Mikaze's page
RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 13,489 posts (13,999 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 34 aliases.

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And Laura Mixon responds to her nomination, pointing out that the SF/F community is stuck fighting a two-front war to remain a decent place to be for all sorts of people.
Laura Mixon wrote: Requires Hate’s attacks on fellow writers and fans, under the guise of social justice, have been happening under the radar for most people in the SFF community-at-large, but the impacts are far-reaching. The attacks have had a serious and demoralizing impact on a range of people who either are themselves vulnerable or marginalized, or else who read and/or write stories in diverse settings or with characters from diverse communities. In other words, the people harmed have been the very ones we want to nurture, promote, and elevate—and note, who often share the views and are even some of the same people as those under attack by the Sad Puppies.
As a result of Requires Hate’s actions, valuable members of our community have been silenced, harassed, even chased out of the field—people whose voices we need as we respond to campaigns like Sad Puppies. And Requires Hate’s attacks are still ongoing. If we are committed to protecting our community from assault by haters, in other words, Requires Hate’s actions matter just as much as the Sad Puppies’ do. Her situation is just a lot messier than theirs.
With Vox Day and his ilk, it’s not hard for decent, caring people to figure out where they stand. That’s not as true of Requires Hate. For me, her situation is more complicated. It’s awful and icky and sad, and raises all kinds of challenges and questions about how we engage with each other and how social-justice concepts should be applied in the real world.
But as hard as it is for us to wrestle with this—and as unnerving as it is to have this conversation under the gaze of the Sad-Puppies’ militant allies, the GamerHaters, who’ve done horrible things to people in the gaming community who are seeking to expand diversity in their own field—we have an obligation not to avert our collective gaze. People are still being targeted by Requires Hate, and the community is still at risk.
Rochita Loenen-Ruiz deserves a ton of credit too for maintaining amazing grace under fire and providing a safe space for RH's victims.

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Arturius Fischer wrote: Read the first three pages, at least. Again, no major racist, just a minor bigoted comment. Misogynist? Absolutely, already agreed here. Homophobe? Only saw a single comment that could go that way, and it was a really extreme rant about a Magic card, of all things. One of my favorite of the new cards, in fact.
Nifty on the John C Wright links. Don't know him, but will check them out later. If there's anything as crazy as the previous Miso ones, I'll be sure to write back.
....sweet Jesus.
If "You have two choices, Americans. Either criminalize their behavior and force them back into the closet or be run out of town yourself. There is no middle ground." and ""All men are created equal" cannot possibly apply in a material sense in any world where all men are not even equally homo sapiens sapiens." qualify as "minor bigoted comment" at most to you, your metric is completely out of whack.
Arturius Fischer wrote: Aaand then you go back to this...
The only thing laughable is that there is no example here of bullying. NOTHING. If you want to accuse them of bullying, you need to back it up, and saying that they legally used votes to change a system from within is not bullying. To continue to say so, without evidence, is to cheapen the meaning of the word. It's a serious word. Please do not overuse it without grounds until it becomes a silly word.
Bullying is exactly what we have here. When you have a bunch of people engaging on forum raid zerg rush tactics on a vulnerable system to push around people less privileged than them all while nominating an organized slate of works they didn't even read? That's bullying.
And legal does not equal "ethically and morally sound".
Dude, seriously? You are playing deliberately obtuse.
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Rynjin wrote: thejeff wrote: Arturius Fischer wrote: those who are under-represented due to not having backing by a major publisher would otherwise get little or no visibility Is this the new version of "It's about ethics in gaming journalism." Brianna Wu has already made the "Hurr durr this is just an extension of Gamergate" comment on Twitter, no need for you to lower yourself to that level Jeff. Actually they are factually joined at the hip.
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Hitdice wrote: thejeff wrote: Yeah, I was interested in the "Wereworld poet" too. Autocorrect, man, just, autocorrect; what are you gonna do about it? Lament that wild, psychedelic, stream-of-consciousness lyrical journey of a man and his inner biosphere that could have, or perhaps should have, been.

