Sir Torlgrith

Muneshige Tsutsumi's page

70 posts. Alias of jhpace1.

Hello players,

Running a group through Legacy of Fire here, and we came across an Elder Fire Elemental. The fighter wanted to subdue the fire elemental, rather than kill it, because it had an INT of 10 and was reportedly very rare by its' size and age.

The problem is, I can not find anywhere in the elemental subtype or PRD where it says you can do subdual damage on an elemental. Any elemental. The traits say "cannot be stunned" and "does not sleep", but as another player pointed out, elves and dragons do not sleep, but you can knock them unconscious.

So what's a mundane fighter to do? Kill or be killed? The various summoning rules state that a fire elemental only cowers around, or is afraid of, or cannot cross, open water. So barring a specialist spellcaster making a new spell called water chains of binding or somesuch, or using decanters of endless water all round the fire elemental, I'm at a loss as to how to stop a fire elemental but not kill it.

Of course, even if you could subdue a fire elemental, would you then use Handle Animal or Diplomacy on it?

Alright, I'm not going to sugarcoat this, here's the situation.

I'm currently playing a Dreamscarred Press Psychic Warrior 6 with the Interceptor Path. To the non-psionic readers that means I'm the party tank with speed built-in. My human hit die is D8, I have my own buff psionic powers like biofeedback (DR 2/-), force screen (shield, +4 to AC), and vigor (temp hp, like false life). My AC is usually 17 with a breastplate or maximized inertial armor (mage armor), or 21 full-out. I use burst (think expeditous retreat) to get to the enemy at the front line fast, and hit hard with a two-handed sword, getting a free expansion (enlarge person) when I hit on that first attack. (See how easy I made it for the non-psionics to understand?) But I have a major problem.

My Psychic Warrior needs 1-3 rounds to buff himself up. With the DR, temp hp, and invisible shield, he's a decent tank with 84 hp. But by then, it's been 3 rounds after the ambush has started and the point fighter (currently a Swashbuckler 6) is screaming she's on her last hit point. Our GM, of course, finds ambushes the primary means of battle in our storyline. It's inevitable that our party is going to get ambushed, and I have a choice of going into battle without the 30 temp hit points, without the damage reduction, without the additional +4 to AC - or listening to the Swashbuckler start swearing about my lack of masculinity as she's taking the brunt of the damage from the bandits and/or monsters. The buffs I can do as a Psychic Warrior are all min./level, so there's not much I can do except wait for actual combat, which is going to be a full-out assault ambush by our GM.

I've already taken the Combat Manifestation feat to manifest my buff powers in combat, do I need the Extend Power feat as well? Extend Power would double the time length of min/level for my buffs, but I would lose my psionic focus each time (losing all of my Psychic Warrior bonuses until I re-focus for a full round). I'm at a loss here to think how to get time to buff without using the Swashbuckler as a tank, which she is not. (And lets me know about it, each time.)

The mundane answer would be to "suck it up", and get heavy armor and a heavy shield to carry around 100% of the day. Yes, my Psychic Warrior has a STR of 18. As an alternative, I do have dimension swap, which lets you "instantly swap positions between your current position and that of a designated ally in range", which makes the tank the meatshield getting beat up, but the Swashbuckler's already taken heavy damage for multiple rounds at that point.

What can I do to get that buff time, or should I start handing the Swashbuckler all the magical defense items and buff amulets we come across?

(I'm asking for generalized advice here, not just Dreamscarred Press players. Think of a pure fighter with similar problems buffing from another player or magic items, and you have my situation.)

Hello sysadmins, (attention: Cort!)
Firefox 31.1.1
Windows XP 64-bit

I was doing the usual PbP today, when I had an error occur. I nested an URL inside a DICE inside an OOC comment (not the original, but fixed text here. It's the "plus grab with constrict" line.). I hit "Preview", and that's when it got screwy.

