Kelim Esteban

Merreck ir’Tharias's page

77 posts. Alias of xdahnx.


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Merreck follows at a close distance behind, not immediately giving away his connection to you. He's keeping an eye on the guards, and certainly an eye out for the bears he's heard so much about.

Merreck barely looks up from the barrel he is sampling from. His slurping is audible from the other side of the room. "Lockpicks? Oh...oh yes..." he says, as he throws them near the busted cabinet. "Practise, practise, practise...that's my only advice."

It's obvious that Merreck barely knows how to use them himself, and he's currently too involved to stop and teach what little he knows now.

...which Merreck does in no short order. A substantial 'CRACK' is heard, followed by an enthusiastic "Oh yes. My nose never leads me astray! I thought there might be liquor in here!" Merreck cups his hand, and pulls up some of the amber liquid to his mouth. "A brandy! Maybe apple, I can't be sure. Delicious! You go on without me! I'll be here! 'SLURP'"

"Uhh? The control rod, obviously..." he says, letting it fall to the floor with a clatter. "It worked. Now, are we going to rummage about the room some more? What about that door?"

The sound of Merreck struggling behind you ceases, and you can see him running toward your aid. He's got some kind of rod in his hand, which he holds with the utmost authority.

"Stand aside, minion! I am your master, and I order you to desist!"

Merreck strikes the creature solidly on the head with the rod, and it falls lifelessly to the ground.

"There. That did it."

Merreck appears to be struggling with the lock, and you can hear him muttering: "Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn...". You decide that it's probably his mantra, and it's helping him concentrate.

"I'm trying!" he calls out, in response to Starlan
He flings his lockpicks to the ground, and starts pulling frantically on the door. He braces one booted foot on the side of the cabinet for support as he pulls on the door. It starts to give.

"Almost there!"

"Oh sh*t. You really made it angry now." Merreck says, as he hustles to the cabinet, shakily pulling out his lockpicks. He begins to fumble with the lock.

Even brute force would work; it's not a particularly large or sturdy cabinet. It's well made, to be sure, but it's strength lies in the realm of the aesthetic. However, I also recognize that this might be the one time you forgot to bring Brute Force. Either way, the adhesive isn't going to last much longer. Please roll initiatives now for when it breaks free, but please act freely until then.

"Ugh, fine!" Merreck comes bustling down the now lit hallway, and into the room, as you frantically guide his gaze to the locked cabinet.

The construct begins to struggle more, and is quite visibly close to freeing itself.

"You keep that thing busy, and I'll open the cabinet. If I get bit, I'm going back to the bar."

"Metal animals? You mean like a guardian or something?", Merreck shouts down. "Probably looks like a dog or a wolf? Clichéd things, but they're sometimes created by wizards to protect things. I've seen some badger shaped ones too. I told you I hated Zilargo! I'm just going to stay up here, then. Don't feel like getting bit today! Besides, they don't usually buzz!"

"Hey! Who turned on the lights down there!" Merreck calls down. "Is it safe yet? Tell me the grinding sound was an old clock, or something!"

Deftly replacing the lockpicking tools in his right pocket, Merreck sighs. "Right then. On you go. Exploring, and what. Not me. I'll leave that to you. I'll be right here. Scream if you need me."

"Well? Are we taking bets on what that is?"

"I have to do everything around here.", Merreck sighs, flipping out a shiny set of silver implements, and he quickly sets out to unlock the thing.

"Stubborn....old....rusty...Click!" He takes a few moments but eventually the deadbolt slides out of the wall.

"Are we opening it, then?", Merreck asks.

"Shoot.", Merreck whistles. "And just why do we wanna go down there?"

The waitress accepts Sim's request, and moves to deliver the letter.

Upon spying you leave the place, Merreck comes running out, carrying a half-full mug of ale. "Hey! Are you just ditching me in there! You were supposed to come get me!"

Merreck will keep up, although slightly stumbly, all the way to Delphis' home. "What did that gnome tell you? Fill me in! Where are we going, anyway?"

"Ah forget it, then." Merreck says, rolling his eyes. "Listen, I'm going to go find something to drink. If you ever decide to meet with the gnome, instead of just ogling his dwarf, I'll be around. It's probably for the best that just you approach him anyway. The less people, the less of a crowd, and the less attention can be drawn."

"Are you volunteering?"

Nudging Sillas in the ribs, Merreck adds; "I'd like to try that! Well, not with a dwarf. And probably not with you. Hmm..."

Merreck begins to scan the room for someone suitable enough.

Sounds like a plan, Iri. Twins, you can chat with Taldis about the flightplan the next day perhaps. The travel will take almost four days. I'd like you all to state what you are doing as the night winds down. Please summarize the rest of the night so we can keep this going.

Merreck yawns and bids goodnight to the rest of the group. He heads into his chambers, and begins unpacking his gear in preparation of what's the come. Before his head hits the pillow, he is asleep.

Merreck, his equipment and enthusiasm gathered, heads off to Lyrandar Tower and meets with the others.


