Ephemeral Echo

MottekeSF's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Rogue (Scout) ability.
Skirmisher - At 8th level, whenever a scout moves more than 10 feet in a round and makes an attack action, the attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target was flat-footed. If the scout makes more than one attack this turn, this ability only applies to the first attack.

Spring-Heeled Reaping feat
While using Spring-Heeled Style, whenever you use Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, you can attack two different creatures at any point in your movement.

Though it says "only applies to the first attack", would it be reasonable as a DM to house-rule that if you move 10 feet between each attack they would both count as a Sneak Attack?

I'm going to be using Hallow on a building to be able to place a Death Ward effect.
The plan is having many clerics channel into Meditation Crystals to perform as many Raise Dead spells as I can via Ultimate Mercy.
I would be taking the temporary negative levels and those raised gain the 2 permanent ones.
If inside the Death Ward effect would you still die from the accumulation of negative levels or are you protected from it via the negating of the effects of negative levels.


Class Level Guide
1) Unchained Rogue BAB 0 Fort 0 Ref 2 Will 0

2) Unchained Rogue BAB 1 Fort 0 Ref 3 Will 0

3) Unchained Rogue BAB 2 Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 1

4) Mobile Fighter BAB 3 Fort 3 Ref 3 Will 1

5) Mobile Fighter BAB 4 Fort 4 Ref 3 Will 1
  • Agility: +1 to saves vs effects that cause paralysis, slow, entanglement (+1 every 4 lvls after)
  • Fighter Bonus Feat: Slayer’s Feint
  • 5th level Feat: Spring Attack

6) Mobile Fighter BAB 5 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 2
  • Armor Training 1: Reduce armor check penalty by 1, and increase max DEX by 1 + Move at normal movement speed in medium armor

7) Mobile Fighter BAB 6/1 Fort 5 Ref 4 Will 2

8) Mobile Fighter BAB 7/2 Fort 5 Ref 4 Will 2
  • Leaping Attack: +1 to attack/damage rolls if you move at least 5ft before attacking

9) Mobile Fighter BAB 8/3 Fort 6 Ref 5 Will 3

10) Mobile Fighter BAB 9/4 Fort 6 Ref 5 Will 3
  • Armor Training 2: Reduce armor check penalty by 2, and increase max DEX by 2 + Move at normal speed in heavy armor

11) Mobile Fighter BAB 10/5 Fort 7 Ref 5 Will 3

12) Mobile Fighter BAB 11/6/1 Fort 7 Ref 6 Will 4
  • Leaping Attack: +2 to attack/damage rolls if you move at least 5ft before attacking

13) Mobile Fighter BAB 12/7/2 Fort 8 Ref 6 Will 4

14) Mobile Fighter BAB 13/8/3 Fort 8 Ref 6 Will 4
  • Rapid Attack: Combine Full-Attack with a single move, forgoing atk w/ highest bonus however you can make the remaining attacks anywhere in the movement. Can hit multiple enemies through the movement.

15) Mobile Fighter BAB 14/9/4 Fort 9 Ref 7 Will 5

16) Mobile Fighter BAB 15/10/5 Fort 9 Ref 7 Will 5
  • Leaping Attack: +3

17) Mobile Fighter BAB 16/11/6/1 Fort 10 Ref 7 Will 5

18) Mobile Fighter BAB 17/12/7/2 Fort 10 Ref 8 Will 6
  • Fleet Footed: +10 base speed, can take 10 on acrobatics check even while threatened

19) Mobile Fighter BAB 18/13/8/3 Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 6

20) Mobile Fighter BAB 19/14/9/4 Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 6
  • Leaping Attack: +4

I just wanted to make sure everything here works together and if there are other optimizations that would help.

1) Canny Tumble + Circling Mongoose is obvious, every time you make the 5ft movement you make an acrobatics check and are considered to be flanking the foe, this does in fact work yes?

2) Now Canny Tumble + Two-Weapon Feint + Circling Mongoose: Can I now forgo the first attack, and gain flanking and have the target denied their Dexterity bonus?

3) How good is Hammer the Gap? I figure if I use it in conjunction with setup 2 as above, while I lose the one point from the first hit, if they're denied their DEX and considered Flanked it should be easy to get consecutive hits in.

