
Morgrym Dolgringrun's page

344 posts. Alias of Harakani.


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HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

I also have had a great time :)
I hope your thesis goes well - I am in awe that you managed to get this far with a PhD - the people I've talked to who made it through one get a far away look in their eye when they talk about the amount of work involved.

Assuming you survive the experience and want to resume, I'd be happy to be contacted. If not, no hard feelings and I wish you the very best!

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym steps forward, forming a shield wall with Rhona and striking more to drive the beast off than kill it. "Wonder!" he shouts back to the others, then corrects himself. "Wand Her!"
attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym makes a series of cryptic gestures, sighs slightly, then points at himself, then the door, and then mimes opening it.
If allowed, Morgrym will open the door and trip any trap. Zalindra can still go first if she wishes. This is mostly a guilt thing.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym hesitates, but hands over the body. Burden laid aside - for now - he draws his hammer and shield, and makes his way after Zalindra.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Fare thee well!

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym awkwardly shuffles backward - trusting his companions, but ready to wade into the fray if needed. 'Though I don't want to just dump her...'

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym looks at the doors, bit does not offer to help. He does look for hinges, trying to ascertain if the doors open in or out.


If the door opens in, it'll be easier to bash down. If it opens out then it should be easier to jam.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

I'm pretty sure we decided to press on.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

I am. I was holding off posting, but I've done so.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

"Φοβάμαι ότι δεν έχω ιδέα." Morgrym rolls his shoulders in apology "Η μελέτη αυτών των πραγμάτων αποθαρρύνθηκε. Εάν μπορούμε να κρατήσουμε μέχρι τις πρωινές προσευχές μου, πιστεύω ότι μπορώ να ζητήσω τη μεσολάβηση - και τότε θα μπορούσαμε να κρατήσουμε για πάντα."


"I am afraid I have no idea. The study of such things was discouraged. If we can hold until my morning prayers I believe I can ask for intercession - and then we could hold for ever."

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym looks from Zalindra to Rhon as each talks, then responds in a rush of Dwarven

"Δεν φοβάμαι να συνεχίσω, αλλά δεν θέλω να φύγω από την Cecilia εδώ. Επίσης, δεν θέλω να αφήσω τους ομήρους παγιδευμένους όπως ήμασταν. Είναι οι άλλοι ομήροι σε άμεσο κίνδυνο, με το 'undead' να καταστρέφεται; Αν όχι, ας βγούμε έξω..." Moregrym grits his teeth to continue "κάψτε Cecilia..." he pauses for a moment "και επιστρέψτε για να συνεχίσετε να σώζετε άλλους."


"I'm not afraid to continue, but I do not want to leave Cecilia here. I also don't want to leave hostages trapped as we were. Are the other hostages in immediate danger, with the undead destroyed? If not, let us go outside... burn Cecilia... and return to continue saving others."

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym, arms full, does his best to talk in the common tongue - desperately he snatches at phrases practised in more peaceful times.

"How long until nightfall?" he asks, voice heavy with accent as he struggles with the different grammar without the age of his dictionary. "Brindol, can you show me the way to?" He nods at the destroyed noble's corpse, and then the door "What do you want?"

"Τι έχουμε αφήσει να κάνουμε σε αυτό το καταδικασμένο μέρος; Έχουμε καταλάβει το κακό; Δεν έχω καμία επιθυμία να μείνω εδώ μια στιγμή περισσότερο από όσο πρέπει." he finally says, exasperated.

"What have we left to do in this damned place? Have we vanquished the evil? I have no desire to stay here a moment longer than I must."
[ooc]I figure Dwarves - especially deep dwarves - are pretty stoic. Exasperation in this case being a cover for some pretty serious mixed emotions - devestation (loss of a friend), shock (fought undead, almost died earlier, kidnapped) and triumph (have actually stopped a major piece of evil in the form of a 'lich king')

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym sighs again. He looks to Rhona, and then Aelion, and nods.
'See how we go. If necessary I can carry her back.' - the thought doesn't show on his face, but the idea of facing his god at his own judgement and explaining he kept his companion from being buried with her kin, a companion he had failed to prevent from being cursed with undeath, because he was worried he'd be tired gnaws at him.
'If I'm injured' he decides 'If I'm injured it'd probably be alright.'

