Muertee's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters.


I don't normally post much, but having a new player sign up for my Stolen Fate game starting next month, it was brought to my attention. The Stolen Fate Players guide states -

"Lump Sum: This method grants a lump sum of 4,500 gp to each PC to spend as they wish on any common items of level 10 or less..."

When Lump Sum for level 11 is 3200gp and for level 12 is 4500gp.

Just wanted to point this out to everyone that may not have known or overlooked this typo as I did :)

1/5 ****

The ELITE PALACE SKELM is also wrong, with many settings from the WEAK PALACE SKELM. Namely the HP, AC, and Saves.

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Loreguard wrote:
How is it that Jadren has Low-light vision? Have I missed an item or ability?

No, you didn't miss anything. There are a few bugs in the Pre-Gens creation by rules:

Lavanna Saltspray
Missing Domain - Recommend Water because it fits the theme.

Jadren Tagar
Missing a Language
Dagger should be +10 to hit with Ranged not a +9
Intimidation should be +10 not +11
Will save should be +11 not +9
Should not have Low-light Vision

Kaako Ashfeather
Acrobatics is listed as 2, should be a 12
Missing Senses Low-Light Vision

Elsir Syniras
Signature Spells for Levels 1, 2, & 3 were not mentioned on pregen
4 Formulas from the feat Magical Crafting not listed
Missing a Trained Skill
Society should be a 9 not a 11

Thanks Steven L/Dragnmoon for info.

Shisumo wrote:
Muertee wrote:
I haven't gotten the main pdf yet, but was looking over the pre-gens and it seems to me there is a major bug on the rogues Acrobatics skill. Say's he's trained and only has a +2. Trained 5 Rogue, Dex +4, should be +11 Acrobatics, is there a way to get a clarification if this is a typo?
It should actually be a +12, thanks to the bracelet of dashing. A 1 got dropped somewhere.

That seems right, I didn't get that far in the build, a missing 1 is much easier to typo.

I haven't gotten the main pdf yet, but was looking over the pre-gens and it seems to me there is a major bug on the rogues Acrobatics skill. Say's he's trained and only has a +2. Trained 5 Rogue, Dex +4, should be +11 Acrobatics, is there a way to get a clarification if this is a typo?

1/5 ****

Are others seeing Concordance in the factions now? Mine doesn't show and forces 1 so i have some set with the wrong faction. Rather have a None/Other option if can't get Concordance in. I have reloaded to see if maybe it was me.