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Hitdice wrote: Mikaze wrote: Hitdice wrote: I find junk like this very, very disappointing; I can't see a downside of having more diverse writers, or more literary writing win awards within the genre. Speaking as a white dude, I always enjoyed fantasy and science fiction for the diversity of the authors, and the literary quality of the writing. Sure, sometimes that was Philip Jose Farmer's hallucinogenic were world poet, but sometimes it was Kindred by Octavia Butler. Then again, if the field is getting diverse enough that the dudes feel a need to DO SOMETHING, that might actually be a net positive, provided they're not successful.
Yeesh, remember when the biggest controversy about the Hugo Awards was how they invented the category of Best Other Format so the prose novels wouldn't have to compete with Watchmen? Could have sworn it was the Midsummer Night's Eve issue of Sandman that stirred up that drama, but that may have been another award. I can totally see Watchmen causing the same arguments though. :) That was the World Fantasy Award, I think. He won Best Short Story for a comic book, and they, like, immediately changed the charter (or whatever) to make comics ineligible. As far as I know, Gaiman's the only writer to win a prose award for a comic book, flat out. Okay, fine, look, I'm pretty sure Spiegelman won the Pulitzer for Maus for political cartooning, not literature, cause they already had a cartooning category, but honestly, I'd love to be wrong on that one. I think the world would be a better place if the Pulitzers had a comic book award.
. . .
Also, that bit of my quote that says "were world poet," that should read "werewolf porn." Look, I'm not saying it wasn't an educational experience, just maybe you don't want to leave an 11 year old alone with a bookshelf, it'll give 'em ideas! :P Ah, that was it! Thanks!
And yeah, I was left alone with an Erik van Lustbader book at an early age too. Young!me had mostly associated ninja with turtles up until that fateful point.
"Wereworld poet" had me thinking "is he talking about Philip Jose Farmer or Grant Morrison? Because that is totally something I could see Morrison doing. ;)
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You know what?
We need a set of "CLASS X of the Inner Sea" threads, where people just propose heavily reflavored versions of certain classes to tie them into any of the countries and cultures in that region.
Already got some ideas for Shoanti, Chelaxian, and Osirioni ninjas. :D

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Hitdice wrote: I find junk like this very, very disappointing; I can't see a downside of having more diverse writers, or more literary writing win awards within the genre. Speaking as a white dude, I always enjoyed fantasy and science fiction for the diversity of the authors, and the literary quality of the writing. Sure, sometimes that was Philip Jose Farmer's hallucinogenic were world poet, but sometimes it was Kindred by Octavia Butler. Then again, if the field is getting diverse enough that the dudes feel a need to DO SOMETHING, that might actually be a net positive, provided they're not successful.
Yeesh, remember when the biggest controversy about the Hugo Awards was how they invented the category of Best Other Format so the prose novels wouldn't have to compete with Watchmen?
Could have sworn it was the Midsummer Night's Eve issue of Sandman that stirred up that drama, but that may have been another award. I can totally see Watchmen causing the same arguments though. :)
9 people marked this as a favorite.
Hanging around in inclusive, open, and welcoming fanspaces will quickly disabuse anyone with open eyes of the notion that there's no diversity in fandom.
Gencon, freaking Tumblr, anonspace, and this very forum all speak of a more diverse geek culture than you would have us believe.
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Arturius Fischer wrote: TheJeff wrote: Ask and ye shall receive OK, first off--I don't like having to go three links deep to get to the source. Gimme what the guy SAYS or DOES, not what people who hate him says or does as they cherry pick his words and put more words in his mouth.
I could easily tear into the false accusations and outright slander by that first site. It's hilarious how much hate they have for him. All it seems they are doing is accusing him of exactly what they themselves are saying about him. The only 'moral high ground' they might have is that he said something first, but then they squander it with all the hated and false accusations they spew.
The only thing in that link even close to what you are saying is the "infestation" comment, and I can't tell if he's being serious or putting slanderous words in someone else's mouth. I'd say he gets about a 3 of 5 on the Bigot scale from that, along the lines of one's affably bigoted grandparent who states socially inappropriate things in public and needs a gentle hand to guide them away from the crowd before they piss someone off.