Merreck looks at the scrolls in response to Starlan's questions. "No, I don't really know much about Druids and that. They usually keep to themselves. Are you a fledgling druid yourself? That would explain the smell.", Merreck guffaws as he slaps Starlan on the back.

Merreck runs off with the note to meet Tara, and returns to the Hideaway just as you are all discussing plans. He looks like he's gathered all of his things now. Sitting down at the table, his eyes sparkle at the talk of the heist.

"This is so fun! Bears and magic! We'll be fugitives!"

He leans in to share with Sillas,

"I gave the note to Tara. She said she'd keep an eye out for him tonight. She said she'd contact Thervi and Maeder if she didn't hear from Jorras soon."

"I have to admit, I'm pretty worried about him. But I understand that we need to take care of this other threat. If you want, I can run the note over to House Cannith and explain everything to Tara. I'll be back in time for take off."

It is late afternoon. I think you all decided to leave in the evening, so I imagine that you have a few hours to work with. A side note; where are you all right now? The Hideaway again? Lyrandar Tower? Vraxeris Manor? Somewhere else? I have to admit I'm not sure.

You can give me know:local checks to see if you've heard anything about Vestan ir'Simul. Otherwise, you may have to ask around. Excavations usually take place on the low levels, as Sharn is built upon an old human city (that was built on an old goblin city). But if he's making any cash out of his excavation, he may live in the upper levels of Sharn. Also, it was a long time ago, so check the intro page for your interactions with Jorras and the others, at the hideaway. I've been trying to get you to read the note since then.

"Jorras? Yesterday, same as you. He was sitting around the table with all of us yesterday, barely touching his drink, I remember, and then he just up and left. He mumbled something about not coming to your party, and that was that. If he did show up last night, I didn't notice. To be fair, most of last night is a blur."

Merreck scans the note.

"This guy never stops. He's always trying to figure stuff out, stick his nose in places it doesn't belong. A fantastic quality, I must add, but I hope it hasn't got him into any trouble. He says here that he'll be back later today. I don't think we should worry. Yet."

"Uh, no. I spent it all. And I'd spend more if I was able."

Not sure if you want to RP this, or just meet up later with these provisions.

After a short while haggling with the shopkeepers at the retailing outlet of the Academy, Merreck returns with a handful of stuff and a big grin; he is also 1,000gp poorer than when he went in.

"Look at these!," Merreck says, pointing to a mere handful of glass vials and crisp parchment. "This little vial just needs to be drunk, and it will make someone invisible for a short while. These 5 however are a work of genius. Interestingly enough, these 5 potions were made by trackers, trappers, and magic men of the wild. Druids, you know. A weird lot. Anyway, these ironic little things make it so that whoever drinks it becomes untrackable, by scent, sight, sound, anything. You can walk right through mud or water and not leave a single footprint. Handy things if we want to hide our movements."

Merreck unfurls a few of the scrolls. "I hope someone here is better at reading them then I am. I have a little experience, but it's mostly gibberish to me. In a pinch I can activate them, but don't count on me. Take a look-see. Here's another that will make someone or something invisible. This one opens magical and nonmagical locks and doors. A one shot deal here, so best use it wisely. And for a quick, but temporary, getaway, this one does wonders with a rope. I have some rope, so that's covered. If we need to beat a hasty retreat, we just need to climb the rope. It'll make a little extra-dimensional pocket for us."

Beaming and proud of his purchases, he looks at you. "Ready to fly an airship and rob a bank?"


Potion of Invisibility
5x potion of pass without trace
1 scroll of knock
1 scroll of invisibility
1 scroll of rope trick

"Lady, I could spend it all in a heartbeat. Don't tempt me. I think a couple k's will equip us all quite well. We'll go pick up some stuff here, and then the rest of it when we get to Passage, once we have a better idea of what we're up against. I imagine chatting with this Sivis fellow will reveal a lot. Who knows what their defences are like."

Don't worry, I'm not going to spend all your money. But if you give Merreck an inch, he'll take a mile. Shopping is fun.

"Not at all. I figure some rope. An arcane key or two. Some potions of invisibility or flying, and maybe something to let you climb on walls would be good. Scrolls would be cheaper, but that would require someone to activate them, and I sure as hells can't."

Merreck's eyes glint at the prospect of spending money.

"How much of your advance do you want me to spend on supplies? I know a guy, I can get a bit of a discount, but I can't promise any miracles."

Merreck drains the rest of his glass, and sets a few coins on the table.

"Alright then, I'll join you. Let's be on our way. Wouldn't want to keep the good man waiting."

"So, some of us are going to Passage, and some of us are going to the Temple? Just point me where you need me. I'll help where I can."

"Forgive my asking. If I'm to risk my neck over any of this, however, I deserve to be told. If not, I trust you. Sillas. I'll see you all soon. I need to go home and prepare. When and where shall we meet? Lyrandar Tower's private dock?"

"A lot of money, eh?", Merreck asks, rubbing his hands together, "Is this temple business related to the Lyrandar business? Private Houses and Churches don't usually work together."

