Mordinvan's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Is it possible to build an building over multiple turns using a lyre of building, using it's ability to pay 1BP/turn, over several turns to build a building with a cost of X BP over X turns?

Is it possible to build an building over multiple turns using a lyre of building, using it's ability to pay 1BP/turn, over several turns to build a building with a cost of X BP over X turns?

This spell says it summons a Bearded Devil to fight a selected champion as part of a hell knight ritual. The spells says the Devil will use every means at it's disposal to kill the champion. I believe this would include using it's summon ability to bring into existence a second Bearded Devil. I have a friend who says that wouldn't happen as it is supposed to be a one on one fight. To me that seems to be pulling it's punches, as opposed to going all out. Can anyone provide meaningful advice?

In a campaign we're presently in we have acquired some steam technology based cybernetic enhancements. I'm curious if anyone here as a suggestion at which point these "equipment bonuses" to our stats might be considered permanent in nature? Would it be after the normal 24 hour period? Some time after that? or never?