I couldn't edit the text, and hovering the mouse pointer over it caused all the text to act like it was a picture, like a JPG. I could "hold" the left mouse button-click and "move" the text off-window, just like a picture. Actually clicking anywhere on the text made it open a new Tab on Firefox to the last URL in the text. I was really in a quandary, with multiple tabs popping up on Firefox, but fortunately the "Preview" and "Submit" buttons still worked, so I hit "Submit" and started analyzing the problem.

Once I hit "Submit" and did NOT hover the mouse pointer over the text, I was able to get an edit "straight line" at the beginning of the text. So I could edit by just using the arrow keys on my keyboard go to to the offending "plus grab with constrict" line and start un-nesting the URL from the DICE from the OOC until the problem stopped. My players in my PbP did notice the problem, and at least one got concerned enough to private message me about it before I could fix it in time.

I was unaware that the URL would "run off the page" and cause this problem to the entire text in the edit window. Is this a bug to be fixed, or just something to avoid in the future?

(Cort's name give to me by player!)

I just started editing a new alias for a new PbP game, and I noticed after a couple of days that I had text missing. I distinctly remember putting the new text into the character's main profile box, but the changes had reverted to the previous day's text.

So I tested this on 02 Dec 2011 by using cut-and-paste into Notepad as a backup. Sure enough, the next day I had lost all of my previous night's edits. It is happening to two of my latest aliases, so I am having to use cut-and-paste into the clipboard as a backup. The reverting appears to happen 6 to 8 hours after the initial edit. It is only on the character alias or profile page, not the PbP posts. One is an established character in a new game; the other is only in the Recruitment section.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Male Human Gamemaster

Serpent's Skull Adventure Path
Chapter 1- Souls for Smugglers Shiv

For various reasons, you have all found yourselves aboard the ship known as the Jenivere, a ship that routinely travels between Magnimar in Varisia and the Cheliax colony, Sargava. The voyage is nearing its end, with First Mate Alton Devers sharing that you will arrive in Eleder, your destination port, in about four days.
As you have all spent some time aboard the Jenivere at this point, you should have at least passing familiarity with several prominent crew members and passengers making their way to Sargava.

(I've included some information about these characters - some is found in your Player's Guide, but I've also added a little.)

Aerys Mavato:

This severe half-elven woman boarded in Port Peril, where she immediately got into a scrape with a crude sailor. She spends most of her time in her bunk, seeming to purposefully avoid fraternizing with the ship’s other passengers. She is a trim, athletic woman with short dark hair, tanned skin, and fierce blue eyes. She dresses in tightly fitted leather armor and favors dark clothing and tricorn hats. The few times you have seen her, you get the impression she spends most of the day drunk; the smell of alcohol is always present on her breath.

Alizandru Kovack, Captain of the Jenivere:

A Chelish man whose family has made the Magnimar to Eleder run for generations, Captain Kovack is pleasant enough with his passengers, but a strict disciplinarian when dealing with his crew.

Alton Devers, First Mate:

The Jenivere’s First Mate is friendly with both passengers and crew, but he sometimes seems to chafe under the strong discipline of Captain Kovack.

Gelik Aberwhinge, Gnome Writer:

A sharply dressed gnome from Magnimar, Gelik spends much of his time writing in the ships’ common areas, and takes every opportunity to tell long-winded stories, boast of past journeys, or quip about anything in his field of view. Gelik is a spry, energetic gnome with blond hair and a neat goatee. He dresses like a noble at all times. With liberal use of prestidigitation, his fine clothes always seem freshly cleaned. Only the ink stains on his fingers break the illusion of a proper gnome nobleman. He has something of a cruel streak, and a tendency to mock others.

Ieana, Varisian Scholar and Loner:

A bookish Varisian scholar who tends to keep to herself, Ieana is traveling to Sargava to explore the ancient ruins there. Rumors aboard the ship alternately suggest that she’s the Jenivere’s owner, a Chelish agent, or Captain Kovack’s secret lover. Ieana keeps mostly to herself, and grows more intent on her studies with each mile the ship travels closer to Eleder. A small and quiet woman, Ieana has shown no interest in socializing or making friends on the voyage.