Mikaze wrote: And here's more. Now THAT's how it's done! Straight from the horse's mouth, nobody mucking about with it and putting their own words in.
I see no problem with any of this, until he opens his mouth about women.
That bigot scale above? I stand by it, and don't see it being much of a problem. Your comments on 'horrific misogyny'? Yeah... You're right. Full 5 out of 5, assuming the scale doesn't blow up.
Mikaze wrote: And running roughshod over a vulnerable community and vulnerable writers is bullying. And just when you're on a roll, you say something like this and I am sad.
This is by NO sense of the word anything like bullying. Votes legal go a direction you don't like? NOT bullying. No coercion, intimidation, threat, force, or threat of force? It's not bullying, plain and simple. Calling someone a bully just because they get... I'm on mobile and short for time, but:
If you can't see how VD is as horrible a racist and homophobe as he is a misogynist, you didn't continue reading those entries. They go on for several pages, and are not all inclusive.
VD doesn't get to call someone subhuman and walk away from that without being called what he is. His hatefulness and language towards Jeminsin alone should be enough to establish that this man is no one to stand behind.
As for John C Wright:
An assortment of links.
As for this not amounting to bullying, that's laughable. That is exactly what we are seeing here. These are people who see others getting some of the pie they once held in entirety and can only see that as themselves as losing ground when they still have the vast majority of media catering to them already.
There is a lot of stuff going on here and a ton of bad history behind the architects of this mess.
A couple of months ago I would have considered the Benjanun Sriduangkaew/Winterfox fiasco to be the most dangerous trend in SF/F lit, because I thought the Sad/Rabid Puppies crowd was more obviously and widely seen as the abusive jerks that they are.
It is really depressing to see that isn't the case.
I really hope Goblin Emperor and Ancillary Sword stomp the competition now, regardless of which one wins.
(but I'm still mostly pulling for Goblin Emperor)
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thejeff wrote: Arturius Fischer wrote: Mikaze wrote: Vox Day in particular is a bigot and misogynist of horrific proportions. That is not hyperbole. Well, given as the bullying was, and also given that I know very little about this guy (I'm assuming it's a guy, correct me if I'm wrong), I'm giving this one the benefit of the doubt until something particularly 'horrific' is shown. Ask and ye shall receive And here's more.
First hit: Vox Day blaming women for withholding sex and causing the Germanwings crash.
I have a lot more to say about your post. Suffice to say I disagree strongly. But right now I'm on a phone that's running out of juice and I'm mad as hell. And I don't like posting angry or mean.
This is a net loss. And running roughshod over a vulnerable community and vulnerable writers is bullying.
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Arturius Fischer wrote: Personally, I'm all for 'lesser known' Davids getting the chance to stand with the fully-resourced Goliaths.
That isn't what happened here. This is Gamergate-style/Gamergate-backed bullying.
The people and books that got bumped from the ballot were far from being any sort of Goliath.
And Vox Day and John C Wright are far from any sort of heroic underdog figure. Vox Day in particular is a bigot and misogynist of horrific proportions. That is not hyperbole. His slurs towards NK Jeminsin are just the tip of the racist iceberg.
These are bad men.

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I am very much hoping Goblin Emperor wins. And if it does I am very sad it has to be surrounded by this mess.
Vox Day and John C Wright are both disgusting individuals, and I don't throw that kind of negativity around lightly. Any cause that props those two up is beyond suspect.
On the bright side, at least their efforts didn't manage to bump the Mixon Report on Benjanun Sriduangkaew/Winterfox/Requires Hate/too many aliases. So at least that abusive individual won't be getting off the hook. Unfortunately this gives her ammo to use to claim Mixon is guilty by association with the Sad/Rabid Puppies bunch somehow.
I knew the Hugo Awards were going to be a trainwreck a week ago from all the whispers in anonspace. It's still a shock to see it so thoroughly trashed by reactionary jerks who can't stand people unlike themselves writing stories about people unlike themselves.
