
Mudscale's page

Organized Play Member. 58 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


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Dark Archive

Environmental protection on an armour protects with holes. Small energy barrier to keep vacuum out.

The compass is pretty great, but things like a hammer or crowbar to remove panels rope is always great. I'd allow glowsticks and things like flashlights that can leave as a trail.

Spray-paint in that lieu.

On a crazy planet and want to find you way back spray on some paint to mark a tree.

Dark Archive

A little late I bet but I had a party of 3 for this one so 12 checks. The pilot has almost no useful skills and the Xenodruid was at home and made 2-3 checks a turn before running out or failing out.

My biggest challenge was do I let talk to animals apply to the head which is +30 feet or the base of the foot which could be 30 feet for a bonus to rolls.

Dark Archive

Reading through a lot of material Pulse Dart reads as a Solar manifestation. So do you think he would need 4 points to Supernova if needed as it looks tilted 3-1 in favour of Solar?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The one I just built is a lv 5 envoy that took the technomancer dabbler feat. 'mending' isn't the best but i like the idea of rping it as like auto-repairing bots, then comprehend languages and detect magic. the original robots purpose was like a protocol droid :)

they are kind of tough to heal eh.

Dark Archive

The integrated equipment is kind of pidgeon holded until lv 6 eh? Am I reading that right? Early you take a limb or voice changer? Then some small choices at 6 but free dermal plating at 10 is kind of cool.

Dark Archive

And since Weapon Specialization at lvl 3 is only applied to class granted proficiency you need to take a 2nd feat to give it the character level bonus damage.

Dark Archive

I've been toying around that idea as well but more for carried items. I actually like the weight rules for Starfinder where other RPGs I ignore them beyond the improbable.

I believe a character sheet is 4/(5 for spells/complexity) pages not 2 and making the lines small is not a way to go.

I feel like the equipment you gather is so strange and has many uses it needs its own sheet. So this is my first draft. Has all the basics but more spaces and more space to write.

Also it uses containers so if you have a backpack or a chest or something you can track it there.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AjZ9fc9wuv5gU_NmZKy4wc_LSxemNg4V/view?usp= sharing

I dig your idea, I think 2 up on a page would do better. With your idea I'm thinking a cue card size is all that's needed for most games. ammo on one half, health on the other, can use it each session... oooh

Dark Archive

Yeah it's the brain jack. Get that be a better solo combat character, get a drone be more utility.

It can be surprisingly easy to not have 1 longarm proficient character in a party.

Dark Archive

Paizo always takes over a whole hotel. I demo'd Starfinder last year and got 2.0 preordered and looking to demo it as well as play a lot of Starfinder as a PC. Half my weekend may be dedicated to it. :)

Dark Archive


The first batch dropped on Sunday and just curious when we should see the GenCon events start rolling in so I can know when to look at em.

(Who am I kidding I'm refreshing the update list every 3 hours)


Dark Archive

I like both of those ideas. I have no idea how the Aiudara work but I can treat them as 1 way stargates. NPC will know address but also require some mysticism checks to repair it perhaps, even only good enough for one brief trip.

Then also have the signal as a deus ex machina failsafe.

Dark Archive

So about to finish book two and I feel like I'm missing something. How are people running the return at the very end. There isn't a method to recharge armour and it's another trip back.

Let alone the possibility just to die from heat death it feels a bit boring.

I was going to say planet security or something detected a strong signal out here and has special flight licence to investigate those operating that level of technology without permission, but they did have permission to be out their even though their motives were unknown.

So maybe intercepted and too many culty mentions flagged military to investigate?

Dark Archive

You are amazing. I stopped reading after the Operative part.

Dark Archive

I've been running a campaign and just found how fun it is for a crew to not pre prepared for melee enemies when most have been shooting at them. If it has claws it doesn't care for your cover.

I haven't rolled many characters as I've taken on the GM role but I've used the pregens as templates to see what some characters could look like.

On Navasi, the level 1 Envoy she has +2 to hit with a combat knife and I can't tell why.

I was thinking a feat or a weapon property that allowed for the dex mod to be added for a small blade but can't see it.

Is there a rule I'm missing or something on that sheet I'm missing? Maybe a typo?

