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PF core has two mechanisms, one for professions (craft is the same for general crafting), one for perform. Both have some merit, the former scales nicely with skill, the latter considers the settlement size. I'm looking for one simple mechanism to allow PC's to earn some cash during downtime via skills without going into lots of detail.
You get 1/2 your skill roll in gp each week, skill modified by: settlement stat (+economy +society -crime) x2 for illegal professions the crime adds rather than subtracts. If you get less that zero, you don't earn anything and something bad may happen. Of course the GM can add a modifier for inappropriate skill use (fishing in a desert). Any major flaws in this?
Reincarnate works on a "creature". Familiar rules state you "can" pay to get a new familiar rather than "can only". Therefore I infer that you could use reincarnate to bring back a familiar as the gp route is not the only method. Is this correct?
The Play's the Thing - A Design Philosophy Why roleplay? Fundamentally we're doing this to have fun. We roleplay because we want to take part in a shared story, with each player taking an important role so that the shared experience is more than the sum of it's parts. As GM my role is to provide the environment so that this can happen. If we all have fun, we all win. So first steps, round up some players with the pitch in the first sentence of the first post. Ruleset decision was simple, Pathfinder Beta had come out and promised to fix some of the 3.5 known issues and provide on-going support for the 3.5 material I had. As beta was a free download, the cost to join in was zero. Of course, the promise of an improved 3.5 helped too. I'd tried the 4e PH and found it far too limiting for character building (now fixed at the cost of numerous supplements) and too much of a fundamental change to 3.5. What do the players want from the campaign? Ask them! I picked up a campaign survey from the net to get an idea of the themes/tone that they were interested in. The results favoured a heroic tale with mystery, and some role playing, a style I could work with. [If you want to find out more on any of this, I expect you to use Google, I won't be giving links out] Within the story, the arc is not fixed. The players get real choices that affect the campaign as well as themselves and the world turns whilst they're busy. I have scenes planned for the future that hopefully will come about but the path is not fixed and that future may not come about. What this means is that as GM you need to be flexible as the campaign proceeds. There are however some events I'd really like to include so that certain classic modules get played, more on that later. It's hard to create a campaign from the ground up. Even more difficult to make it original. So shortcut with creative swiping! You don't have to design a dungeon if you can borrow one, especially if it's been well received by gamers. Adapt to the theme you have in mind and fit in into the campaign. PDF's of products can be purchased very cheaply (I use RPGnow) and reviews can direct you to good modules, often they're already been converted to 3.5 to save you the effort. Ebay means you can get hard copy cheap and 3.5 material is readily available. Next, a bit about the campaign world and the first adventure.
The rules are somewhat unclear as to which manoeuvres can be performed ranged. Based on whether they are standard/attack or melee the list seems to be: Bull Rush: standard - ranged Ok(!)
Given these odd results, this needs clarification. 3e seems to have changed over the years, generally ranged is No except for Sunder which is 1/2 damage. Complete Adventurer provides feats to add range to grapple and disarm and make sunder full damage. CMB is strength based, should ranged CMB be dex based like other ranged attacks? Ranged CMB feats would be very useful in the PF2 book.
In 3.5 there is no way for spellcasters to assist one another casting spells in a similar manner to "aid another" in combat and using skills. Has anyone tried using the mechanism in "Relics and Rituals" to combine effort (not the True Rituals discussed elsewhere) at extra time and cost. Could a Spellcraft DC20 + spell level check be used to combine effort rather than invent a new skill (as in R&R)? This would seem a useful mechanism to reflect the classic group of spellcasters gathered to perform some magic mightier than any one of them.
Would you allow this as a first level spell?