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Mongriff179's page

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This past weekend, I put my players through a custom dungeon with several branches to go through. One such branch held a gauntlet of traps and unfortunately, the rogue tripped one that set off a series of targeted Mage's Disjunction at random magic items. One such item hit was a Bag of Holding. I rolled randomly, using a list of the items my players had at the time (I try to keep track so they aren't rolling through with major items at level 7 or too many things for me to handle against my monsters) and then rolled the saves based said items.

One such item was a Bag of Holding that failed. I let the players know what was going on, but my session ran out before I gave a final ruling on the argument that ensued. The book clearly states the item is destroyed. To me, that is the same as rupturing a bag of holding so everything within is lost. The player who held the item is arguing otherwise.


My group has recently been having a discussion different movies, and we have been going over what a Spartan Shield like those in "300" would be considered in game terms for Pathfinder.

Some have said that they are considered Heavy shields since they can be used for a Shield Bash. Others have said those argued a heavy shield is too small.

The Tower Shield was another consieration, but I have pointed out that the shield used by the Roman Legionnaires in "Gladiator" are tower shields.

One option that was suggested was use the AC bonus for Tower shields as well as the ability to use it as cover. Modify the Max Dex bonus and the AC penalty, and also the weight. There's still disagreements for the shield bash damage and the spiked damage, also. Weight, we were thinking of decreasing it down to about half.