Props to those that gave up their nomination after finding out where it came from though. Not so much those that knowingly rode it out until they got a nomination.
(I'd be fine with Ancillary Sword winning too, but Goblin Emperor is the one I'm really hoping for. It's the opposite of so much of the cynical grimdark that's been swamping fantasy and flooding everything else out for over a decade.)
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Zhangar wrote: Snowblind wrote: Faelyn wrote: Do we really need to have this discussion yet again? Yes, Yes we do. Because we didn't get anywhere the first time, and who knows, the 58th time might be different.
Quickly, someone make a parody thread about how to raise bugbear babies Here's Mikaze's dead serious post on raising bugbear babies.
Neat thread, actually. Thanks! And yeah, it's dead serious and earnest. Parody definitely wasn't what I had in mind and I don't go in for dead baby comedy; that thread was a reaction to a glut of "yay justified genocide" threads that were, if anything, far uglier than anything I've seen on the boards recently.
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Butts are purely flavor. You don't need mechanical support for butts.
Any eidolon you make can have as many butts as you want. They can even have no butts at all. The only limitation is your imagination and the good will of your gaming group, which may or may not have an aversion to butts or certain quantities and qualities of butts.
You can certainly tie those butts into some of the eidolon's abilities, but it isn't a requirement; just as you need no evolution to say your angel eidolon has three eyes, neither do you need one to justify the floating disembodied butts circling him like an 80's videogame power-up. They just won't have any mechanical function without one.
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Huh. Something to think about over the weekend then. :)
Race 1: 1d100 ⇒ 96 = Thri-kreen
Race 2: 1d100 ⇒ 89 = Goliath
Race 3: 1d100 ⇒ 44 = Nymph
Race 4: 1d100 ⇒ 10 = Hobgoblin
Race 5: 1d100 ⇒ 50 = Faun
Gonna be giving Jim Henson's Workshop overtime with this one.
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Aranna wrote: Mikaze wrote: Regarding the Bible's word on homosexuality and the need to keep historical context in mind:
Born "eunuchs"
Other arguments, particularly on the viewpoint Paul was operating from and the matter of language drift.
I didn't arrive at my conclusions and convictions I hold through the same methods as the folks those links go to, but arriving in roughly the same area probably saved my life while growing up surrounded by King James Version Only literalism in the same place that gave the world Phil Robertson.
Thanks I will read this over. I had always assumed "born eunuchs" were asexual people... I hadn't considered they might be gays.
Y'know...I figure it covers both to be honest. They very well may have been lumped together or conflated at that time and place. Bouncing back and forth between modern and ancient viewpoints gets complicated fast.
IANAH though.
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Wayne Reynolds wrote: Mikaze wrote: Ooh, we have needed this thread! :D
What sources, if any, did you draw inspiration for Sajan's...sleeves? (is there a more accurate name for them?)
And what did you figure his sister, Sajni, should look like?
(been a big fan ever since connecting the Eberron mural covers to your name!)
I'm glad that you find the thread interesting Mikaze, thanks. :)
Sajan's sleeves are commonly known as Kote. Traditionally, kote are usually armoured with maille or metal plates. I took those components away to make a lighter piece of equipment that fit with the Monk concept better.
I haven't been asked to illustrate Sajan's sister Sajni yet. Thank you! :D
I've been wondering what they were called for years. Now I can finally relax. :)
Love that design for them too. One of my planned PCs is definitely picking up that piece of apparel.
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Vic Wertz wrote: The most specific ACG art order was for Quinn the Investigator: "Male, Human (Mwangi, graying hair) !
So Quinn is Mwangi rather than Garundi! :)
I promise to dial back my pestering about is still missing a Mwangi iconic now. ;)
10 people marked this as a favorite.
And with the tired old slippery slope/"if gays then pedophilia!" argument being trotted out, I'm bailing on this topic for a while.
This mess has been upsetting enough as is without taking that ugly step backwards.
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Wait, do you still have giant ants and/or graboids there?
Because that's a dealbreaker.
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TriOmegaZero wrote: I'd hope for Phoenix, but the out of state crowd would melt away. Dead serious, if it's a dry heat my crowd can take it. Hell, we'd welcome it.
