Nickold Starweather

Morvus Tellandon's page

5 posts. Organized Play character for Tricord.


Dark Archive

Good selection me thinks.

Dark Archive

Uh oh, the shoanti is making assumptions...that can't be good.

Dark Archive

GM is contemplating if he can choose me six times.

Dark Archive

Hmmm, this place sure got crowded.

Dark Archive

Posted as Trey Jay above. Put me in the arcane category. Created Morvus for this potential campaign. Can easily post more than once per day. Character below but the info is also in the profile.


The Tellandon family moved to Korvosa from Cheliax in AR 4507 and became one of the city’s twenty one noble Dock Families. While not one of the city’s “Great Houses”, the way Morvus speaks to others could certainly fool someone not familiar with Korvosan politics.

At some point in the distant past, a Tellandon made a pact with a devil which resulted in the infernal’s seed lying dormant within the family for generations. Everyone remained mostly unaware until Morvus was thirteen. He had conversed with an imaginary dog for several years and his parents, worried that it wasn’t just a phase, confronted their son regarding the matter when he summoned his pet from another plane.

While magic is not frowned upon in the family—in fact, Movus’ mother was a graduate of the Acadamae in Korvosa—the Talladan’s are aware of the general enmity towards sorcerers in Korvosa. His father enrolled Morvus in the Acadamae in an attempt to hide his natural gift for the arcane.

Not one for books, Morvus mostly struggled in the Acadame until Gaedren Lamm framed him for the murder of a fellow student. Thanks in part to family connections, Morvus proved innocent but the Dean coerced Morvus to dropout.

While the family manages one of the city’s docks and acquires some wealth, Morvus has shown a lack of business acumen.

Lost. Without purpose. His family name sullied. Morvus can only focus on a hatred for Gaedren Lamm. Would revenge against Gaedren solve his problems? No. Would it make him feel better? Certainly.

Roleplaying Traits:

Morvus carries a pompous attitude on the surface. While partially founded upon his connection to a lesser noble family, at times it’s carried to an extreme. It’s mostly a ruse. During his time at the Acadamae, his fellow students—made up of gnomes, elves, and the smartest humans—easily covered more material than Morvus could handle. This academic inferiority only exacerbates his attitude with Korvosan commoners.

While not completely knowledgeable of the infernal root of his magical abilities, he remains uncomfortable around priests, some clerics, and especially paladins.

Physical Description:

Exhibits common characteristics of a citizen of Korvosa of Chelexian decent: black hair, brown eyes, arched eyebrows, and pale skin. Medium frame at 170 pounds and stands at 5’8”. Wears noble clothing but upon closer inspection the gems and jewels are of a lower quality than adorned by other nobles in Korvosa.

Stat Block:

Morvus Tellandon
Male Human (Chelaxian) Sorcerer (Infernal) 1
LN Medium Humanoid
Init: +2, Senses: normal vision; Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
HP 9
Fort: +0, Ref: +0, Will: +2
Speed 30ft
Melee Dagger +1(1d4+1/[19-20]x2)
Ranged Sling +1(1d4)+1/x2; 50 ft) 10 bullets
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 18
BAB +0;CMB +2;CMD 12
Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Spellcraft+8, remaining are ability modded

Eschew Materials, Toughness, Spell Focus (Conjuration)


Magical Lineage: Magic Missile
Framed Dropout: +2 bonus on Spellcraft


Common, Gnome, Elven


Noble’s Outfit, backpack, a bed roll, 50 ft silk rope, soap, trail rations (4 days), a waterskin, a dagger, a sling, and ten bullets.
Current Load: 38 lbs