
Michael Gear's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 134 posts (232 including aliases). 4 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Shadow Lodge

Okay, I finally pulled my RW and HH cards from the binder to see if I have a complete collection, and to find out if anyone want to trade for my duplicates. I'm not really interested in buying of selling cards right now. An (f) indicates that I have a foil of that card, I'd rather not trade away my foils, but I know what it means to have an incomplete collection...so it's negotiable.

RoW To Trade

05x3(f), 08x2, 11, 12x2(f2), 15(f), 17(f), 19, 20, 21, 22x2(f), 24, 28, 29(f), 30, 33, 34, 36(f), 39, 40, 42x2, 43x2, 44(f), 45x2, 46, 49, 52x2(f), 53 x2, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65x2, 68x2, 71, 72x2(f), 74x2, 77(f), 81, 84, 85x2, 86(f), 87x2, 90, 100, 102(f), 104, 105x2, 107x2, 108x2, 110

RoW Want

01, 10, 14, 18, 51, 94 ...so close...

HH To Trade

28, 41, 79, 107

I don't have many HH yet, so my want list is a bit longer.

HH Want

02, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 45, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 109, 110

I suspect this list will change drastically after I buy a HH display or two...but this is it for now.


Shadow Lodge

I'm on board saying that Tiffany won last year ,but she didn't get her prize until now. Kelly is the winner this year, not only for being the only contestant in costume this year, but also for doing a fantastic job on her Pactmaster costume.

Shadow Lodge

You know what I would like Paizo to have at GenCon 2010? A GIGANTIC ROOM to play PFS in...one with good acoustics so that we can all be loud and having a great time while being able to hear the GM at those intense moments. I saw more than a few empty tables in a room that fits the bill...I wonder if that room will be up for grabs. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

I picked up a copy at GenCon...I was told to drop an email and I would get access to the pdf for DL, but I haven't done that yet...nor have I opened it to read it yet...still working on PRPG and other things acquired at the Con. If I ever get over my reader's block, I may even post a review. :)

Shadow Lodge

Krome wrote:
Michael Gear wrote:
Krome wrote:
Coridan wrote:
Krome, why not try projecting it over another 2d map of earth?

ummm don't have a good pic lol I'll look for one lol

Okay found a map. No lines on it for equator or tropics, which I remember now, is why I used Google Earth. I would have the lines and able to adjust the image size.

So a flat map on a flat map. Scale should be good. Magnimar is on top of Seattle.

New Flat Map

Linky no worky
Sorry try it now


Now how about a mercator version. :)

Shadow Lodge

Krome wrote:
Coridan wrote:
Krome, why not try projecting it over another 2d map of earth?

ummm don't have a good pic lol I'll look for one lol

Okay found a map. No lines on it for equator or tropics, which I remember now, is why I used Google Earth. I would have the lines and able to adjust the image size.

So a flat map on a flat map. Scale should be good. Magnimar is on top of Seattle.

New Flat Map

Linky no worky

Shadow Lodge

I'll be taking Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off, a total of 24 hours of work avoided by going to Indy. :)

Shadow Lodge

I'll be there...I've got the blue Chaos symbol tattooed on top of my head. Playing, at least, one PFS per day; and hoping to get a ton of gaming in, hope I booked a big enough room.


Shadow Lodge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Michael Gear wrote:

reminder: must buy a more sturdy suitcase
Man, I wish I could make it this year. I'd love to see how Nimh fares under a few other GMs (then again, I haven't seen him after going through Chris' GM grinder).

Heh...he does fine, HUGE in social situations and microscopic in combat. Though, I'm not sure what kind of changes he faces once converted/recreated in the PFRPG mold. He may become, down right, dangerous as a party buffer.


Shadow Lodge

I'll throw my name on the pile of ULC ministers. Ordained June 15, 1998; and then again May 4, 2000; after their computer died and took all of their records with it. Sadly, my Doctorate of Divinity was also a casualty...so no more D.D. at the end of my name until I retake the course, which is not likely.

So I'm legal to perform weddings and administer last rights...but I repeat myself.

