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![]() Thebazilly wrote:
Confusion comes from following... (Source, Page 190)
(Source, Page 355)
(Source , Page 349)
Cold iron warhammer
Adamantine battleaxe. ------------------ What is correct, the entry or the table? Table seems to think it is most important according to page 348. (Source, Page 356)
------------------ Now enter confusion stage access trapdoor spring-box, all hail our future Goblin Paladin Saviors! ![]()
![]() Wouldn't stack, the spell is causing a creature to magically age by one category. They revert to normal when the duration ends. If the duration was permanent I would agree that it stacked. Spell stacking/not stacking rules are in the magic section of the CRB or online source. Would be bad if things like Haste stacked, I was made faster, now I am faster still! As pointed out... The interesting question is, at venerable what happens? There is no age past that, but they are not ageless or immortal. ![]()
![]() Rules wrote: If you do not release the grapple, you must continue to make a check each round, as a standard action, to maintain the hold. Always read this as, Do you want to keep grappling? Yes? Then Roll to Maintain Grapple, depending of feats or other things it costs some kind of action.... then do whatever else you got.Reasoning behind this is the language is consistent with AOE spell saves and other things that cause a constant state. Example.
Stinking Cloud wrote: Any creature that succeeds on its save but remains in the cloud must continue to save each round on your turn Both sentences use the "must continue to" do X structure and this happens first. On your turn I bet you expect them to save, not at the very end of your turn when you are all done doing more things to them. This implies an order to things, this is also what makes Greater Grapple... well... Great. ![]()
![]() Without Grab or similar that allows you to engage in a grapple as a free action.... Grappling is a Standard Action. It also normally takes a Standard Action to maintain against a target, not all targets... there are exceptions. Without Greater Grapple or something similar moving the action type this means you can maintain against one opponent. Greater Grapple could let you maintain two grapples, provided you could somehow get into two. So without something modifying the mechanics, grappling is one vs one. The rules even state that multiple things in a grapple is an "Aid Another" action that adds +2 to whatever checks. So for clarity.
![]() There is no "Schrodinger's Grapple" scenario. The act of grappling changes what you can do with all roads pointing to one of two decisions.
[2.]I wish to END. Grappling is normally a standard action so unless you have grab or something similar you do not perform full round actions while attempting or maintaining the grapple. As the "defender" you still can take full round actions since you do not need to maintain the grapple. If you want option 1, first order of business is that grapple check. Then you do whatever actions, or not, maybe you failed. If you want option 2, they are released at the start of your turn or sooner if you so wish. ![]()
![]() Grapple changes what options you have available to you. To your questions...
2. Same as 1 They are grappled until you decide they are not (free action) or you fail/decide not to maintain. If you are not going to maintain then they are free at the beginning of your turn. If you release them using the free action option, they are out of the grapple at that time. Attacking is an option in grappling and requires a CMD check, once you do this you are still grappling them (provided you win). You cannot full attack without releasing the grapple. ![]()
![]() Bringing this back to the simplest terms....
UNLESS of course the action or a feat.. or something else... states otherwise. The question here really just boils down to:
Something to point out. It has been repeatedly stated that using a wand is not the same as you casting the spell. If source of movement is in the thought process this makes it super muddy since the wand is basically casting whatever at your request. ![]()
![]() Want to put emphasis on that you can only place the target in an adjacent square at the end of your movement. There is also a FAQ thread request regarding the placement of Blade Barrier and similar. Does it go thru the middle of a square, or along the borders of the square? Matters particularly to your question since you cannot actually stand IN the blade barrier but take damage only when passing thru it. Unlike Wall of Fire, Blade Barrier is essentially 2D. Regardless of the FAQ though, and how cool it would probably look, and there is some fun thematic elements here to be sure... At some point you and the subject of the grapple are by definition on opposite sides of a (in this case) damaging wall. Something to think about. ![]()
![]() As per the grab ability it is a -20 to your CMB to grapple without gaining the status yourself. This is what allows for you to initiate against multiple targets. Once you have the grappled condition it is really only between you and a single opponent. (or opponents if people are assisting) .. also... depending on how big your octopus is. You can only use grab on creatures your size or smaller. ![]()
![]() Atalius wrote: they both protrude from the body though? So do all your limbs. :-) Seriously though...
