Mouchinator Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |
Enriching Pot of the Adventurer Cook
Aura faint conjuration, transmutation and abjuration; CL 5th
Slot -; Price 11,500 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This seemingly mundane iron pot is highly prized by adventurers, especially those who enjoy cooking and wish to eat well and keep strong while undertaking long and arduous travel. Once per day, when placed over a campfire, the item can be called upon to conjure forth an amount of food sufficient to feed up to four people. The type of food conjured is limited only by the user’s imagination but typically includes hearty meats, root vegetables, broth and woody herbs. The food appears raw, inside the pot and may be cooked and eaten as per normal.
Additionally, when used by an experienced cook, the pot is capable of enriching any food cooked within it. A DC 12 Profession (cook) check infuses the prepared meal with one of two effects which serve to fortify adventurers against the rigors of the road. The first effect grants a suite of benefits which include: +2 bonus to the Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; +2 bonus to Fortitude saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and, +2 bonus to Strength for the purposes of determining carrying capacity and encumbrance. These benefits last for 24 hours. The second effect allows the eaters to receive the benefits of long-term care, as if being cared for by someone with the Heal skill for a full day of complete rest, while only resting for 8 hours. Only one effect may be used at one time and it must be selected at the time of cooking.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, create food and water, endure elements, lesser restoration, stabilize; Cost 5,750 gp
I'd first like to thank the judges for not only giving us all an opportunity to compete, but for following up with the multitude of requests for a critique.
I'm happy to hear that my item was lame, boring, weak or just plain crap. I won't learn if I don't hear criticism.
For what its worth, I tried to take an aspect of the game (cooking) and give it some play. Now I know its a niche part of the game but I love the image of eating a hot bowl of stew after a long day of marching and having it warm you and help you rest to heal your wounds. However, that may be quite banal or even boring and I know the name is weak as well.
Anyway, I appreciate any feedback and you'll see me again next year.