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Quite a sizable congregation of Protestants are actually pulling out of Indiana because of this law. Now fundamentalists on the other hand...
I wonder what would Jesus do?

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captain yesterday wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Tacticslion wrote: Krensky wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Kalindlara wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Lemmy wrote: Kalindlara wrote: Lemmy wrote: Saying porn causes body image issues and sets unrealistic expectations about sex is like saying The Matrix sets unrealistic expectations for learning kung fu and makes young martial artists feel bad about themselves because they don't look like Hollywood stars and can't dodge bullets! Just touching on this point.
I'm not disagreeing with your larger point, but mainstream pornography is part of a much larger set of societal influences that cause body image issues. It's not the main culprit - I'd not even say top five - but it's still a part of how society can influence body image.
I'm speaking only about U.S. culture, by the way; I know we have an international community here, and I don't want to speak for other parts of the world. :) However, I don't think anyone over... I dunno... 14~15 years believes that sex is like porn... rents pizza delivery vehicle
I am an adult, dammit! Do you deliver late-night?
Asking for a friend... sets black manliness to old spice guy levels
I do indeed work the night shift. * Cues up bad seventies funk-jazz for Freehold. No, no.
Proper seduction music engaged. Terry crews is hilarious.
It would take an eternity in the gym to get that body. speaking of Terry Crews, watch the video for Santeria by Sublime :-) and that guy is hilarious :-) Terry Crews is a priceless national treasure.
Also, this is relevant to not only the thread but our identity as gamers. (vaguely NSFW)

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copy pasting an old experience with someone else's paladin from way back:
There was this Neutral wizard, absolutely cynical, travelling with a mostly good party. Eventually, the paladin started getting to her, all through leading by example, not through preaching directly to her. She really started to want to believe in the ideals the paladin stood for, and came to see him a symbol of good and hope that the world(which she saw as a "Sick Sad World") desperately needed.
But she still lacked the faith that those ideals could survive on their own in such a world. She started going about in secret to watch his back and clean up loose ends that she believed would wind up getting him killed. She dirtied her hands handling matters she believed the paladin couldn't, or more importantly, shouldn't. She became more and more devoted to the task of protecting him both as a person and as a symbol that couldn't afford to be sullied by what she considered necessary evils.
When the party left enemies alive, she murdered any who she believed might come looking for revenge on the paladin. If she found out about a problem that could even slightly put the paladin at risk of breaking his code, she would either cut through the problem with brutal efficiency or guide the party away from ever seeing it, consequences for anyone else be damned.
She covered her tracks well, and kept it up for a long time. But while she started off believing whole-heartedly that she was doing what was right, the guilt just started to pile up. While the paladin was sleeping the sleep of the just, she was getting anything but. Eventually the rest of the party started to notice her cracking up, and it all came out in the open when she tearfully confessed(in a church of the god she had come to believe in but whose tenets she could not find the faith to truly follow) everything she had done and why to the paladin she had turned into a sort of idol. He was horrified by what had been done for his sake and in his name, and saddened by who had done it. The wizard is full-on weeping at this point, not even daring to ask for the forgiveness she believes she doesn't deserve. The paladin(AND THE PLAYER) is shedding Manly Tears as he hugs her, forgives her without any hesitation, and then gently places her under arrest. THE DAMN GM IS TEARING UP AT THIS POINT.
The party is shocked when they learn the details in-character, and a good chunk of the campaign after that was dedicated towards the wizard's trial(with the paladin and most of the party serving on her defense) and her long and arduous parole(under the paladin's watchful eye) and struggle towards redemption. She eventually made it to NG.
The paladin and wizard were married by the end of the campaign, but that was an even longer and bumpier road.