... think, magic fang and barkskin, one is offence the other defense. ![]()
![]() Looking forward to the FAQ (please people who read this, FAQ button!) I would be surprised (as would the other DM's I play with) if it came to pass that it truly is ANY movement stops the five foot step. That would introduce quite a lot of tracking overhead into the round as well as "new" (depending on where you are on this) shenanigans. Reposition just got a whole lot more fun... Also if Bladed Dash, and similar spells that are not specifically teleportation, counts as movement it would be nice to have that as a ruling as well. ![]()
![]() Seems to be a hot topic... I gave this answer in another post similar to this one. I feel that only movement that counts against your actual measured movement for that round matters for allowing a 5FS (5 foot step). My reasoning... Rules wrote: you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance Since 5FS availability is keyed to you not moving any distance in your current round it makes little sense for it to apply to things/people/events that move you in ways that do not use your available movement. Having it nullified by any movement sets up very easy ways to destroy access to 5FS and also bring up situations where the 5FS would have been invalid that round. Examples: You get bull rushed any distance... you can still full attack, move, etc... should still be ok to 5FS. Lets say you have 10ft of move. Casting "Bladed Dash" to "move" 30ft and resolve the spell attack along the way well exceeds what you could have done... but.... you can still move normally before or after this spell... should still be ok to 5FS. Your Wizard friend casts Dimension Door and moves you and a few others to your opponent, the Wizard can no longer act as per the spell but now nobody else can 5FS?.. but can still otherwise act normally? Sounds odd.. Reverse of previous, you all 5FS to the wizard who gets all of you out of combat range with Dimension Door... did all of you take an illegal step? ![]()
![]() I am with _Ozy_ on this, only your personal actual movement dictates access to the 5FS (5 foot step). Reasoning as follows if anyone cares...
Rules wrote: you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance Since 5FS availability is keyed to you not moving any distance in your current round it makes little sense for it to apply to things/people/events that move you in ways that do not use your available movement. Having it nullified by any movement sets up very easy ways to destroy access to 5FS and also bring up situations where the 5FS would have been invalid that round. Examples: You get bull rushed any distance... you can still full attack, move, etc... should still be 5FS ok. Lets say you have 10ft of move. Casting "Bladed Dash" to "move" 30ft and resolve the spell attack well exceeds what you could have done... but.... you can still move before or after this spell. Your Wizard friend casts Dimension Door and moves you and a few others to your opponent, the Wizard can no longer act as per the spell but now nobody else can 5FS?.. but can still act normally? Reverse of previous, you all 5FS to the wizard who gets all of you out of combat range with Dimension Door... did all of you take an illegal step? ![]()
![]() Kileanna wrote: I'd go for Antipaladin or another class/archetype that you would only be able to play on an evil campaign. Evil campaigns don't happen so often so I'd go for a concept that I would never be able to explore on an average campaign. I agree with this recommendation. If you use an option that is available to anyone then, well, it is your actions that are evil. You just have to change one thing on the sheet... your alignment... so that is just so... diet-evil. But if you pick something that you have to be evil for... well, that is commitment! And lets face it, who wants to be the lesser evil? ![]()
![]() toxycycline wrote:
If they know they are going to have a wish twisted... assuming this is the case here given the structuring. Do nothing; Initially. Just smile and tell them they got what they wanted. Plenty of adventure hooks and ideas can be spun off this structure and it will keep the group guessing.... what exactly did this cost? Quote:
In agreement with others that wish one forces your perceptions/reality to be altered to comply with the outcome of the wish, probably leading to you becoming a mad, drooling, mind locked being... from others perspective. Still does not violate that you get exactly what you want... 100%... even if you didn't specify the details because you wanted absolute outcome control... from your perspective... a perspective is a changeable thing. The truly mad don't know they are... and your happy now. ![]()
![]() I would vote no, but yes this is a bit muddy. As far as I am familiar with them, sneak attack dice are not counted as "bonus" as they are not affected by a critical and usually clearly state that. I feel that fireball statement portion was a rather poorly structured way of getting around another issue. That the application of the attack dice are also dependent on the spell successfully doing damage. Now if someone came back and said "but these dice do get multiplied on a crit in this instance" ... well.. then all is fair game me thinks. ![]()
![]() Our party was in a situation where we were facing down a mounted combatant. To level the field a bit we hit the mount with blindness/deafness to keep it from running amok as the rider likely would have saved. After that we had to look up what happens but couldn't find anything outside the blindness effect. So, question is... Aside from the blindness negatives to the mount does anything else happen? Does the mount get harder to control? Does the rider take any penalties? |