Mootaz's page

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The attack on Sandpoint in 4.1 is described in "rounds". Are these really intended to be "combat rounds"?
That would basically mean the PCs have NO way of keeping up with the fight as even the movement between the locations takes up too much time. I'm not even counting the actual combat at the locations.

Also the events at the locations happen much too fast.
Look at the events at Scarnetti Manor. The attackers arrive there in round 10.
The fire doesn't attract others until round 16 at the earliest.
The description of what the attackers have already accomplished when they are confronted (let's say round 20):
"...have already loaded a lot of treasure into their wagon, including four woven silk tapestries worth 1,200 gp each; three chests of silver and gold-inlaid tableware worth 1,000 gp in all; barrels of wine, brandy, and olive oil worth a total of 1,400 gp; and a teakwood desk inlaid with silver and gold worth 600 gp."

All that in 60 seconds while at the same time attacking the house? I know the attackers are strong and can carry a lot, but it takes more time to even FIND that stuff.

This is an attack on a complete city and it takes only 25 rounds. If these are really 6 second combat rounds, the whole attack is over in two and a half minutes!

So what am I supposed to take as the unit of time for these "rounds"?

Maybe I've missed it, but what clues do the players have to decide to go to Thistletop?

They are at the glassworks in chapter three. But how do they know to go to Thistletop in chapter 4?