
Mr. Hebeme's page

120 posts (400 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 aliases.

Mostly Human Boomer 3

Keep track of character ideas and submissions here.

I am not able to add or change an Avatar (picture) to a new or existing alias. Every time I try I get redirected to this message:

"You’ve reached this page due to an error on The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue.

To download the Pathfinder Playtest materials, click here.

The Playtest 1 surveys are available here:

Player Survey

Game Master Survey

Open Survey

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If you click on the survey it says the survey is closed and you are directed back to the paizo website.

Anyway, I know you all have a lot going on but any assistance you can provide would be great.


Hello, I am looking for help with an EK build.
Here are the MUST haves:
1. Halfling
2. Good knowledge skills
3. Must use 9 level arcane spell-caster class as entry to EK

That’s it I’m open to anything else, but here are the rules:
1. 20 point buy nothing lower than 8 higher than 20
2. Paizo material only no third party
3. VMC is allowed
4. Currently level 8

Right now I’m thinking fighter 1, wizard 5, EK 2 with VMC bard but could be talked into anything. I have no preference as to blasting, buffing, etc or melee vs. Ranged. Also, I know magus is a way to do this but I am not interested in any answers that say just go magus instead.

Thanks in advance!
- Mr. H