, whenever a feral hunter casts a summon nature's ally spell to summon one or more animals, she summons one additional animal of the same type. The summoned creature or creatures must be animals and must be of the same type as the hunter's current aspect or of a similar type (bears for bear aspect, dogs or wolves for wolf aspect, great cats for the tiger aspect, and so on). The additional creature immediately vanishes if the hunter chooses a different aspect or ends his feral focus ability.

This ability replaces the teamwork feats gained at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels.

The problem here is there are no saurian aspects listed for the hunter , and multiple dinosaurs on the summon natures ally list. Would that mean no dinosaur could be used with summon pack, or would another aspect be allowed? If so, are dinosaurs in Golarian treated as closer to reptiles (Snake aspect) or birds? (Owl, Falcon Aspects.)

I'd be concerned about skipping the Foxglove hunt. He comes up later in the AP, and it is pretty important that he has had some interaction with the PCs. The Hunt is there to set up his character so he doesn't just come out of nowhere in the next chapter. It is also used as a clue later on. Read ahead in the AP, then go back and insert the hunting expedition in somewhere.

The festival:
So our dwarf cleric of Cayden traveled to Sandpoint to convince the people that his god deserves a spot in their cathedral. He sweet talks the mayor into letting him take the stage. Unfortunately once on stage he isn't as persuasive, and his speech about how Cayden is " All about drinking, who can't get behind that?" is assumed to be a comical act. Some townsfolk are offended thinking a dwarf talking about worshiping getting drunk is racist.

That same dwarf was the target of Shayliss's affection. The rest of the party left him to go back to the Rusted Dragon with their freshly killed boar. He is to distracted by her beauty to hear her father come down the stairs. Once again words failed him. He went to cast a spell to daze the father, but the father acted first. I crit the roll, and rolled max damage so the cleric was knocked out with a single punch, and woke up outside, half naked to the sheriff scolding him that he needs to keep out of trouble in town.

This is more of a meta thing. The party had asked Shalelu to come with them. After killing one goblin with her first shot, I ended up rolling horribly for her the next few rounds. Nothing higher than a 5. Then I have one round where one goblin rolls a 20, the next an 18 and the last a 20 when throwing glass at the party.

When the goblins are almost dead I decide Tsuto should try and sneak in. Shalelu had been back near the door while the party was most of the way across to room. I roll perception for the party in secret and roll a 3 a 4 another 3 and a 2 for shalelu.
Tsuto easily sneaks up and stunning fist Shalelu. The barbarian spends 3 turns failing combat maneuver checks to push Tsuto into a furnace. Eventually the barbarian gives up and just starts hitting him with his axe.