Shadow Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Michael Gear wrote:
Is this going to available at GenCon? Or should I just preorder?
We do expect to have it at Gen Con.

reminder: must buy a more sturdy suitcase

Shadow Lodge

Zuxius wrote:

Yes. The Zuxius party will be bigger and badder than ever. I will bring four times the beer and cheer!

Unfortunately, someone will have to get hurt this time. No doubt about it.

As a professional "Hurter of People" and a creature who's attendance is assured; I offer my services.

Shadow Lodge

Zootcat wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Cue Bill Nighy singing as "Billy Mack"...

...and he's naked.

The Video Ape?

Shadow Lodge

Is this going to available at GenCon? Or should I just preorder?

Shadow Lodge

I've got 11 tattoos...well on my way to 1.

Shadow Lodge

If I were inclined to play a Samurai in Pathfinder, I would use the core Fighter and flavor it, as well.

I'd tweak the skills some: Knowledge Dungeoneering and Engineering I would probably go with History and Nobility...maybe swap out Climb or Handle Animal for Diplomacy, depending on if I wanted to be primarily mounted, although most Samurai were very proficient in the saddle. I would use Craft for one of the Noble pursuits of art and beauty.
Skills are the only downside to using the Fighter, as Samurai were Nobles and had quite a few skills.

Oh and the option for Weapon Finesse: Katana (Bastard Sword).

Shadow Lodge

Eventually, there is likely to be a Tian Xia book. I'm betting that's where you'll find the flavor you seek. How long will we have to wait? Uh-nu-know :shrug:

Shadow Lodge

Sad, sad, sad....NEXT YEAR!!! hmmmm...wife won't be thrilled...work to do.


Shadow Lodge

I love tactile game aids, and I've looked at campaign coins more than a few times; but they are just too pricey for me to justify. However, if they were Golarion specific I would probably be debating my third or fourth set. Funny how affection for a setting will alter one's decision making.

I would not be opposed to plastic coins, like the ones we used in grade school. The denominations that I would like to see are 1, 2, 5, and 10 for each "metal"...then 20, 50, and 100sp; 20 and 50gp; and 20pp.

I've used plastic gems that I bought at a local bead/craft store, and they're grand.

Shadow Lodge

yes please...and thank you

Shadow Lodge

My favorite non-PHB character that I've played was a Satyr Bard. He fell in love with a Nymph who was then slain by a Salamander in front of him...vengeance, justice, whatever you want to call it, the adventure followed.
Second fav was a Hobgoblin Brawler, I wanted to play a character that relied on his fists, but wasn't a monk. If we had played that story to the end, he may have become my favorite over time.
I played a Centaur Ranger many many moons ago in a Forgotten Realms setting. This was my first "monstrous" PC, but I don't remember much about the game...we probably only played those characters a couple of times.

Shadow Lodge

Greetings Hank, welcome welcome.


Shadow Lodge

Valeros: "Ladies, how should I know, if I don't ask?"

Shadow Lodge

I wanna go so bad I can smell it. With a little luck I'll pull enough money to justify taking a Friday AND Saturday off of work. I was, originally, planning on getting a room down there; but it looks more likely that I'll just drive down for the evening games and then all day Sunday. :shrug: We'll see how it all plays out.

Shadow Lodge

Cheers Gents...and I thank you very much.

Thank You Mike, for remembering and vouching for me. :)

And Thank You (in advance) Josh, for correcting the tiny error. :)

thank you thank you...handshakes and cold brew for everyone.

Shadow Lodge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Michael Gear wrote:

I just went to my PFS character profile for Nimh "the Imp" and noticed that I didn't get the prestige point for Silent Tide...I remember the faction goal very clearly and Nimh had a sack full of the required items when the session ended. Is there a way to prove it and fix this, or am I S.O.L.?


Darn, its too bad that's not one that I ran for you.

That would be too easy. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

yoda8myhead wrote:
Michael Gear wrote:

I just went to my PFS character profile for Nimh "the Imp" and noticed that I didn't get the prestige point for Silent Tide...I remember the faction goal very clearly and Nimh had a sack full of the required items when the session ended. Is there a way to prove it and fix this, or am I S.O.L.?