Dark Archive

Amazon.ca just pushed my order back to mid November. Second push back.

I told myself nah, it won't sell out, you can get it later at GenCon, go wait in FF line first. :(

I feel like I may get AP 2 before AP 1.

Dark Archive

This reminds me of XCom. Need to return the body before you vivisect it :D

Dark Archive

MMCJawa wrote:
The fact that thousands of years before even the current Pathfinder year date already has seen humans confirmed for 4 separate planets (Earth, Androffa, Golarion, and Akiton) suggests that there are a LOT of humans out there anyway.

So what you are saying is my Starcraft/Starfinder United Earth Directorate plot can work out seamlessly :P

Dark Archive

Anything with the 00 should be pregen. Thursday was just the largest pool of 300 seats and then there was other 00 times with smaller ticket limits.

I'm going to try and grab the Free RPG day scenario and have that prepped to play at GenCon if I get some downtime.

I really wanted to try some society stuff but 00 pregens is fine by me :D

Dark Archive

Gina Starr 248 wrote:

This is my 6th year going, and I still made a major mistake. I didn't even bother to look at how many tickets there were for each game. The 2 Starfinder games I tried to get into each had 24 tickets. That's not a lot of people.

Oh well, we bought some generic tickets. Maybe we can get into one of the games that way.

It could be wise to refresh those pages every once in a while. I'm sitting on an extra Thornwatch ticket hoping another Starfinder event opens up and I can drop one for what works best.

Dark Archive

Second year going to Gen Con so I know registration is a gong show. I went for the Thursday 00 for the 300 tickets alone. Half of my group got in.

They did just add a few seminars the past few days you may still be able to get into :D

Dark Archive

Did people get what they wanted? That filled up all right away. Hopefully more are added I got in the 00 for 8pm-1am. Even the 2am-7am slots filled up. Hype.

Dark Archive

Into the Unknown is still the most confusing with the 1 hour timetable per section as 1 hour almost seems like too little.

It is organized play events so the 5 hours make sense. You want to leave with something accomplished. Last year I went and did a variety of RPGs to branch out that were 2-3 hours long and that is nice to learn.

Generally, Paizo Inc. does just Society stuff and then 3rd parties run their own groups, but with Starfinder launching there only appears to be one 3rd party doing a tablet table tech demo thing.

What I'd expect is closer to GenCon in July more Starfinder events will pop up from 3rd parties with shorter time slots.

Really right now it's the organized play that people will clamour over to get a good timeslot on May 28th. That's my plan. Official stuff May 28th then add filler and new experiences as the months go on.

Dark Archive

Thanks, that makes a lot more sense so really I can just do the 00 and then add the other numbers if it works out but in whatever order I want.

I am curious as there are some 2am time slots there. I've never seen a 2am-7am event before :O

Really do hope there is reserved pickup. I am looking at getting almost everything offered at initial launch, either way it will probably be my first stop once the hall opens :D

Dark Archive

I'd love some addition explanation on it. I have not ever done a society event let alone a big organized day like that.

Looking at the 00 having the only one with 300 seats and then the rest scattered for much smaller amounts is a bit confusing but I assume its just a big room for the grand release.

As a RPG player that never has done organized play the 01-00/01/02/03/04 is confusing to me. I assumed they would be in order but they definitely seem to be completely unique games for all beginner levels.

The Quest Pack event is also interesting (but I can't attend for other events overlapping) as it seems to be smaller 1 hour "quests" during a 5h session.

If anyone can help clear that up I'd really appreciate it. I figure for now I'm just doing the 00 with the pregens and then grabbing all the core materials I can. (Hopefully there is a GenCon preorder coming up in the coming months)

I want to play as much as I can so curious what people recommend as the best process as 5 hour events don't easily slot some days when you are running 8 hour tournaments and also trying to squeeze in group stuff with friends.

Dark Archive

Exciting. Going to GenCon for a second time this year. I stopped Pathfinder a while ago but really want to preorder Starfinder and get the book at GenCon. Worried about sellouts.

Dark Archive

Monks don't have a natural weapon so that wouldn't let them get the feat as it is a requirement.