Ishirou, Rugged Tian:

A scruffy human of Tian heritage, Ishirou boarded at Bloodcove and waits to reach Sargava with a quiet eagerness. Aloof but not rude, he gives the impression of one who has had a hard life but find himself currently without direction. He appears much older than he is, with graying hair worn in a ponytail and a perpetual scruffy beard. His clothing and armor are well kept and clean, but obviously of low quality. Only his sword, a beautiful katana, has any real value. Ishirou is fiercely protective of it, as it is his only material link to his cultural heritage.

Jask Derindi, Garundi Prisoner:

Jask is a prisoner loaded aboard in Corentyn. Captain Kovack sees to this taciturn human’s needs with curt courtesy, but insists he be left alone, sequestered in the ship’s brig. He is a middle-aged, plain-looking Garundi man with graying hair and watery eyes.

Rambar Terillo, Jenivere's Cook:

A taciturn man from Senghor, Ship’s Cook Terillo has served in that capacity aboard several ships, though apparently not on account of his culinary skills, which seem to be limited to watery soups.

Sasha Nevah, Adventurer from Mediogalti:

This red-haired human boarded the Jenivere in Ilizmagorti. Since leaving Mediogalti Island, the woman’s somber demeanor has gradually faded, revealing a boisterous and optimistic personality. None have yet questioned her about her missing left pinky finger. She has tousled red hair and mischievous green eyes.

It is the morning after the previous cloudy night. The weather is gloriously sunny, unlike the weeks of stormy weather that has kept most of the passengers inside for their safety. The Captain and First Mate are privately consulting with the navigator about their course, while the crew is busying themselves with the routine tasks. Though there are still a few grumblings among the crew regarding the current heading, a general calm has come over them since it is widely know that Captain Kovack is finally meeting with his navigator. Most of the paying passengers of the ship are out on the deck, enjoying the sunshine as the ship plows the ocean under full sail. You haven't lost a single person on this voyage, which has some people in good spirits.

(As we wait for the characters to get finalized, feel free to get to know one another here. No dice rolls needed - just interact in-character.)

For our Stowaway:

Since you've chosen the Stowaway option, your story is a little different. You've spent the last several days in the cargo hold under the main deck, surreptitiously moving from crate to crate. You've managed to live off of the stored food in the hold, including breaking into a few barrels of water, dried fruit, tender salted beef and fish, and hardtack. It looks like the ship's cook wasn't using them anyway. Apart from hiding from the sailors as they move cargo around as needed during the voyage, cursing all the while, your only companion has been the ship's cat, who you see the first mate feed from time to time. The dark, stuffy hold has been thankfully rat-free and you spent most of your time sleeping, seeing sunlight only when the hatch is opened by the sailors above. The near-constant storms have kept you nauseated nearly the entire voyage.

(OOC Link)

(GM page)

Male Human Gamemaster

Hello everyone! If you haven't finished your character sheet, please do that as soon as possible. Double-check your calculations as well as hyperlink as many feats, traits, spells, and special qualities as you can, it will help me approve those items.

This thread will be the location for heavy OOC discussion. I don't mind a few sentences of OOC on the IC thread, but try to keep the IC thread reading as a story, with the OOC thread being the behind-the-scenes talk.

Pazio has this new nice system of using tabs for links between IC and OOC, in case you're wondering about the top of the page.

I have found that using Google Documents for Equipment spreadsheets has allowed me to "share" what I have in equipment with other players via a link on my character page, if you have trouble keeping up with your equipment. This Adventure Path, at least in the first module, requires the players to keep track of various important items like food. So I will ask someone to the the party record keeper for that.

If no one objects, this will be a "XP-less" campaign, since each book is meant for specific levels. I will tell you, the players, when you reach each level in the adventure.

With the number of people we have, as well as the type of characters we have, we have pretty much maxed out the challenge rating. Therefore some encounters may be somewhat harder than you thought until I get a good feel for the group.