If you have the chronicle initialed by the GM at your table, that should prove you got it. It sounds like someone who entered the information made an honest mistake. Do you know who reported the event?

Mike Kortes ran it at GenCon. I think that means that Josh entered it. I've got my copy, which shows the point awarded...s'pose I could scan it and email it, if need be.


Shadow Lodge

I just went to my PFS character profile for Nimh "the Imp" and noticed that I didn't get the prestige point for Silent Tide...I remember the faction goal very clearly and Nimh had a sack full of the required items when the session ended. Is there a way to prove it and fix this, or am I S.O.L.?


Shadow Lodge

Not really a curse, but: "I swear it, on Asmodeus' eyebrows!"

Shadow Lodge

I call conspiracy on the chat...just because the coincidence is too convenient.

Shadow Lodge

Nicely done, I'm looking forward to playing your scenarios.

Shadow Lodge

According to the PFCS description on page 217, it strikes me as a cross between Opium and Cocaine. It's a euphoric psychedelic stimulant that is snorted.

Shadow Lodge

stretched ears, facial hair, and a tattoo on his head...all he could use is a long goatie and it's me...sorta.

Shadow Lodge


I'll bend my bow to yer will.

Shadow Lodge

I'd like to see some adventures for 1 or 2 players, plus GM. My group has become inconsistent, so we're left minus one or two players. I could beef-up the players to meet the CR, but that's less entertaining.

Shadow Lodge

Bridgestone? the only F1 tire

Shadow Lodge

Add Charisma bonus + level/day. Agreed

Shadow Lodge

Buckethead, Big Sur Moon

Shadow Lodge

I'm gonna check the thread for traps.

Shadow Lodge

I will, likely, implement this starting immediately.


Shadow Lodge

I've seen it several times, and I enjoy it. I guess, the point is that it makes one think. If this were true, what would it mean? How would it affect me and those that I care about, or how does this affect the world? I think that it's important to be an open minded skeptic, oxymoron, I know; in my opinion, it's important to allow for the possibility of truth without choosing one and calling it "correct". Currently, I'm feeling a lot of mistrust toward my government, more than usual, anyway. I think that helped me to immerse into the info-tainment, and relate to the theories being conveyed. I'm also a big fan of mysteries, so the fact that I could spend hours/days in a row looking up the historical references helped feed my speculation. I admit, like so many, I am a conspiracy fiend...so I'm kinda biased. Anyone that enjoys it should follow up with The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, as well as Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs.


...is it a code?

Shadow Lodge

Arakhor wrote:
So, we're throwing out theme in the name of balance? The bard is a secondary caster - his spells don't need to be as versatile as those of the Big Four.

Actually, I just want all sonic spells, since that does fit the theme. I'd much rather theme than 'balance'. Anymore, when I see the word 'balance' I turn away to avoid the ensuing argument. I MUCH prefer ROLEplaying, over playing a group of stats.

Shadow Lodge

roguerouge wrote:

You're in a vessel. Two ships sighted off the starboard bow. Big ships. You can't take 'em. How do you lose them? Let's say they start on the open ocean, but that we're not restricted to just open ocean if the scenario takes longer than a few hours. And how do you adjudicate this?

Give it more sail, if you've got it. Lose some weight, cannons and such. If the other ship is, noticeably, faster, man the guns instead of shedding them.

Do you know the top speeds of the vessels? Available wind speed? Maybe, a Profession Sailor check, or whatever, depending on the system; to determine how much use each ship can make of the wind and get a speed that way.

Shadow Lodge


[yoink] When his mother, who has sheltered him his entire 40 years, dies, Elling, a sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin in his 40s. After two years, the men are released and provided with a state-funded apartment and stipend with the hope they will be able to live on their own. Initially, the simple act of going around the corner for groceries is a challenge. Through a friendship born of desperate dependence, the skittish Elling and the boisterous, would-be lover of women, Kjell Bjarne, discover they can not only survive on the outside, they can thrive. But as their courage grows, the two find oddball ways to cope with society, striking up the most peculiar friendships in the most unlikely places. [yoink/]

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