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym's face takes on an appalled cast at Rhona's suggestion, but after a moment he sighs and nods regretfully.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym stows his shield and hammer, and kneels by Cecilia.
Carefully he closes her eyes, removes her loose items, rests the symbol of his faith upon her face, and gently lifts her as one might a sleeping child.

In a low, sad voice he speaks the grating tongue of dwarves "Κάποιος θα πρέπει να πάρει τα εργαλεία και τα τιμαλφή της, ώστε να μπορέσουμε να τα επιστρέψουμε στην οικογένειά της. Η ίδια η Cecilia πρέπει να δούμε να θαμμένος, σύντομα, στο ιερό έδαφος. Η ιστορία της πρέπει να ειπωθεί, έτσι ώστε να μπορεί να τιμηθεί ως ένας που πέθανε για να σταματήσει το Evil."


Someone will need to take her gear and valuables, so that we can return them to her family. Cecilia herself we must see buried, soon, on holy ground. Her story must be told, so that she can be honored as one who died to stop Evil.

As he starts to walk off, content to carry his once companion, he adds another comment in a voice far more uncertain than before.
"Αισθάνομαι ότι ως μία από τις κορυφαίες φυλές, θα πρέπει να επιστρέψει στον ήλιο."


I feel that as one of the topside races, she should be returned to the sun.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym curses himself as - prompted by Cecilia's blasphemous resurrection - stories from his novitiate finally struggle to the surface of his mind.
Hammer in hand he closes, doing his best to restore his companion to the peace of death, before she can escape and spend centuries in unholy suffering.
attack+flanking: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 2 = 13

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Totally fair!
I didn't know if I was failing to communicate something I should, or if I'd be acting on OOC knowledge, which is why I asked.

Finding out he was close to to death was a great answer - resurrection vulnerability would not have been helpful.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Hmmm. Little bit paranoid here. Given Morgrym worked out we're facing a Wight, is it reasonable for him to realise Cecilia might be coming back in the worst possible way?

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym shuffles up a little further - leaving the skeleton at his back - and with a roared hymn brings him hammer down towards Rivenroar.
attack + flanking: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 edit: second '1' in a row!
His fury his undoing - in his anger he forgets his discipline, and the blow is easily avoidable.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym's mouth opens in horror as Cecilia is felled in one hit. He aches to rush to Rhona's aid, despite whatever tactical advice the others are saying.
Ignoring the now disarmed skeleton behind him he rushes forward, desperately trying to ward off the foul thing's next lethal blow.
20ft move - can't quite get to flanking. Will provoke from the red skeleton. Using Aid Another on Rhona's AC - if I was him I'd stop Rhona from making another attack like that, and he seems to be able to kill in a single hit. Needs to hit AC 10, and if successful adds +2 to her AC.
attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3Edit: well, never mind
knowledge: religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 to know what we're facing, and how to stop it. Ideally to know how injured it is as well.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

sorry - didn't mean to hold people up. I've been ill I am afraid.
I'm fine with the posting rate. I feel the 24 hour goal is a bit aspirational, and also indicative of how long a DM is required to wait. If Morgrym hasn't posted 24 hours after he's supposed to have, then I feel you do not have to wait any longer to dictate his actions.

Absolutely, he'd have left the shield glowing as long as he could.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Well, it's up to DM Kaavek - I don't know the particulars of the creature, and I'm not the DM.
According to the summary at https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/ only incorporeal undead are immune though.
I'd roll to confirm.

For the record, removing crit immunity from undead was one of my favourite changes from 3.5 to Pathfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

@Cecilia: Sorry to hear that :(

@Rhona: Undead were immune to criticals & precision in 3.5e, but not in Pathfinder. Makes sense: you explicitly kill a zombie by cutting off its head, and a vampire with a shot to the heart.

