Michaelus's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Lord Starmight.

After reading through many other posts and checking the FAQ, I decided to start a new thread.
There seems to be confusion, and conflicting guidance as to what a gaze constitutes, and how similar many of the interpretations seem to be to auras. Some clarification from Paizo would be apprecaited with regard to the gaze ability creatures like medusas and basilisks have.
While the concept of a gaze attack seems pretty straight forward in that vision is involved... a variety of circumstances resulting in many posts on this topic have prompted the need for clarification.
For example, if eye to eye contact cannot be made because one party is sleeping, or both are in darkness, or one is invisible, or senses other than vision are employed (echolocation, tremorsense, blindsense, etc...), is the gaze attack thwarted?
Additionally, if eye to eye contact is not needed, is the gaze attack a defensive ability (meaning that creatures within the necessary range who see the gazing creature are affected) or an offensive ability where the gazing creature needs to actually see (not just percieve such as with an invisible character) the target/victim of its gaze?
If someone would be so kind as to provide some guidance or game mechanics to go by, it would be most helpful.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

First of all I want to take a quick moment to apologize if this is a re-posting of a question that may have been posed in the past several years.

I'm playing a druid for the first time since Pathfinder beta, and I noticed that druids recieve as part of their shape changing abilities elemental form 4, but not beastshape 4. Was this intentional or in error? From a RP perspective I find it difficult to believe that a sorcerer/wizard would have access to beastshape 4, but a druid would not....

Also, several new abilities of animals, plants, and elementals have been presented in bestiaries subsequent to the Player's Handbook release. Are there any supplimental rules or guidance regarding what a druid would or wouldn't qualify for in light of these developments?
