Lady Andaisin

Millicent Velarno's page

8 posts. Organized Play character for Tim Emrick.


Grand Archive 2/5

"'By Calistria's sweet whip,' indeed. I'll have to remember that phrase. Memo to self: spend more time skulking about the Lorespire until I figure out who this gossipmonger is, and whether her information is any good."

Grand Archive

Razmir, The TRUE LIVING GOD wrote:
Again, I am still safe. Thank you for your concern.

Razmir is not among the Core 20, so shall never be safe! Though if he's collateral damage, that would make the next Living Lodge scenario verrrry interesting...

In other thoughts, it could be Torag who's dying, since he's "missing" in Starfinder, but that seems far too obvious for the payoff we're expecting here.

Grand Archive 2/5

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Millicent Velarno wrote:

Can we get a boon granting access to the Russian language? After playing a certain scenario set someplace cold, my linguist PC would very much like to add her new friends' native language to her repertoire.

(If a way to do this already exists, please enlighten me!)

This weekend, my hag bloodline sorceress completed her SECOND scenario that gives access to the Baba Yaga witch patron theme. I'm convinced that Little Grandmother is trying to tell her something, but I can't figure out what, because she's saying it in Russian...

Grand Archive 2/5

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we get a boon granting access to the Russian language? After playing a certain scenario set someplace cold, my linguist PC would very much like to add her new friends' native language to her repertoire.

(If a way to do this already exists, please enlighten me!)

Grand Archive 2/5

Dragon Prime wrote:
I've slain two hags so far...what's a third.

This is part of the reason Millicent wants a shot at Aslynn. I chose hag for her bloodline because it sounded more interesting than the typical blaster-type sorcerer. Then, completely by accident, her very first scenario featured a hag as the main villain! She fought another one a couple levels later, which is making her somewhat paranoid about how often this is going to happen. Each new hag just makes her crankier and crankier about her own lineage ("Curse you, Grandmama!"), even as she taps into that power more and more every level.

Grand Archive 2/5

I do hope my hag bloodline sorceress gets a chance to tangle with Aslynn someday. She was out of tier for the Season 4 intro...

Grand Archive 2/5

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And to reply to a much older comment, #1-22 was a bit of very personal horror for the very first outing for one of my PCs.

Guess which bloodline I chose for my sorcerer? Yup, that one. Girl's got some serious family issues, and was NOT expecting to have to confront them so soon! And she's met one other hag since then, also 100% by accident. After I played Year of Boundless Wonder recently, I was a little sad that Millicent is too high level now to ever get to play it. I guess she'll just have to wait for a certain infamous hag's inevitable next appearance...

Grand Archive 2/5

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Season 2 has a handful of scenarios that include dragon encounters, but the lowest-level I've played have been for levels 3-6, and one was for 7-10. The closest thing I can recall to the mastermind-type you describe was that high-level one, but that was highly tied into the season's metaplot, so probably not suitable for your needs, either.

Personally, I think trying to arrange to face your nemesis in-game is unlikely to work in Society play, unless the conflict arises from a scenario's plotline in the first place. My hag-bloodline sorceress will never meet her much-hated ancestor in Society play, but that back-story has certainly certainly informed the two encounters with hags she's had so far (including her very first mission, by sheer blind luck! Curse you, Grandmama!).

I think your idea of having two draconic characters with a shared origin sounds fun! Go for it, play up your back-story in your roleplaying, and watch for anything in a given scenario that might resonate with it, however obliquely. Maybe you'll meet other down-trodden people who remind you of the folks back home, and fight that more fiercely on their behalf. Maybe you'll meet some dragon-obsessed kobold PCs with whom you'll butt heads constantly, but end up broadening each others' horizons a little. To be honest, it can be a challenge to make any backstory matter in Society play, but the players who make the effort are often the ones whose characters end up being most memorable to the other players.