Jhofre Vascari

Mistarrel's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we please get this updated? It's been a year since the last update now!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I played Seelah in RotR and never regretted it! She was definitely my favorite character of the group.

The new Seelah is definitely looking strong - esp some of the tricks with the role cards.

i.e. Inheritor's blade with an armor that 'reveals' to reduce damage = "Oh look, the villain does damage to EVERYONE? Reveal..reveal..reveal..reveal. There we go all taken care of."

or for Wardstone Sentry - the d8 against any Demon/Undead (by the time you have a role, most of her weapons should be magic anyway), or the Charisma +2/4 for any before you act check.

This is almost making me want to play Seelah again, even though I had my eyes on some of the new characters. Guess I'll have to wait until I get to see everyone :D

Liberty's Edge

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Hmmm...Maybe. So if your power replaces the action you are using for the card, it doesn't change that you did the original action for the power of the card.

The only related discussion I can think of is Lini at the Farmhouse.

Not sure how relevant that discussion is since that talks more about the possible conflict between Lini and Location, than the possible synergy of two powers on a single card.

Golden Rule clearly wouldn't apply here - because both effects are from the character card.

Nearest thing to a related discussion I can find is probably here. But I don't see any dev answer in that thread, just a lot of speculation there as well.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My thought would be to use the "standard" rules for adding cards to your deck when you don't have enough cards to rebuild your deck -- namely that you can pull cards from two decks lower.

i.e. so if you add someone in Deck 1, they can only pull "basic" cards still
Adding someone at deck two though they can use ANY card in the base set - not just basic cards.

I think that way the player is still "behind the curve" for where your group probably would be, but if you add someone at a later deck (ie deck 4 or 5 when you've probably banished a good deal of basic cards) there is adequate equipment to make a starting deck, and to have the character not be completely overwhelmed.