Monon's page

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I would say I'd like to be an overweight, goatee'd man in his middle thirties that sells wares (both magical and mundane) to adventuring groups. I'd probably be an Expert, with heavy emphasis on UMD (to show my potential buyers how certain items work and to have a good knowledge base about them) and as many Knowledge(s) that I could manage to learn. I think being the informed, friendly NPC that helps the group (READ: All Adventuring Groups) in their travels to greater glory would be fufilling. And hey. maybe I'll totally be asked to join the group (though I'd refuse on the basis that I'm not very good at the murdering aspect of PC life and I can barely swing a kitchen knife without hurting myself)/elevated to a position of power by one of them (though with my background I doubt I'd rule super effectively)/mercilessly killed by any Evil NPC and the group'll cradle my dying body as I whisper some irrelivent last words. So long as this final one occurs when I'm in my late 90s and I've earned enough to keep my dozens of children safe I'd be fine taking the Storyline bullet.

Given a choice at being Heroic: I'll settle for Aristocrat 18. Ruling over a small kingdom that has little true troubles (and a several useful reasources that larger, friendly nations wish to partake of) and living well into my 100s through various favors and magical assistance. Dying at an old age, being remembered for being a just (if not particularly active) King and seeing my children grow into potential Baddies/Good Guys? Yes please.


Also, I request that my name be changed to Zarzoofa or something equally silly since my birth name is a little flat for my tastes. But eh, I could still settle.

I've played a nice spectrum of races in the few years that I've been playing. Elves, Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, etc. I had a friend, though, that refused to play anything but Elves. Hmm.

I'd certainly be interested in playing, but you'll have to be somewhat patient with me since I've never played a Play-By-Post game. I do however have the 4th Edition Core and have played the game several times. Is there anything you plan on restricting?