I'm not your usual "by the book" GM, even though we are playing a book. While most encounters/goals/challenges cannot be changed, I'm not going to insist you try to survive 3 weeks in the jungle with no equipment, no treasure, and a ridiculous timeline worthy of The Mummy Returns with 1,000 undead pygmy warriors chasing you. I'm not here to kill everybody unless they act really, really stupid. I'd rather have everyone live to 20th Level and retire to what they wanted to be. They just have to earn it.

I'm a roleplayer, so IC interaction is key. This Adventure Path requires a lot of Diplomacy, and I'm big on cross-training into skills you wouldn't care about if this was a video game. It isn't.

Since this is a Play-by-Post (PbP), please include hyperlinks for skill rolls, spells and powers, and any weird stuff. If you can't link it, use a spoiler tag. This will help me approve your actions. If you post and go over Pazio's one-hour Edit limit, just post again. I do go back and edit quite often, so re-read posts if needed as you write!

But remember, the objective here is to have fun! Postings will be daily, a little slower on the weekends. Please post here if you have a business trip or other reasons you might not post for several days.

If you need to e-mail me for any reason, my e-mail is jeremy, at, jeremyhpace dot org. Only if absolutely needed.

GM question: do the players mind if I roll their initiative before battle? In order to speed up combat.

IC Link

GM page

I'm starting my first PbP as a GM to give Serpent's Skull another try, the original one I was in having failed when the characters were still Level One with GM_Todd. I was going to give the players on DM_Todd's game more time, but I'm impatient. :)

My Credentials:

I've been playing D&D since 2E with Forgotten Realms, then 3.0 with Greyhawk and Living Greyhawk. I game with a local tabletop group that plays Pathfinder regularly (Rise of the Runelords and homebrew). I've "relief-GM"ed several times for our main GM without complaint, other than a few gripes about following a "linear" plot with my own modules. We're playing an AP here, so that shouldn't be a problem. I am a "G/PG-13" type GM.

Characters Wanted:

My first pick is going to be GM_Todd's previous players of Souls for Smuggler's Shiv, since they were left in a lurch around the end of August 2011. These people were:
Allia Thren - human female Bard, a slave girl of the Captain
Dragolan Canario - massive human male Chelaxian Oracle of Life
Jasper Finn - human male Taldan Rogue
Kalis Daen'ith - elven male Barbarian from the jungle
Meraxes - male Varisian Sorcerer

So far only Dragolan has kept up with the near-dead OOC thread from GM_Todd's game. If no one from GM_Todd's previous Souls for Smuggler's Shiv applies, I'll take up to five characters (six if the team looks like a well-oiled machine of classes and skills with all players). So others may apply. Postings will be once per day minimum or 5 times a week (weekends a little slower). If the players want a speedy campaign with 3+ posts a day, I'll try to accommodate them. If Sunny or Nazard see this and apply, they're a shoe-in because I've been trying to get a game with them for months.

Character Creation:

