
Moll Blackfoot's page

29 posts. Alias of Aebliss.


Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

I think we have to face the possibility that CaptainFord is either ill... or has abandoned this game. I like neither option, really. >_<;

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

He abandoned his post to hit on me. ;)

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Naw. It was the sniper, on the roof across the road.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Paging CaptainFord... I hope you're doing alright and will return to us soon. ^^

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Doop doo dee doo~ *insert musical note*

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Sense motive 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

My vacation just begun, earlier than expected, which is... a bit of a mixed blessing. ^^;

Just wondering when we'll update again. I'm eager to get on with our investigation!

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

So. How we all doing? ^^;

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Before Moll and Devlin head into the jailhouse, Moll briefly ducks into an alley and messes about with her grooming kit for a few precious moments. When she comes out, she has undone a few more buttons on her shirt and generally spruced up. "Here goes everything," she mutters to Devlin.

Sense motive on the Sheriff to see what kind of person he is: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Bluff 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18. Add 2 if the sheriff finds Moll at all sexually attractive. (*whistles innocently* intentionally exposed cleavage *cough* ;)

Walking into the jailhouse, Moll bestows a subdued smile on the Sheriff and says: "Greetings, Sheriff! I have been told that you have imprisoned Paul Maron, preparatory to his... execution. I am Moll Blackfoot. Paul and I are distant kin, cousins twice removed, but the requirements of clan and blood are absolute. When news reached us that Paul is to die, I rushed right over. I would visit with him before he is... gone."

Moll reaches up to Devlin's shoulder and squeezes it a little.
"This good man, Devlin, escorted me here -- for my safety."

Devlin, if he gets stroppy, try to keep his attention; I'll hit him with either silent Charm Person or Sow Thought, but I can't hide the gestures. ^^;

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Not a problem," Moll says in a cheerful tone. "You want to go round the back and check whether you can see if there's a window to chat through, or you want to go in the front with me and watch me commit a felony by lying to officers of the law?" Moll's eyes sparkle enthusiastically.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Using my charm won't be any trouble at all," Moll says, with a merry wink and a grin.

Literally. One Silent Charm Person and one Silent Sow Thought, available as necessary. ;)

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Let's leave the wife -- widow until we've had everything else, and meet at the inn when we're done," Moll suggests, swinging up her staff to lean against her shoulder. "Right, then! I'm off to prison."
The dark-haired girl winks and sets off for the Sheriff's station...

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Not to be prejudiced or anything, but I am starting to like the pastor as a possible suspect. ^^; Him and the Sheriff.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Not to mention he'd need to be daft to keep kerosine inside a smithy, where an errant spark could set a fire -- or cause an explosion," Moll adds, nodding.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"So. Seeing as we all seem to be interested, and hanging is a mite final," Moll whispers to the others, "which of you fine fellows feels like trying to chat up the grieving widow, the priest and the man already sentenced to havin' his neck stretched? 'Cause I think I can come up with a way to see the man. Condemned are still allowed family visits around here, right? And I do so want to see me 'dear, long-lost cousin'."

Moll grins saucily at the bit about her long-lost 'cousin'.

Basically, she'd try to Bluff her wau into being allowed to see Paul Moran.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Moll Blackfoot," Moll says, smiling at Granite as she shakes his hand. "Uh, that's a Kellid clan name, not a nickname nor a descriptive name."

Moll briefly braces herself on Granite's shoulder and pulls one of her feet up out of her boot by way of Exhibit A.

"Thanks, there," she says once she has her foot back in the boot and has lifted her hand from the Dwarf's shoulder. "So... Prisoner ain't gettin' any visits? Not even a priest to pray for his soul? That does sound a mite fishy..."

Is it generally known whether Paul has any family in town?

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

"Dear, dear, isn't that just the way of the world?" Moll says, shaking her head. "I suppose I'd best know all, for fear I might meet the killer face to face and not know him..."

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Moll strolls through town, getting a feel for the place and generally acting friendly. If her smile is sometimes a bit impish and her blouse opened a bit further than strictly decent, this is surely balanced by her warm and friendly attitude.


The young woman comes to a stop near the gallows and leans on her staff. She clucks her tongue while she shakes her head.
"'Orrible shame," she says to no one in particular -- but probably with the builders in mind. "Downright 'orrible. Is they keeping the blackguard under lock an' key, do ye know?"

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5


Please don't apologize. Rather, accept my apologies for trying to jolly you along under such trying circumstances. o_o;

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Looks like we're ready if you are, Captain Ford. ^^

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Sssoooooo... are we about ready to go? ;)

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Moll is basically an ex-con turned right -- mostly.

She is a trickster, a temptress when it suits her purposes, and capable of picking locks and springing traps.

In battle, she is best used nerfing enemies from a distance with magic. She can provide a little bit of healing to allies.

She has a small supply of alchemical tricks; weapon blanches, flash powder, stuff to even the playing field.

For investigations, she is probably best used to trick people into lowering their guard, or gathering information from unlikely sources with her Feral Speech-hex. (And don't forget her ability to pick locks to gain access to secrets people want hidden.)

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

And if it turns out you need more hp, you can always take a second level in Fighter for that second bonus feat, which always comes in handy. ;)

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Okay, I think I have my equipment down. ^^ Please let me know if I've missed something or if you think there's something I should get for the benefit of the team. I got some fun, fun alchemical equipment.

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Oh, another question: do I read it right that average wealth for a 4th-level character would be 6,000 gp?

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

So, a question: will we all know one another already, or will we meet in town for the first time?

Female Changeling Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Dotting! ^^ I just need to buy my equipment -- I was putting that off until I'd been accepted. It shouldn't take too long.

I didn't get an invite, so I guess I'm out. Alas... The game seemed interesting. ^^

Submitting for your approval: Moll Blackfoot!

Equipment pending, but the rest should be alright. ^^ Unless the DM says it isn't, of course...


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I'm going to wait and see what the script is before I make judgments on casting.


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Nani O. Pratt wrote:
Is it just me...or does it seem like James and Wes are size tiny outsiders with diametrically opposed alignments whispering into the ears of hapless GMs? "Be a kind Gentle GM and give them a retcon!" "No, no, send terrible outsiders to spy on them and hunt them down!" :-)

Honestly I've always seen James as your run of the mill demon plotting to destroy people versus Wesley's more "MMhhhaahh!!" evil snarling devil type.


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Well I'm just still wondering if I'll get a reply. I mean they are busy probably prepping for Paizo Con and stuff...


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Alright not sure if this has been covered or not, but if James Jacobs and/or someone with more intimate knowledge of the book COULD answer this one for me:

I realize this book is about EQUIPMENT. However will it, in any detail, deal with say, special materials? You know something other than Mithril, Admantine, Cold Iron, etc?