4) Slayer's Feint works with Two-Weapon Feint I would think, so I don't need any CHA because this is literally an Acrobatics build~!

5) Wind Stance gives 20% concealment to RANGED attacks, but Lightning Stance gives 50% concealment, it doesn't specify ranged only so I assume it's for all attacks?

6) Lightning Stance, would it be considered multiple move actions with Circling Mongoose? Would it seem reasonable to house rule that if it doesn't?

Weapon Setup
In the longrun I'm probably going for a buildup of
+5 Keen Kukris of Speed
The base Kukri will be Serrated and Laminated Steel from the D&D 3.0 Mercenaries book

  • Serrated: +1 to base Crit range of the Weapon (stacks with Keen)
  • Laminated Steel: +1 damage and increase the Critical Multiplier by 1

For those wondering the cost it is like this;
  • Masterwork = 300g
  • Serrated = 300g
  • Laminated Steel = 900g
  • Now you take the total cost of the weapon properties (300g+300g+900g) and multiply by the number of properties, in this case 3 as Masterwork counts as a property.

10 STR :: 20 DEX :: 10 CON :: 13 INT :: 10 WIS :: 14 CHA (25 Point Buy +2 DEX Human Racial)


  • Killer (+Weapon Crit Mod to Damage when you crit),
  • Unpredictable (+1 Bluff and is a class skill)

Un-Ch. Rogue:

Un-Ch. Rogue:
  • Evasion
  • Rogue Talent (Stand up): Stand up from prone (swift = no AoO, free = risk AoO)

Un-Ch. Rogue:
  • Finesse Training(DEX to Shortsword damage)
  • Danger Sense +1

Un-Ch. Rogue:

880,000g starting gold :: Item Costs 879,350g

10 STR :: 34 DEX :: 10 CON :: 13 INT :: 10 WIS :: 24 CHA

Sun Blades :: (Count as Short Swords for DEX to DMG w/ Rogue)

  • +4 Bastard Sword 1d10 +4 +5(W.Mas if full-attacking) +1(Laminated Steel) +12(DEX) +2 (W.Spec)
  • +6d6 Sneak Attack
  • Ignores 10 DR, or 5 DR for un-typed DR (DR/--)
  • (15-20/x3 Critical Threat(Serrated Weapon Property + Keen))
  • ((x4 Crit and Double Damage vs Negative Energy Plane or undead creatures))

To Hit: +4 (+6 vs Evil) +19(BAB) +5(W.Mas if full-atk) +12(DEX) +2(W.Focus)
BASE w/ Greater T-W-F: (19p/19o/)from speed 19p/19o/14p/14o/9p/9o/4p
Full-Attack Action: (42p/42o/)from speed 42p/42o/37p/37o/32p/32o/27p
Double Strike (standard action) and Equal Opportunity Attacks of Opportunity: 37p/37o
vs Evil targets +2 to all attacks

If it were available I would swap all Unchained Rogue levels with Unchained Ninja (just for the ki ability for another full BAB attack), too bad that apparently isn't a thing (aside from homebrew/3rd party).

I just wanted to be sure of a couple other things as well...

  • 1) Enhancing the Sun Blades, I saw all over the forums "Yes you can" or "No you can't" and good arguments for both sides, but I just want to make sure (assuming I CAN), The Sun Blade is considered a +2 Bastard Sword normally (as per description), so I COULD in theory add +8 to the weapon, +3 more enhancement and +5 to +8 (losing a +1 enhancement for each +1 special ability) blah blah...
  • Would this cost the base price of the weapon, 50,335 plus the new enhancements on it? So in mine I made them +2 Keen and Speed, speed being +3 and Keen +1 so a total of +6, does this now cost 50,335 + 72,000 for 122,335g? or is it the +8 Cost for the Sun Blade (since it is already +2 as well) for 128,000g?
  • If I wanted to buy the Sun Blade at 50,335g as is, then enhance it later would it just cost 72,000g to enhance (for +6) or 128,000g - 50,335g (not much of a difference but I just like to figure stuff out and understand more).

  • 2) Since my Unchained Rogue would select Short Swords as the weapon that gains Dexterity to Damage and the Sun Blade counts as a short sword for wielding purposes it does in fact gain Dexterity to hit and damage yes?

