I have noticed some monsters have abilities that say for example make a constitution or fortitude check or suffer consequences in this instance I am assuming u would A.roll against constitution die or
Meaning if it affects multiple characters and one has fortitude listed under let's say STR then he would roll STR die + fortitude bonus while others just rolled constitution. Correct
Question came up tonight in our game if u acquire a boon that allows u to discard it to explore again can u play it on that turn?
1.Free Explore
Oddly enough me and my family have a tendency to run out of time on scenarios.I think it is because we are unsure on this but tonight we played this way and game seem to flow a little better and we came close but completed scenario with a few cards left in timer deck. As opposed to looking over at my son and him not having 3 cards that would allow him to knock out locations quick Harsk + Deathbane crossbow with skill bonus is a mean combo.
Ok so i was playing through black fangs dungeon my wife pulled the ancient skeleton card which summoned one for me cause I was at that location too so my questions are 1.Who should resolve their encounter first or does it matter? 2. using Ezeren i cast sleep on the summoned one is it banished or do we put it in the location deck? On a side note my family and I are really enjoying the game my wife is actually "geeking" out with me as she so gently put it. Thanks
Ok i have a question that may have already been answered.
Just curious is it a common practice to receive a new release from paizo after the retail day? Just wondering cause i am first time subscriber and so far package is sched to arrive two days after retail. I understand Gencon and all but If they are gonna have it available for Gencon pickup why not try to ship to Subscribers so they receive it before retail date too. Thanks for listning (p.s. Just anxious to play pathfinder adventure card game.) |