I've finally managed to rack of some experiences of my own playing Liath in Wrath of the Righteous. Will try to get that written up tonight. Stuck on a phone atm

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Hitdice wrote: jemstone wrote: Bluenose wrote: That was the one with the centaurs and the tarot deck in character creation. Very nice art, too. That's the one! Jem, I remember talking about Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld with you about a million years ago, but I suppose this question should be to Blue for mentioning the art: Are you aware that Donna Barr, who illustrated Lace & Steel, has been drawing comics for years and years? Like, in two different millennia at this point. Here's a link to her blog. Oh wow. My exact train of thought:
"The guy with the horsebutt on that one Lace and Steel cover reminds me of something."
"Why am I thinking of FFA? This is bugging me. Some light-hearted running joke about a slashy centaur comic."
"Why does Donna Barr sound famil-OHMYGOD"
Holy crap it is a small world after all.
LazarX wrote: RPGPundit is already frothing at the mouth from the news. Sounds like one of those dime-a-dozen "this is how people should game" guys. Haters gonna hate.
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reads the OP
It feels like I've finally come home. :)
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Ooh, we have needed this thread! :D
What sources, if any, did you draw inspiration for Sajan's...sleeves? (is there a more accurate name for them?)
And what did you figure his sister, Sajni, should look like?
(been a big fan ever since connecting the Eberron mural covers to your name!)
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Reading everyone's remembrance, it really leaves you wishing you got to know Mike better. He always came across as a great guy online. Reading everyone's confirmation of it is beyond heartwarming.
Rest in Peace, Mike. Your creations were a big part of what drew me here and are always going to be close to my heart.
God, the story about him tracking down James Sutter to comfort him and the birthday guarantee are really getting to me.

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I'm exhausted on this topic and the very real harm this law enables through other venues, but I want to say to any folks from Indianapolis:
Every time I've been to GenCon, I was struck by how warm, welcoming, and open the atmosphere around it was. The city itself was definitely a big part of it. I've had some wonderful experiences there, and getting to visit an event and place with such an accepting crowd definitely helped me make my way out of the closet. I've been regretting being unable to make it this year already, now even moreso.
This ugly situation has positioned everything in such a way that now whatever GenCon does to protect its attendees it will inadvertently punish Indianspolis itself, the very people who protested the loudest against this bill they didn't want.
Whatever happens, I don't bear any ill will or resentment to your folks. And if GenCon does move, I'm honestly going to miss getting to visit.
You've always been a gracious host in my experience. You deserve better than what your governor has foisted upon you. We all did.
I'm really going to miss that Steak 'n Shake. And that comic shop near the Soldiers and Sailors memorial. Heck, I'm gonna miss that memorial. Thing's awe-inspiring.
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God, I don't have the words.
Even long after he left Paizo, he still felt like a member of that family. His work played such a big part in shaping the character of the setting, it was honestly like he'd never really left. Korvosa alone has his fingerprints all over it. He really brought the place to life.
Always liked seeing him pulling his ninja lurking thing on the forums afterwards.
Rest in Peace, Mike. And condolences to your family and friends, at home and at work.
May you find dragons where you're heading. The cool kind.
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It's going to be building off of AGE, seems like. No word on a Pathfinder port, but anyone looking for more of an optimistic and idealistic take on fantasy gaming, or anyone that's just a fan of the romantic fantasy genre, might want to keep an eye out for this.
Really excited about this news. :)
now I have to step up the pace and get that "adding Blue Rose to Golarion" thread going
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That gnome seems to be throwing down the gauntlet with Balazar in the Outrageous Hats competition. I wholeheartedly approve.
Can't wait to see all of these folks more closely! :)
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Ashiel wrote: Mikaze wrote: Did you know I'm super grateful for those ascetic/magic-gearless character rules you made?
'Cause I am. :)
I actually didn't know. I never really heard anything else about it. :P
I'm super glad to hear that you enjoy 'em. It was you that inspired me to write 'em that afternoon. (^_^) I surely do appreciate them! :) It's still my go-to link for demonstrating that playstyle.
The freedom it's offered in making monks is priceless.
Artemis Moonstar wrote: Also, Mikaze.... Hm *nod*. feels so pretty
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Tinkergoth wrote: What the True Fae appear to actually be up to: Gob dab, dude.
Also, I really need to check out Changeling: The Lost.
oh so having Dominion of the Black thoughts aligning with this
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Did you know I'm super grateful for those ascetic/magic-gearless character rules you made?