The fact their improved unarmed attacks can be improved as if they are natural weapons would mean if they somehow got this feat, by say way of bonus to which they can bypass the requirements then they would be able to get the bonus, as it enchances their unarmed attack. Just like how they gain the benefits of TWF without needing to have the prereqs.

As it reads I don't interpret anything in improved unarmed attack(monk) nothing gives the monk a natural weapon.


I'd love to see some sort of draconic sorcerer cross-classed with a high BAB class throwing out wicked shocking grasp charged improved natural attack claws.

kind of a high level req to do all that for what it is, but i like the flavour and would be a cool way to mesh two low level/spells abilities and make them better.

Dark Archive

Gender does nothing for your min/max...although you could always put some homeade feats in for it.

Feminine Charm
+4 diplomacy for female PCs vs. male humanoid PC/NPCs
*the opposing race must find the race with this feat attractive*


Sadly, I don't think any of my PCs could pull off a female character and the girl that plays in my group isn't the best roleplayer as is.

Alas everything is solved with getting smashed.

Dark Archive

hogarth wrote:
Shocking. Absolutely shocking. :-)


You just need to hope they have them in stock. Core is currently OoS, my buddy got lucky and just kept checking and 1 copy appeared.

Dark Archive

Unless you are supporting a local store, you should be buying from amazon.ca or chapters.ca

The in store prices at Chapters, even with a irewards card is still so very lame. Jut by buying online you get a bigger discount than in store with the card.

It's easy to get a hardcover and a softcover book and hit the $39 free shipping mark.

Not to mention that the online stores sometimes have coupons for like $5 off.

Dark Archive

At my table you cannot play as a LE Paladin or a LG Paladin with an Evil deity.

Find a table where you can, go have fun. Good luck with that. Really... good luck in finding a group of people who want to play with evil characters in their group.

I doubt you will find those tables at Pathfidner events.

Play through an actual RP event where you are LG person who reveres an Evil God.

The evil church of god "blah" is making sacrifices of innocents in front of you.

What are you going to betray? Your alignment or your deity?

James put it the best. LE Paladins and the whole concept of Evil with Paladins is not good for the game.

I read all these posts and feel dumber for it. How can characters like that be fun? You aren't going to get along with most parties.

Hell, LG characters are annoying enough to get along with.

Dark Archive

Name Violation wrote:

actually it can be done either way and its up to the dm to decide which method they want to use.

if the creatures are played smart, as a unit, working with each other, flanking, aiding, ect, give the cr +6

if its a bunch of individuals fighting for themselves, give the 8 1/3rds xp

The lack of a perfect system kills me. Doing a different kind of math for each encounter is probably what bugs me the most.

Basically what you said is what I'm going to do. If it was my own campaign I'd be fine with my own judgement. The fact it is premade, and the kind of person I am and the players I play with, we'd just hate to have the PCs win a hard fight because they were a level higher or lose because they were a level lower.

Dark Archive

Been looking over the rules and just having some trouble coming up with the exact math for awarding Xp to my party for this premade campaign.

= 8 * 1/3 Monsters / 5 # of PCs of APL 1
= 8 * 135 /5
= 1080 /5
= 216

I like the exact method or whatever I'm using, reducing the amount of experiance based on the advantage from having 5 PCs over 4 PCs.

I'm just reading the CR equivlency table saying 8 Creatures is equal to CR +6

Am I couting down the table so 1/3 - 1/2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - (5)

Meaning it would 1600 / 5 for 320 each?

I know there are different methods to figure out XP and the RAW isn't the best for CR monsters with fractions. So while I'm looking for confirmation of the rules, some advice would be helpful.

Should a PC die, I'd like it to be for dice fault or poor choices, not the fact they are a level lower then they should.

A difference of 104 may not mean much, but they are still Lv.1 so it kind of adds up.

(We are also playing as RAW as possible, so ideas for just advancing them early or dropping GM powers will not satisfy my PCs :P)

Dark Archive

So...if they have an INT of 3 they could take a skill to learn Common although not being able to speak it, understand it.

Would you be able to do that and not need to use Handle Animal checks anymore?

Dark Archive

I'm tracking a calender which helps for days. Couldn't find a Golarion calender so I just made a 12 month 28 day calender and since im running Rise of the Runelords to start I just picked an equivlent of October as the first day of Autmmn for when the scenario starts.

