I disagree with most of the people in this thread. You don't need to stop smuggling if you enjoy it and you don't need to stop committing petty evil acts. Tension between players is bad, but tension between characters can actually be very good. You might want to talk to the player controlling the paladin and come up with a strategy to ensure you take your characters relationship in the most interesting direction possible. Your character doesn't necessarily need to become more good, maybe just more sneaky. Character conflict doesn't need to spill over into player conflict, and it can be quite fun helpful to hear two characters on different ends of the parties spectrum argue. A few petty acts of evil are unlikely to shift your character's alignment. Ultimately I would be less concerned with paladin than I would be with party cohesion. So long as you aren't being directly detrimental to the party, most players will accept you and your character.
I am always a big fun of using notecards for some added depth. Before the battle I'd draw up some notecards that alter the fight in some way to represent the chaos of fighting amid a full blown battle. Here would be some suggestions... An enemy bard comes into range. Your enemies recieve +x to attack and damage rolls, until you do y damage to target with z AC Allied spellcaster cast's mass cure light wounds on you and surronding soldiers. Artillary begins firing on your posistion, roll randomly to determine which squares are affected and deal damage. Calvary charge, all combatants are subject to a trip attack with a CMD of x Stray fireball (Or really any sort of area of effect spell. If your using wild magic rules, have two dueling casters set off a wild magic event. You get the jist. This solution helps sell the idea that the players are swarmed by a myriad of people all fighting for their lives, while at the same time not taking the focus of the pcs and their fight.
Huh. Well the whale is by far the best, but also is the least cool and just a little to bizzare for my tastes. A dinosaur trapped in cat form can be cool, but a whale just seems bizarre. I'll probably go with the advanced baisilosaurus. Thanks so much for your help everyone, and you in particular Avoron, that was huge help.
My party is about to ambush a very powerful and well prepared spell caster. He has a cat that he pretends is his familiar but is actually a very powerful animal that he cast baleful polymorph on. I'm trying to get the cat's strength as high as possible while restricting myself it's original form being some kind of animal. So far the highest strength creature I could find is a brachiosaurus with a strength of 37. Does anyone know of a stronger animal?
I (like many have commented before me) would love to play a game in Galt. the tricky thing is that Galt's appeal (at least for me) is it's ethically gray circumstance and complete lack of a simple solution. In most APs you can solve your problems by killing all the demons, oni, ext. But in Galt murder only really exasperates the problem. (Unless you make some external force responsible for Galt's troubles, but for me, that seems to undercut the poingantcy of the setting.) I personally would like to play a game where you scratch and claw your way to the top. But that's not very heroic, and unlikly to be an AP
The Vindicator's Shield ability allows you to channel energy into your shield to grant you a bonus to your AC. This "gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator’s channel energy." Would a Holy Vindicator with the Versatile Channeler feat be able to gain both a profane and sacred bonus? Sacred and Profane bonuses do stack.
It also depends on your motivation for founding the thieves guild. While a protection racket would certainly provide the most stable organization, if your goal is to increase your power as spymaster, you might want to focus on theft and intrigue, particularly against nobles and other government employees. By spying on them you can get blackmail, increasing your wealth and power. You could stage the kidnapping of nobles or their loved ones, and then have your "spies" locate the criminals hideouts, earning their gratitude and debt. As a note on the downtime rules, since income is earned daily, and years pass over the course of the kingmaker game, you can make some really good money.
I'm starting in a kingmaker game playing a magus/sorcerer who plans on becoming a dragon disciple. The plan is more or less get the most out of strength that I can. To that end, I intend to use the polymorph spells to allow me to weild my scimitar two handed while casting spells. A sahaugin mutant or zombie xill suits my needs, however my bloodline ability gives me claws, and the undead anatomy spell would grant me additional slam attacks. So I'm looking for a form that would give me as many arms as possible. I'm slogging through the bestiary, but it's slow work. I know it's a long shot, but does anyone here have any suggestions?
I'm still a little confused by the polymorph spells in Pathfinder. If I cast monstrious physique to turn into a Sahaugin Mutant (or any other creature with multiple limbs) do I get the extra arms for the duration of the spell? If I do, does that mean that my Magus could weild his scimatar in two hands and still use spell combat?
I have a psedodragon familiar. He spends most combats hidden on my person. A spellstoring amulet of mighty fists only costs 2000 gp. I can get the party cleric to cast channel the gift into it, (or just learn the spell itself.) Could the familiar attack me with his bite attack (1d2-2 damage) and release channel the gift on me? If so, it seems I just found a level three pearl of power with a 8000 gp discount. I could even craft multiple amulets and have the familiar change them throughout the day.
I don't think their are any rules preventing you from transforming into a templated creature. If I were the DM, I would rule it would have to be a combination something proven to exist in the Glorian setting. So most vampire humanoid combinations are OK, but a bipedal monstrous centipede, not so much. In the case of the Lamia Harridan template, it can only apply to lamia's and lamia matriarchs, so it's resonable to assume such creatures exist in the Glorian setting.
Calybos1 wrote:
I disagree completely. the alignment system is really only benefit is to aid new players. It acts as a guidline for people who can't tap into a characters motives and believes and helps sell the premise that one should really care about the world and the NPCs. In the hands of experienced roleplayers the alignment system is completely irrelevant, as real people don't really think in the framework of the alignment system, they have their own idea of right and wrong. A well fleshed character shouldn't be build lockstep with an alignemt, or else there would only be nine kinds of people in the world. In the end the alignment system does nothing to address power playing one way or the other. Your free to choose the alignment you want. (In most cases at least.)