'Cause I am. :)
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Ashiel and Tarinia Faynrik wrote: deeply personal stuff *hugs*
You're never really alone. I promise that. :)
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Just watch out for unintentional blockages, like when you're trying to %#* & notice up that there's a raid coming on Sa#%*+ay.
has actually seen those examples, even in NPC text
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It's been on my mind lately after our WotR group wound up having a too-serious conversation about what our opening-ending credits music would be for each book/season so far. :) And then the "character image songs" discussion happened...
personal favorites for animated adaptation would have to be CotCT, JR, WotR, and IG at the moment

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EntrerisShadow wrote: As a corollary to both the Teachable Campaign and Mary Suetopia:
Do you not like "Always Chaotic Evil" as a trope? Do you actually like some nuance or, you know, character motivation in your stories? Do you understand why the walkers stopped being the primary antagonists on Walking Dead by season 2? This is not the place for you. Always Chaotic Evil means every mission will be, "Go Here. Kill Bad Guys. Collect Reward." Are you being sent on two-days' travel to kill a group of orcs or goblins that haven't actually done anything in the story? Does that make you feel a little icky? Get that SJW crap outta here! As long as the book says it's an EVIL race you can do anything from genocide to torture to skull-redacteding its children to death in front of it and it's a-okay! They're always chaotic evil, anyway - even if that explanation LITERALLY MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE. Now roll for encounters on your way back to collect your reward from the 'kindly and benevolent' Duke that hired you to kill sentient beings as a form of pest control.
You'd really better not want to play (insert race here, usually gnomes). The DM hates Gnomes and will it make clear how very much he hates gnomes and hates you for choosing a gnome. Prepare for every single NPC you encounter to revile you, refuse to sell to you, and generally treat you like crap. This doesn't really make sense storywise like it might with an Orc or Drow - but whatever. The populace is totally cool of a party traveling with a member of a race known for murder and deceit, but you dare include anything lighthearted in their grim fantasy world and they get really bent out of shape.
"I Totally Misunderstood Why People Like Game of Thrones"
This DM's world is dark. How dark you ask? Don't worry, they're going to make sure you know how dark by including something absolutely vomit inducing nearly every...
Now these I've run into and have less than zero desire to ever do so again.
actually does go dig out the Blue Rose books this time
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And this was the version Weis and Hickman inadvertently had to fight to get.
The previous animation studio that planned to take it on was Nelvana.
It was going to have song numbers.
....but imagine your favorite AP adapted by Legend of Korra's animation studios. Man. One can dream.
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TarkXT wrote: Scythia wrote: TarkXT wrote: Freehold DM wrote: I love sex in game. Eh, I prefer it for one gm one player games.
They have to be rules-lite and diceless.
More like a LARP than anything I have to be honest. That sounds less like a game, and more like just sex. Well it might be difficult to call it just but certainly fun for all involved. It's an adventure.
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Freehold DM wrote: Alternatively,
We're the good guys. No, really
This happens a lot in games where the DM forces everyone to be good, or at the very least, no evil alignments. You really won't know it from how the game is played. Wholesale slaughter of anyone who isn't good is very much encouraged. It doesn't matter how it happens. You can regularly cheat, lie, hold their loved ones hostage, who cares? It's their fault for being evil. Only paladins are held to a higher standard in these games, and as a result, no one plays a paladin because they actually have consequences for their actions.
Solution: Point out gently to all involved that good involves more altruism to all than punishment of those who are not good.
On a related note, Terry Goodkind would be the worst GM.
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Trigger Loaded wrote: Elfslayer Chronicles Eh, I'd honestly rather play the GM's planned elf yaoi campaign than that.
Or Blue Rose.
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this thread
Thank God our WotR GM is who she is. All of the high drama and conflict without constant cynical grimdark "all the good characters relentlessly suffer" catch-22's. Especially when all the PCs are imperfect but trying their damnedest to do good.
have had to kill a bunch of villains, have been able to spare and redeem a lot, life is complicated, good is hard but not impossible