Munkege's page

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I was looking over the Feral Hunter Archetype as it fit closely with a character concept I had of shape shifting dinosaur themed hunter.

Summon Pack (Sp) wrote:

Starting at 6th level, whenever a feral hunter casts a summon nature's ally spell to summon one or more animals, she summons one additional animal of the same type. The summoned creature or creatures must be animals and must be of the same type as the hunter's current aspect or of a similar type (bears for bear aspect, dogs or wolves for wolf aspect, great cats for the tiger aspect, and so on). The additional creature immediately vanishes if the hunter chooses a different aspect or ends his feral focus ability.

This ability replaces the teamwork feats gained at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels.

The problem here is there are no saurian aspects listed for the hunter , and multiple dinosaurs on the summon natures ally list. Would that mean no dinosaur could be used with summon pack, or would another aspect be allowed? If so, are dinosaurs in Golarian treated as closer to reptiles (Snake aspect) or birds? (Owl, Falcon Aspects.)