Mootaz |
Even with mounts, mounting/unmounting also takes time and crossing a town on horse during the panic of an attack does also not sound wise.
I know that the players don't have to be able to solve all these incidents and maybe they have to abandon some to rescue others. That's fine. I could also just "wing it", meaning I never determine fixed times beforehand and just let them fight the different fights and "announce" the next incident when I feel it is dramatically appropriate.
But I also want the players to be able to be "earn" certain advantages by being faster than the predetermined timetable.
And I want the times to feel realistic. Attack on a whole town including looting over in 2,5 minutes? Please...
OK, then the question is:
What is the experience of the forum members that have played this either as player or GM? What is a good time interval for these rounds?
If you have played it strict with the given times, how did it work out?