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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


yeah thank you for the anwser

thank you so in my case the attack would look like this

longsword +5 1d8+2/bite-2 1d6+1?

Same question, I played yesterday in a game of pathfinder sociaty and i had a long sword masterwork and bite with weapon focus longsword

am lvl 2 and have bab 1 +2 str modifier

so if i know exactly I have longsword +5atk for 1d8+2dmg

and bite +3 1d6+2 on single attacks

if I would use my fullround action to attack with both how would that be? they said that bite counts as primary att and longsword would count as secondary? I thought that i could primary att with sword and then bite but don't know how the stats would be for the full round atk any help please ?

Oh and Forgot to say I have no 2 weapon fighting feat and am quite new to pnp