Vencarlo Orinsini

"Mister Jingles"'s page

96 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.


Artemiy Sewick | Russian

About "Mister Jingles"

Artemiy "Mister Jingles" Sewick, 43, Bratva Brigadier (Underground)
Agility +1
Endurance +6
Melee +1
Underground +4
Back in the Game (Advancement Talent)
Artemiy used to be a lot more hands-on with dangerous activities, and he's gotten rusty over the years. B&E work and a fistfight are more familiar activities to him than most people, and the struggles he's recently had helped remind him of the way things used to be. He now has a +1 on Agility and Melee rolls.
Black Market Connections
Whatever it is you want, you know who sells it and where. Once per in-game week you can purchase any item (and that means any item) at half price. You gain a +4 bonus on all Underground skill rolls.
Die Hard
When you say, “over my dead body”, it’s not going to be easy for them. You gain a +6 bonus on Endurance skill rolls. You can act normally (ie. without Disadvantage in all skill rolls) when a bullet wounds you.
Known # of Secret Talents: 1
APs: Occult/People
$: 5000
Languages: English, Russian

Background: Artemiy's precise life story isn't well-known, but given what people can piece together, that makes sense. Having emigrated Stateside shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with an icy stare, an intimidating presence, a well-built and scarred body, and a number of questionable connections... Artemiy was involved in something dangerous and disciplined before he left the motherland. Most people guess Spetsnaz. He neither confirms nor denies it.