Wyrm Sniper

Miijoka Jikawe's page

53 posts. Alias of SAMAS.


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Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Somebody kill dat ting!" Miijoka snarled.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Let's not have any more'a dat okay?" Miijoka said as he tried to stabilize the engine.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

I'm going to assume you meant to say "Heal", but I don't think the ship has taken any damage yet.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

I'll take Engineer.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5
DM Forgedawn wrote:
You do need an engineer

Then I'll do that.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

roll off?

Nah, you called it first, I'll take the guns.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"What kind of snake is dat?!" Miijoka yelps, grabbing for the wheel.

ship initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

After the rush from the pill fades, Miijoka looks over the weapons on the rack. He decided to take the rifle and Frost Longsword.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Miijoka picks up the tablet and looks at it dubiously. "Well, you haven't died yet..." Quickly, he swallows the pill. "Well.... that was someting..."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"I don't tink dat's fast enough for what dey want from us." Miijoka said, shaking his head. "And we're forgetting that dey just went over our engines. Maybe we should check de engine and helm and see how fast we can go now."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"On a former Orc ship?" Miijoka cocked an eyebrow, "I don't know if dey'll fall for dat... I hate to ask dis, but do we still have dat Orc's head?"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Species, methinks.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Knowledge: Engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Miijoka starts to correct him, but pauses.

"Dat's... actually useful advice. Dat said...

He grips Arther by the shoulder and pulls him back up towards the deck

"Never bother engineers while dey're working. It's annoying. We'll look over de work after dey finish."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"If you're gonna be de Captain, don't be a dumb one." Miijoka said. "If you need to know anyt'ing, don't be afraid to ask."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Only when de first deal involves a gun to my head." Miijoka replied. "I was never gonna do dat last job in de first place."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Let's hear the job, I suppose." Miijoka said, crossing his arms. "At least it's a better deal than the one we got before... Not counting this ship"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5
Seerus Forstee wrote:

Seerus remains at the helm, controlling the steering, not wanting to get too close to the paladin.

He shouts from his position, "I have to agree with my compatriot. Not being kidnapped and threatened with death makes a compelling opening bid."

"Exactly what I've been wanting to talk about!" Miijoka blurts out with no small measure of relief.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

I was hoping we could talk first, but oh well...

Miijoka rushes to the upper deck as he hears the alarm, loading his gun in the process.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Engineering(take 10): 10 + 11 = 21

"Next time, we hire a crew!" Miijoka mutters to himself as he gets the machine ignited.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Speaking of which," Miijoka says as he sets off to warm up the engines, "We need to discuss a few things at that time as well."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Do you have any experience, sailing a ship?" Miijoka asked Seerus.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Miijoka takes a look around the ship to see what they're dealing with.
Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Knowledge: Engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Need a general rundown of the ship and it's abilities: Size, Armament, Crew Requirements, Speed, etc...

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Works for me." Miijoka said. "I am going to inspect the engines. We will need to discuss a few things once he..." he flipped a finger at their "employer" "...is on his way."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

K.Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Miijoka scrunches his nose. "Ah, Anyone have an idea what dis is?" he asks, holding the now-glowing scroll out to the others.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Let me take a look at that..." Miijoka said, picking up the Valkrie Wing scroll.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Miijoka growls and turns around. "I am not cleaning up the mess!"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Is the man still in the room?

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Assassin work in general give me the jeebies.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

While Owen talks to their "employer", Miijoka takes the time to examine the bodies of the older Orc and Valkyrie commander. Perhaps they hold clues to what's going on.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

(in case I need to search both separately)

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"So what do we do?" Miijoka asked. "Do we give our "employer" our Ill-gotten gains and hope he doesn't shoot us in the back, or...?"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Knowledge: Engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"I don't like this." Miijoka tells the others quietly. "Stay on your guard, this feels..."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

"...like we've been played for pawns!"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Mijoka aims his rifle at her. "Return this ship now, or the rest of you join your friends."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Is the Orc I shot still standing(so to speak)?

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Sadly, Pathfinder Elementals don't cast spells.

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Miijoka draws his rifle and sights the Orc that shot at him.

Rifle: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Confirmation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Ya might say that!" Miijoka said, drawing a Thunderstone from his pouch and hurling it in the midst of the Orcs.

aiming at square to catch as many as possible: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

How far away are the Orcs?It kinda has a bearing on my action(shoot or thunderstone)

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

Checking his gun over, Miijoka nods. "I am ready."

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5

"Someone is gonna pay for this..." Miijoka mutters to himself as the fog in his head cleared. Listening to the man's demands, he rolled his eyes. "Has everyone forgotten how to hire people in this world?" He glares at the man. "What is it you want?"

Male Human (Mwangi) Gunslinger 5


GM SpiderBeard wrote:

@RAU - I'll consider it. It doubles my writing load for the section of the game where the PC backstories become a big deal, but hey, that'd be way in the future anyways. Right? *sob*

And I have noticed that Pharasma seems super-popular this round. Welcome change from Desna I suppose! Can't swing a cat on these forums without hitting a Desna worshipper.

Well, getting around is kinda what they do. :)

Would this be okay? He was originally created as an application for a Second Darkness campaign, so I can make adjustments as needed.

Wow. That's really cool of you.

And the pitch, it seems, is a screwball! ^_^

Sixteenbiticon wrote:
Here's hoping we have a great party and a long-lasting adventure.

I'll drink to that!

On the off chance I get picked; I wanted to take a pet, a Small-sized Ferret (Weasel (Bestiary 1 Familiar) with Giant template, stat-wise). Not cambat-trained (yet, I suppose), just to have (and hold and squeeze and cuddle to itty-bitty pieces). How much would you charge me for that?

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