I'm pretty handy with maps and stuff so I designed a check sheet for ammunition.

It's real easy to motivate players to keep track of their stuff. I make the point I'm spending the time reading, memorizing and studying the campaign so the least they can do is manage 1 character sheet.

Also I impose a rule of, if it's not written down properly you can't use it, and if you never wrote it down by the time you try and use it, they you lost it.

I do also run a campaign with players who enjoy the fact a few wrong moves means death so by imposing vision, food, ammo and sleep rules they can get stuck between a rock and a hard place. Leaves the mroe prepared characters to rise to the top.

I haven't thought about rent really...I worked out backstories with my PCs that allowed them be in the starting town without owning property, they became heroes fast so they get put up in an inn for free for the time being.

Dark Archive

lavi wrote:
And this is assuming there are NO human ethnic/regional languages other than "common". So yeah - I've NEVER been in a situation where my players haven't had a language to learn.

ya if you bust out golarion you hit a whirlwind already. Just doing Rise of the Runelords there are what? like 3-5 Languages just for ancient civs and regional humans.

Dark Archive

Name Violation wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
what about the quarterling
wheres the full blooded ling? i wanna be more than half-ling

Improper Fraction-ling aka the threehalf-ling

Dark Archive

Watch it! You are about to open up the whole can of worms that is, Half-Orc + Half-Elf =

Dark Archive

I love these feats. I GM and my monk player always utilizes them. The monsters I run have strategies and intellegences and if they have a bow they are going to use it...then when they see the monk deflect an arrow they smarten up and realize that didn't work and attack someone else.

If the GM meta-games they are a bad GM, bypassing a feat just because you know about it is lame and turns tabletop RPGs into simple tabletop minis games.

If I made any changes I would up the Dex and drop the unarmed portion and only make that for snatch arrows, allowing other classes who want to deflect arrows use their shields and weapons to parry them away. I could see casters liking this feat a lot if it were changed into that.

Dark Archive

Just wondering how people do checks for searching.

I think it is really lame when everyone rolls a search check in a room, mainly because high rolls under my interpretation mean you search better, not faster.

I was thinking about implementing this system and tiering it like so:

Take the DCs of each thing in the room, so if there is something hidden in a desk versus hidden behind a false panel there would be two different search DCs.

High DC

Low DC

Then ask the PCs what they are specifically searching for and apply some go fish rules about getting what you wanted. So if a wizard is interested in magic scrolls s/he would recognize them easier if that was all s/he was looking for and find them faster then people giving a general search of the room.

High DC
-Specific Search, highest roll
-Specific Search, remainder rolls in order
-General Search, highest roll
-General Search, remainder rolls in order

Low DC
-Specific Search, highest roll
-Specific Search, remainder rolls in order
-General Search, highest roll
-General Search, remainder rolls in order

That may look complicated but it really isn't. I'm just trying to promote individalism in my campaign. If someone wants to conceal some expensive item they found I like writing it on a piece of paper and handing it to them, giving the PCs spot checks vs sleight of hand, then if the PC passes the spot check having a Bluff vs Sense Motive face off.

Anyone else have a system? I just don't like the whole party rolls just to beat one DC kind of thing. I actually had two PCs miss a surprise round because they were bickering over loot division while the other three members were progressing.

Dark Archive

Shady314 wrote:
Mudscale wrote:

A Level 1 Monk with a +2 Str.
Flurry of Blows +1/+1
Unarmed attack +2
Slower seems more accurate to me.

The problem does not come at level 1. Most problems don't.

A level 10 Monk with +2 Str.

Flurry of Blows +10/+10/+5/+5

Unarmed attack +9/+4

Oh wait...looks like it fixed itself...

And I mean't, maybe you want to use 3 Levels of Monk for the mobility and high saving throws, toss in some wisedom based spell caster as a main class and you have an interesting character.

Allowing that caster-monk, say level 8, to use full BAB for FoB is retarded. Quicken Shocking Grasp + FoB as an example.

Dark Archive

Ironicdisaster wrote:

Well hell, as long as we're being ridiculous...

