
Moll Blackfoot's page

29 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Moll Blackfoot




Witch 4; Init. +5; Darkvision, Perception +3; AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 26; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5







Special Abilities

Cantrips, Claws, Darkvision, Green Widow, Hex (Evil Eye, Feral Speech, Fly), Natural armour, Patron (Moon), Witch's familiar




Cayden Cailean, Desna, Milani, Mirarae, Sarenrae


Common, Giant, Hallit, Osiriani

Strength 12
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Moll Blackfoot

Female Changeling Witch 4

Init. +5; Senses Darkvision, Perception +3

AC 12 (+1 Dex., +1 natural)

hp 26

Fort +2, Ref +4 (+2 Weasel familiar benefit), Will +5

Speed 30 ft.

+3 Bayonet
+3 Brass knuckles
+3 Claws, 1d4+1
+3 dagger (cold iron), 1d4
+3 dagger (silver), 1d4+1
+4 Quarterstaff

+3 Dagger
+3 Heavy crossbow

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 19* (headband of mental superiority +2), Wis 12, Cha 12

Base atk +2; CMB +3; CMD +14

Alertness (familiar bonus feat)
Improved initiative
Silent spell

Bluff +7 (2 ranks, +1 Cha., +1 trait bonus, +3 class skill)
Bluff +9 vs. creatures sexually attracted to her (2 ranks, +1 Cha., +1 trait bonus, +3 class skill, +2 Green Widow)
Disable device +9 (2 ranks, +1 Dex., +1 trait bonus, +3 class skill, +2 masterwork tools)
Heal +8 (2 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill, +2 healer's kit)
Knowledge (arcana) +11 (4 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (nature) +9 (2 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (planes) +9 (2 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill)
Perception +3 (+1 Wis., +2 Alertness)
Sense motive [Headband of mental superiorty] +5 (+1 Int., 4 ranks)
Spellcraft +11 (4 ranks, +4 Int., +3 class skill)
Use magic device +5 (2 ranks, +1 Cha, +3 class skill)

Vagabond Child

Common, Giant, Hallit, Osiriani

Green Widow
Hex (Evil Eye, Feral Speech, Fly)
Natural armour
Patron (Moon)
Witch's familiar


Spells / day: 4 / 4 / 3

Spells prepared:
0 - Detect magic, Detect poison, Stabilize, Touch of fatigue
1 - Cure light wounds x 2, Ear-piercing scream, Mage armour
2 - Charm person (silent), Glitterdust, Sow thought (silent)

Spells known:
0 - All
1 - Charm person, Darkness (P), Cure light wounds, Ear-piercing scream, Frostbite, Mage armour, Sow thought
2 - Cure moderate wounds, Daze monster, Summon monster II, omit swarm

498 gp
1 sp

Belt pouch
Brass knuckles
Crossbow bolts
Dagger (cold iron)
Dagger (silver)
Darkwood quarterstaff
Entertainer's outfit
Flash powder x4
Grooming kit
Headband of mental superiority (+4 ranks Sense motive)
Healer's kit (10 uses)
Heavy crossbow
Ink, vial (8 oz.)
Magnifying glass
Rope (silk, 50 ft.)
Scroll case
Spell component pouch
Tattoo; Lillend (large, left side of back, permanent)
Tattoo; butterfly (small, left ankle, permanent)
Tattoo; butterfly (small, left breast, permanent)
Tattoo; butterfly (small, bottom of left foot, permanent)
Tattoo; butterfly (small, left right hip, permanent)
Thieves' tools, masterwork
Traveller's outfit
Wand of cure light wounds (50 uses)
Weapon blanch (adamantine)
Weapon blanch (cold iron) x4
Weapon blanch (silver) x4
Weapon cord x2

'Constantly on the move' is possibly the most charitable way to describe Moll's life.
Born to a humble family of rugged Kellids, Moll stood out from a young age due to her heterochromia. Her parents (correctly) deduced a Hag had exchanged their newborn girl for her own get, and consequently treated her as an intruder in her own home. She left as soon as she was confident in her ability to keep herself alive, and wandered down to the cities of the south. She was barely ten at the time...
Civilized life was very surprising to Moll, who found herself getting an education -- in con artistry, burglary and running away from angry people she was unable to fool into believing she had only looked into their homes to see why the door was wide open. Life got even more surprising when puberty hit and her body started to develop -- her body, and her magical abilities. Moll's magic allowed her to deal with men and boys who got a little too friendly for her liking, but all the attention was becoming a bit much -- especially combined with the nagging feeling that she had Somewhere to Be.
Moll left the cities for the wilderness, knowing full well that the other members of the gang she had been running with would consider this treachery and likely pass the knife around for her. The feeling she had Somewhere to Be was just so strong...! That, and she was getting fed up with tricking and robbing people. She had no problem with teasing money out of the pockets of people who could afford to lose it, but robbing poor people blind left her with a bad taste in her mouth.
The feeling might well have lead Moll to a fateful transformation if not for her familiar's ranging ahead of her to hunt. The cunning weasel came running back, its mind full of fearful imagery of Something Awful waiting closeby. Moll veered around the Something Awful, grimly unsurprised that the feeling of where she had to be appeared to be the exact spot where her trusted familiar had spotted the Awful Thing. (Moll narrowly missed meeting either her birth mother or some other Hag relative and transforming into one herself.)
Moll just kept travelling. She relied on her medical skills and her burgeoning magic to meet her needs. When those failed, it was easy enough to fall back on her skills in confidence trickery or, in extreme cases, breaking and entering to make ends meet. So long as she picked her targets right, she could live with it. And being able to do some good for people who needed it more than made up for it in her mind.