
Misko's page

Organized Play Member. 50 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Super excited, hoping to see a certain red mothman and maybe a mention of the melfesh monster in addition to the sandpoint devil in the image above.

I live 15 minutes from Point Pleasant and have to drive through Flatwoods semi-often, so having cryptids from home being in my favorite game was always really fun

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Those old foam peanuts were a nightmare to dispose of, glad to see the switch.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Evan Tarlton wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:
Also I noticed the shift to Hryngar has occurred, with no reference to Duergar. Still using the OGL but getting closer to the ORC!
That's not the only shift. It looks like some of the genies and some of the geniekin have gotten renamed.
Good eye. You will find details in Rage of Elements.

A great change especially for the fire genies and geniekin. If I'm looking at it right, efreet has been changed to ifrit, and the previously ifrit geniekin are now naari.

I usually play geniekin and I GM a lot of elementally themed games, and the amount of times the games came to a standstill over the pronunciation of efreet versus ifrit was too many.

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Pest drakes and rainbow races. I always feature them in the larger cities and even have a homebrew city that runs a dedicated postal service using them.

Would love to see them featured again in 2E in some capacity.

To clarify a bit; pest drakes are like a mix between carrier pigeons and betta fish, all wrapped up into a tiny acidic dragon. They are featured in Tyrant's Grasp Last Watch.

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Nildayre wrote:

Wondering about the fact that shipping orders have started being confirmed:

What is your “close of business” for that, so I know when to stop obsessively refreshing my email (if mine hasn’t been confirmed by that point?)

The latest time I've received a shipping email is 9:40PM EST.

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Rysky wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I can hardly wait to make a Leshy Monk whose ranged alternative is a flurry of seedpods.
What do you mean alternative I am going to make a deku scrub monk work and nobody can stop me
The second one is giving me some Odolwa vibes.

There is a monster in the newest Starfinder bestiary that is pretty much an evil fey moon. Paizo is really setting things up to get me to make the Majora's Mask adventure I've always wanted.

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keftiu wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
100% if Gunslinger is now part of Swashbuckler (as, say, a Class Path) or an Archetype in the book. O% otherwise. They'll include some way to use them along with them, I'm sure.
Honestly? Having “the Deed class” makes a lot of sense - and it gets me guns back sooner.

According to JJ there will at least be an example of a gun on an NPC in part 2 of Age of Ashes. Hoping that we get playable guns sooner rather than later as well.

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VestOfHolding wrote:
Everything feels so much more flavorful. I'm not actually sure if it is, or if I'm just nerding out over the new edition, but there's lots of little pieces of lore that I love.


Not sure if spoilry:
I really like that psychopomps have their own language now

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Lanathar wrote:
What about something to represent how their noise would be unusual to people who were not used to it? Or is that redundant in a world with magic, dragons and undead (probably yes)

If guns are uncommon but alchemists throwing bombs is more common then they'd probably associate the two since they're probably just as loud as each other.

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John Compton wrote:
In general, I wrote anything involving history, culture, philosophy, demographics, and mercantile campaigns.

I was very impressed with Druma's history and culture. I've been pulled in by the campaign setting books before but this one really grabbed me and before I knew it hours had went by before I'd stopped reading.

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I wish I could find it but there is a post somewhere from one of the staff members saying that Aroden was an egotistical jerk. And given his area of concern is around humanity I'd hazard a guess that really only includes humans since the Azlanti tended to be pretty anti-non-human.

So that'd reflect pretty heavily in Cheliax during the period he was still alive. So in addition to halflings there were probably other non-humans slaves.

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Cyrad wrote:

We need more Nex.

Makes me wonder if the book will have firearms.


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Wonder if Amaznen was the one to create Brigh, on purpose or accident aside.

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captain yesterday wrote:
What are groups of Skittermanders called.

A scatter?