Moors's page

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Our Price: $1.99

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Limited Usefulness


Like volume 2 in the City Builder series, this section is of very limited usefulness. Like the first two volumes, this 22 page "book" is packed with more than a dozen pages of (sometimes totally random) illustrations and two or three pages of product listings in the back, reducing the overall content to about eight pages of useful material. Even with the fact that you're only paying about two bucks per volume, I think Skirmisher would have been better served (and have gotten a better review from me) if they'd compressed many of these "volumes" together and gotten rid of about 75 percent of the illustrations.

Limited Usefulness


This 18 page booklet actually contains only six pages of useful information. One page each is devoted to information on armories, arsenals, smithies, clothiers and jewelers, with an additional overview page. Otherwise, this 18 page "book" consists of 10 pages of illustrations or product information, plus the normal OGL legal usage page.

I guess the price is fair at two bucks, but essentially you're paying two bucks for five pages of descriptive text along with some fairly bland "plot hooks" revolving around each of the crafts described on the page.

Useful at Some Levels


Those wishing to develop a home-brew world will probably find this product of moderate usefulness. While it clocks in at 36 pages, ten of those pages are devoted to (not terribly good) full page illustrations and six pages of various indexes, product lists and OGL licensing information, so only about half the pdf actually contains information and almost every page includes at least a quarter page to half page illustration.

As I am currently creating a nation based around three large cities for my home-brew world, there's some useful information here. What I'm finding most useful in volume 1 are, essentially, things I need to address as I create a background for my cities, like size, resources, military garrison, fortifications all the way down to small details like lighting and buidling construction.

For the price, I think it's a decent buy for those looking to flesh out settlements from tiny hamlets to major metropolitan areas.