I'd like a job at Paizo. I can travel or work from home, whichever. I'll submit my credentials after we negotiate my salary. I was thinking around 28k a year (USD), that ballpark. I'm not greedy.

plus benefits

Dark Archive

DM_Blake wrote:

All true.

Oddly enough, when monks are super-fast, they hit more accurately. However, if they choose not to be super-fast, they also forget how to be accurate.

It's an artifact of the gimped 3.5 monk class, with an awkward attempt to make them more viable in Pathfinder, but I think the devs were just a bit too timid on this one - they probably should have just gone all the way.

A Level 1 Monk with a +2 Str.

Flurry of Blows +1/+1

Unarmed attack +2

Slower seems more accurate to me.

The point with Monk level allows for multiclassing better. If they start being a class with a higher BAB then their non-Flurry of Blows attacks still rise without buffing the Flurry of Blows, which would be broken.

Dark Archive

Lou Diamond wrote:

Are races proficent with weapons that have their racial name in them?

Ex dawrven War ax or Halfling Sling Staff.

Yes. It says that under every race profile.

They treat them as Martial Weapons though. So if your character cannot use All martial weapons then I wouldn't allow it.

As in I would not allow a Halfling Sorcerer to use a Sling Staff since they are only proficient with Simple Weapons.

I see the benefit to classes like Barbarian, Fighter and Rangers to get a free Exotic Weapon Prof.

That's my interpretation.

Dark Archive

Austin Morgan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
In PFRPG, Quicken Spell works fine for sorcerers; it allows them to cast spells as free actions.
Wouldn't that be a swift action? :P

Yes actually, thus not causing attacks of oppurtunity...which appears to be the only difference from Free and Swift

Dark Archive

mearrin69 wrote:
I'm pretty particular myself as DM: I allow all Paizo-published material and everything else is on a case-by-case basis.

Same. I am a minimalist though and a fan of low level campaigns.

The stuff already covered by Paizo is pretty extensive.

Elton wrote:
demonstrate to him that my Elementalist class and spells are really worth using

...maybe he doesn't want to play that class?

Honestly, if you are the GM and you think your stuff is not overpowered then what's the harm is letting him play with only Pathfinder rules, logically he shouldn't be underpowered.

If you are just trying to Min/Max him then I weep for your soul.

I honestly worry more about my players motivations and personalities rather then their classes and what abilities they took as a GM.

Dark Archive

Had a simple lock DC 20 and the Rogue failed three times in a row. She is only level 1.

There was no threat of danger. Only our second session of Pathfinder ever but we are avid tabletop RPG players and the last time I played 3/3.5 was 7-8 yeears ago. For comedy I just said she broke the lock.

I run a discussion board on my groups facebook group called 'YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG' where we post questions that came up in game and tthen we look into the RAW solutions so next time I don't have to RP something just to keep the gamae flowing...anyway...

I probably should have just let her take a 20, as the RAW says "you can retry checks to open locks." Pg. 95 of the Core. Am I missing any rules on that? Only running the Core for rules.

Dark Archive

When it comes to the common sense portion I'd stop thinking of actual hands and more of arms and body.

Throwing a light thrown weapon can range from a flick of the wrist to the snap of an arm to a full body toss. Being a light weapon, the last method a full body toss isn't generally used resulting in the use of just the standard action.

Swinging around a greatsword or net to toss it on someone would require a lot more coordination, and the use of both arms would be a must and the same would apply with a Spear being a two-handed weapon. I picture an olympic type of toss using both arms to carry the motion for its effectiveness.

Dark Archive

Tanis wrote:
Well, it actually looks conflicted by the RAW. Core p.141 states: "The wielder applies his Strength modifier to damage dealt by thrown weapons".

I can't see a place where you would add 1.5 Str on two-handed thrown. I see the 1.5 on page 141 as well but that is listed on Melee Weapons, not Ranged as the weapon is being used as.

Dark Archive

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
no, if you attack with a weapon in the hand that has the buckler, you lose the shield's bonus to AC until the start of your next turn

I'm agreeing with this.

Ughbash wrote:
Because when you THROW a spear you use one hand.

I'm disagreeing with this. No rules to back it up, just the practicality of throwing something with one hand violently or with force overhand is a full body motion in RL, expample being pitching a baseball...or throwing a spear...

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