@DM Kaavek: I spent three Glowglyph charges back here to make Morgrym's shield glow for 10 minutes, and can add another charge during that time to make it an hour. Is it still glowing?
I'll hold off until I know.

glowglyph wrote:
Glowglyph: The inscribed item sheds light as a torch. As a standard action, the bearer can command the rune to erupt in a burst of light as a shield with the blinding special ability with a burst radius of 5 feet per glowglyph rune inscribed on the item. This expends all glowglyph runes on the item.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Desperate to pull his weight and hit someone Morgrym charged past friends towards the closest foe still standing.
attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 2 = 16damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5AC drops to 15

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym charges forward with Rhona, screaming warcrys, but quickly falls behind the faster dwarf. Determinedly he keeps screaming and running towards the foe.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym follows Rhona, hammer in hand but - uncharacteristically - holding off for now. 'She knows what the plan is.'

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Carefully Morgrym sounds out words "I look tourists..." then gives up and lapses to dwarven "Έχω βαθιά μάτια - πιο βαθιά από τους περισσότερους νάνους. Έχουν υπάρξει αρκετές εκπλήξεις. Θα παρακολουθώ - τα μάτια μου θα πρέπει να βλέπουν αρκετά μακριά ώστε να μπορώ να ακούω προειδοποίηση πριν κάποιος άλλος βγει από το σκοτάδι σε μας."


I've deep eyes - deeper than even most dwarves. There've been enough surprises. I'll keep watch - my eyes should see far enough that I can sound warning before anyone else comes out of the darkness at us.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym, reacting slowly, pivots to race towards Rhona. With all the skeletons once more laid to rest he raises his shield, then peers intently into the darkness, with the cursed torch behind his back.
perception: darkvision 90 ft: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

warhammer + charge: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 2 = 23
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Morgrym does his best to keep up with Rhona, charging in with warhammer to attack the skeleton on the other side of the boy.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym, a little lost but gamely carrying on, does his best to sneak closer to the door and ready himself to attack.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym lags behind - not out of fear of danger per se, but out of the reasonable fear that his unfamiliarity with sneaking might alert the enemy ahead.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

As Rhona finishes translating, Morgrym bows to Aelion. Quickly he pulls out his dictionary, flicks to a page, and responds "I also. I halp you."
True to his (mangled) word, he starts to retrieve arrows, carefully checking the fletching for damage as he does.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym sits up, groaning.
"Wonning?" he asks, in almost-common tongue, then looks around, counts the bodies and nods to himself. "Wonned."

He draws his cup, and with a murmured word he conjures water and drinks deeply.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

dying check:
stabilise DC 10, -2: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 2 = 20

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym drops like a stone as the sword slams home.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym's relief at the dark is short lived. With a scream of harnessed rage at the pain in his leg 'Curse not having real armor!' He takes the foe he is offered - and unleashes his warhammer at the nearby Hob.

warhammer: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym tapped Ingra, then with a roar that was as effective in dwarven as common he raced into the room shield first.
Move 40ft. Become target...

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

No - I've decided I'll be buying a rank in Linguistics for Morgrym when we next level. No common at all is killing my ability to interact, except by dragging my poor compatriots into translators.

I am enjoying the misunderstandings, though.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym's face looks as if he has bitten one of the centipedes and found it rotten. "Λυπάμαι, φίλε. Δεν έχω καμία θεραπεία για σένα."
He turns to Rhona "Δεν υπήρχε ραβδί"

"I am sorry, friend. I have no healing for you."
"Wasn't there a wand?"

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym ties some twine around the centipedes and throws them - still twitching - into his bag.
Culinary responsibilities absolved he stumps over to help Rhona.
"Ναί. Βαθιά σπήλαια. Το κρέας όπως εσείς περιγράφει ήταν σπάνιο. Τα τρόφιμα δεν έπρεπε να απορριφθούν. Το αδύναμο-stomached δεν ζούσε πολύ στο βαθύ σκοτάδι. Το φαγητό Lightside είναι αδύναμο, επιλεκτικό. Αυτό είπε ... "Milk". Υπάρχει κάποιο πρόβλημα στην κατανάλωση γάλακτος από ένα ζώο. Τι στριμμένο μυαλό αποφάσισε πρώτα ότι θα ήταν μια καλή ιδέα!"