I want smart, verbose roleplayers. Not isolated warriors doing their own thing in battle and out.
1.) Download and read the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide (it's free). This book is critical for understanding the adventure path and making an appropriate backstory for your character. Pay special attention to the NPCs, the port of call you boarded the ship on, and various AP-specific traits.
2.) 20-point buy, 1st Level. No "dump" stats (i.e., below 10 before racial modifiers). Make your character page neat and clean to read.
3.) We will be using the online Pathfinder RPG Reference Document (PRD) as well as the OGC Pathfinder SRD. Too many GMs have told me "I don't like psionics". No more. This will be a psionics and third-party friendly character creation and game. If it's on these two online references, it's "pre-approved" for races, classes, feats, prestige classes, spells, etc. Core + APG goes without saying. Keep your background limited to the Adventure Path and the Inner Sea of Golarion if possible. Smart roleplayers will hyperlink their actions to the appropriate web page for reference, and explain both OOC and IC within their post their skill checks, special abilities, and spell/power effects. The better your backstory, the more likely I'll allow the character you want. I'm putting the burden of explaining your race, character, and class on you, you keep up with it. Gunslingers are allowed - if you can explain how you got the weapon and how you intend on making more buckshot in the Sargava and Mwangi Expanse. This is a "Very Rare Guns" and "Psionics are Different" campaign. Psionic characters should either be the first of their kind or from a hidden land/monastary. Psionic characters do not have to be monks. Pick a humanoid for your character - no pseudodragons, please!
4.) Cavat: no Words of Power for the Magnus. And if you pick a half-Tiefling/half-orc/half-dragon, then you're probably going too far. No Hero Points.
5.) Two traits, one from the Serpent's Skull Player's Guide, one from pre-approved sources. You will need to write a good backstory to get non-Serpent's Skull, non-Core+APG traits approved.
6.) No evil characters. No disruptive characters. (Here's a GM hint: you will need a lot of teamwork/diplomacy in this module).
7.) Max HP at first level, roll the dice and add your CON bonus thereafter.
8.) Average starting gold (plus any traits that add more gold).
9.) Familiars and companions follow the approved sources' guides for level balance. (I.e., Improved Familiar requires the arcane spellcaster to wait until Level 5 before acquiring a Celestial Hawk.) Familiars and companions are also not "disposable", and you will pay the full penalty for dismissing one to get another.
10.) Cohorts, followers, and romances available via the Leadership feat or intense roleplay. (More to come later in the AP.) While Serpent's Skull is not technically a "sandbox", I am broadening the AP for the players. So yes, your character can marry, acquire land, acquire a title, start a business, etc. within the plot of the Adventure Path.
11.) I am a crafting and purchasing-friendly GM, given the constraints of the Adventure Path.

I want a diverse team of people. Men and women. Multiple races. The Fighter might want to cross-class a skill point into Heal, the Sorcerer might want to put a skill point or two into Climb, Swim, or Survival, and the Paladin might want Detect Poison in addition to Detect Undead. I would prefer a "Jack-of-All-Trades" to a Fighter with a +8 in Ride and Climb and nothing else at 1st Level. "Core" classes will never be penalized, but teamwork and other hidden Adventure Path goals will get the entire team a bonus feat at the end of each book, or additional crafting time, or a +1 bonus to a Diplomacy check. Characters learning about each other's skills and spells/powers/weapons IC and deciding to choose other skills and spells/powers is not metagaming in my book. If you've played Souls for Smuggler's Shiv before and the game died and you want to try again, this is the game for you. I'm just counting on you to have the maturity to not spoil the surprise(s) for the rest of the group. I want players who are willing to go the long haul through the entire AP.

Maps will be via shared Google Documents (Excel spreadsheet) and some Dropbox pictures or links to other campaigns' pictures. I am not above using box text from the book or even other GMs (GM_Todd's dead campaign, for instance).

How to Apply:

You don't need to make up a full Level One character and post with your new character, but post as much as you can in your application. Remember to use the spoiler tag to hide walls of text! Applicants will need to answer the following questions:
1. Why are you aboard the ship?
2. At which port did you board or are you a stowaway?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Roleplaying Introduction:

You start onboard the free-owned Magimarian merchant cargo ship Jenivere as it travels to the port city of Eleder on the edge of Sargava, still several days out in Desperation Bay. It's evening aboard the Jenivere. Much of the crew is gathered in the galley, awaiting their meal. Are you with them? Are you busy carrying out your duties? There is an air of discontent among the crew, as many are confused about their current course. Do you share in their concerns or are you loyal to Captain Kovack? Introduce yourself to the group in this context.

There's the recruitment offering! I will be accepting applications until midnight EDT Thursday, 27 October, 2011. Closing the recruitment earlier if I get five players or later if no one applies (no one? When it's open to psionics and third-party? Really?).

Good luck, and start cranking out those well-rounded characters!