  • 3) If I wrapped an EFFORTLESS LACE around, say a Falcata, the weapon now counts as a light weapon and is weapon finessable does this also mean that when the time comes I could choose that specific Falcata as a Dexterity to damage weapon with unchained rogue?

  • 3.5) If I did the same thing but instead then got it enchanted would it qualify for Agile, since it is now a finessable weapon?

Thanks for input and lemme know what you think of the build (should it work as intended) and tips/tricks would be great. THIS IS MY FIRST BUILD EVER, aside from just taking the base classes and playing them as is and taking feats that seem "good" back when I first started.

FYI Serrated and Laminated Steel are from the D&D 3.0 (possibly 3.5 can't remember 100%) MERCENARIES book, figured converting should be easy.
+300g for Serrated +1 threat range on the base weapon (must be made with it, thus alters the base weapon and works WITH Keen/Improved Crit)
+900g for Laminated Steel +1 Damage +1 to Crit Multiplier

You multiply the cost of the weapon (not including the enchantments) by how many weapon properties are on it, Masterwork is a weapon property.
So if you have a Masterwork Serrated Laminated Steel Dagger it should be (2g + 300g(MW) +300g(Serrated) +900g(L.Steel))x3(# of properties) = 4,506g for a 1d4 +1 18-20x3 dagger

This may be a silly question, but my current build looks like this:

(FYI stats are rolled in presence of DM not a point buy system)

Android (Background, was previously a Half-Elf accidentally killed by parents in an explosion due to faulty alchemical laboratory, father built clockwork robotic body, mother (cleric) kept remaining organs, skin etc that was left intact and with father's help grafted it onto the clockwork body and fused to work together: This is why I have the Half-Elf racial trait)
STR: 15
DEX: 19: 17 +2 Racial
CON: 14
INT: 18: 16 +2 Racial
WIS: 14
CHA: 10

-4 Unchained Rogue (Knife Master + Scout archetypes)
-5 Vigilante (Stalker)
-remaining levels in Unchained Rogue

-Elven Reflexes +2 Initiative
-Strong Arm, Supple Wrist: Move 10ft, gain 10ft range

Feats: (we get as a house rule a bonus feat for our specific race, if it could be found on a CR 1 of your race in the Bestiary if none exist you can take one of 4, improved initiative, weapon focus, skill focus or weapon proficiency)

Racial: Improved Initiative
1st: Two-Weapon Fighting
-Major Drawback (or Flaw): Spell Vulnerability: -2 Penalty to all saves vs Evocation
Flaw gained Feat: Opening Volley

2nd: Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Point-Blank Shot

3rd: Charging Hurler

4th: Rogue Talent: Powerful Sneak

5th: Dodge

6th: Vigilante Talent: Close the Gap

7th: Disorienting Maneuvers

8th: Vigilante Talent: Up Close and Personal

9th: Precise Shot

Now with my main question;
- Up Close and Personal (Ex): When the vigilante attempts an Acrobatics check to move through an opponent's space during a move action, he can attempt a single melee attack against that opponent as a swift action. If the Acrobatics check succeeds, this attack applies the vigilante's hidden strike damage as if the foe were unaware of the vigilante. Otherwise, the vigilante applies the hidden strike damage he would deal if the target were denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. Only a stalker vigilante of at least 4th level can select this talent.

Should I succeed in my acrobatics check, and make that attack as though they were "unaware" of the vigilante, would I also gain my rogue's sneak attack damage?

If not directly through the ability, but if should the acrobatics maneuver make me flanking would I then get the sneak attack damage on this swift action attack?

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Hi there, this is actually my first question I haven't been able to find via google or these forums without making my own thread. So here goes nothing!

Stalker Sense (Ex): The vigilante has a sense for danger. He always acts on the surprise round. At 6th level, he gains uncanny dodge, and at 12th level, he gains improved uncanny dodge. Only a stalker can select this talent.

For vigilante talents such as this one it states: at 6th level and at 12th level

Does this mean vigilante 6th, or character level 6th etc? Most of the time I see it specified such as with class abilities or rogue talents, though some rogue talents also vaguely say just a general level.

If it is just character level that'd make my build really amazing, but either way it would just be great knowing what the rules are.