Yes. Deep Caverns. Meat like you describe was rare. Food was not to be discarded. The weak-stomached didn't live long in the deep dark. Lightside food is weak, picky. That said... "Milk". There's something wrong about drinking milk from an animal. What twisted mind first decided that would be a good idea!

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym looks confused "Εγχέστε τα με ξύδι, βραδεία μαγειρέψτε για 2 ώρες, φέρετέ τα και σερβίρετε με μια σάλτσα βανίλιας με μανιτάρια και καρότα."

Inject them with vinegar, slow cook for 2 hours, shell them and serve with a lemon-butter sauce with mushrooms and carrots.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym stows his shield, and stoops to gather the dead bugs.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym recoils a little from the crack as the centipede explodes. Carefully he checks his footing then does his best to strike the next centipede directly on the head.
attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 str dam should kill it

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Oh dear.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym grunts, but does his best to avoid looking as if the shooting pain of the venom is affecting him. 'Tactically we need more space. I wonder if those runes are safe?'
Reversing his grip on his hammer he does his best to flick one of the centipedes onto the runes.
Not 100% on whether reposition can be used, or whether I need to do the whole grab thing. If the square is dangerous it won't go there, which I guess shows these guys think they're dangerous!
Hoping they are small enough they don't have the reach for an AoO. What size are they, please?

reposition: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10+1 for guidance if not already used.

if this is too complicated, then he'll 5' step onto the runes and just make that an attack roll

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

"Είμαι νάνος των βαθιών φυλών και υπηρέτης του Moradin. Προστατεύεται από αίμα, πίστη και σίδηρο. Αν κάποιος θα επιβιώσει, είναι εγώ."

Morgrym shrugs in his armour and continues.

"Είμαι εκτός θεραπείας - τελευταίο πράγμα που χρειάζομαι είναι ένας από αυτούς τους γυαλί-ανθρώπους να πάρει σπασμένα και να πρέπει να παρακολουθήσουν τους πεθαίνουν."

dwarven 1:

I am a dwarf of the deep clans, and a servant of Moradin. Protected by blood, faith and iron. If anyone will survive, it is is me.

dwarven 2:

I'm out of healing - last thing I need is one of these glass-people getting broken and having to watch them die.


Morgrym is pretty magic proof, and knows it. He's the second toughest person in the group (Rhona being next - and she's injured).
He's also very melee, and figures it is better to have the ranged people behind him. That said, guidance couldn't hurt...

Morgrym concentrates for a second, and is bathed in the guiding light of Moradin.

"Joyful?" he asks Rhona.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym gestures for the others to stay back, raises his shield and carefully enters.

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

Morgrym pushes to the fore, tapping Cecilia and pointing into the darkness. "Beware." he says, calmly. He points to his dwarven eyes and with a little more effort "One-st"

HP 10/12 | AT 6/6 RF 2/6 |AC 17 TT 11 FF 16 | F+5 R+1 W+5 (+5 spells/sla, +3 poison, +1 mind-affecting, -2 bright light) Forgemaster of Morardin

"Εχετε δίκιο. Κρατάω νόημα για να το κάνω, αλλά υπήρχαν πάντα τόσα πολλά να μάθουν και ο καθένας που έπρεπε να μιλήσω μίλησε ήδη Ντάκουελ. " Morgrym sighs "Εάν είστε έτοιμοι να περάσετε τα βασικά μαζί μου ενώ ταξιδεύουμε απλά, θα κάνω το καλύτερό μου για να μιλήσω με τους άλλους."


"You are correct. I keep meaning to do it, but there was always so much to learn, and everyone I needed to speak to already spoke Dwarven. If you're prepared to run through the basics with me while we're simply travelling I'll do my best to talk to the others."
I'll put a rank in common when we level. I'm enjoying the rp confusion, but I don't want to make you translate everything.

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