"Well, I'll follow and lend my advice wherever I can. I'll probably be ready to go by this evening as well. Just let me get my things!"

"Why are you going there anyway? Did something come up last night at the party? I must have missed it. Or, is it something to do with all this ring nonsense? Either way, if you need help, Sillas, I'm there for you."

Merreck takes a big breath, and exhales.

"So, when do we leave?"

"Travel? With them? Have you two really never been to Stormhome? That's so strange. There must be a reason...No matter. I'm not in the secret ring club, after all. Are you sure you want me gallivanting around with you?"

"It depends on the role, fair lady. A drunkard, a louse, a misanthrope, a wanderer, and a dilettante I can pull off pretty convincingly, I'd say."

"Well, you could park the thing at the docking tower in Fairhaven, and take the Orien Lightining Rail in to Passage. Or you could try to land the thing in some poor sod's farming field, outside of Passage. Either way, you guys sound like you've got quite an adventure planned.", Merreck's eyes glint with excitement.

"Wait just a minute now. An airship? Where are you guys going? Aundair? Crazy. The only reason you'd want to go there is for the wine, and I'm sure we can get some of their finest, imported."

Merreck leans back in his chair; "Well, the city of Passage sits on the shores of Lake Galifar, serving as a crossroads for commerce in western Aundair. In addition to a thriving fi shing community and a center for trade, Passage contains a huge House Orien enclave. This enclave serves as one of the house’s operation centers and makes the members of the house prominent among the city’s social elite. One key feature of the city is the lightning rail station that includes a massive maintenance and repair facility. It's pretty much the place to go, if you're trying to get somewhere by land. Kinda like Sharn, and the Lyrandar airships. But don't think that Lyrandar doesn't get a piece of the pie. Ships are constantly moving back and forth from Stormhome and Passage, often stopping in the capital, Fairhaven."

Merreck looks at the twins; "If you're planning to move around Aundair and not expose yourselves as dragonmarked House members, you'll need a disguise. I don't know what your plan is, nor am I fishing for answers. Chances are, you'll be recognized pretty easily. Especially in an airship. In terms of docking the thing, there's not a tremendous amount of places outside of city centres to do it. Unless you're a skilled pilot, you may run the risk of crashing the thing. There's plenty of places to hide it. Sillas, most of that area is filled in on your map. It was a hazy time, but you can check it when you go home."

Info on Stormhome lifted right out of the ECS


Stormhome (Large city, 14,280): The large island
off the northern coast of Aundair was once a bleak, stormblasted
outpost at the entrance to Scions Sound. In 347
YK, House Lyrandar petitioned to turn the island into
a house enclave, and the crown relented—with the caveat
that it could maintain a protective force there to monitor
comings and goings at sea. Three years later, the weather
mages of Lyrandar had changed the climate of the island.
While cold weather and storms raged around it, Stormhome
became a temperate paradise.
Today, Stormhome remains the crowning achievement
of House Lyrandar’s skills and abilities. The city that bears
the island’s name serves as the primary headquarters for
the house and the seat of its matriarch. Aundair considers
the island to be an extension of its nation, and House
Lyrandar continues to permit an Aundairian force to use
part of the island as a base. The Aundairian navy patrols
the northern coast, stopping at Stormhome for supplies
and to escape the bitter wind that blows across the bay.
In addition to the presence of many of the leading
members of House Lyrandar and their retainers, a
number of other wealthy nobles regularly visit the city.
It has become something of a vacation spot, and House
Lyrandar has permitted House Ghallanda to establish
elaborate resorts within the city limits to cater to its guests.
During the Last War, the place was mostly left a lone by
attacking forces due to House Lyrandar’s neutrality and
diplomatic position. It became a meeting place for spies
and a hotbed of clandestine activities, a reputation that it
continues to hold in the current day.

"As long as I don't have to wear a stuffy blazer, I'm in. What do you want to know?"

"Oh, that map? It would take a lifetime or two to fill it all in. Probably more if we wanted to get into any detail about it. I just hope my legs don't give out too soon! And my head's fine. I'm not sure you can do anything about it, anyway. I'll probably just have a little sip of wine. Hair of the dog, and all."

A knock is heard on the door, and it pushes open. "Sillas, you in here?"

Merreck pokes his head in. "Hey. You sure are. As are the rest of you. Ready to party again? I don't know about you all, but my head is pounding today. I almost didn't make it here to meet you. I gave your description to the server and she pointed me over here."

Merreck pauses. "What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Did I interrupt some secret club meeting?"

"Well, chap," Merreck says with a slap on Sillas' back, "it was a good show. Really good. People will remember it for a long time, and I'm sure it did nothing but garner more praise and respect for Maeder himself. He's giving, but he's not that giving. There had to be something in it for himself. You know."

Merreck yawns. "Anyway, I have a date with my pillow tonight. Don't want to miss it! Let's meet up tomorrow, if you want. Let me know, I'm off."

Merreck bows, as gracefully as he can, to Irirangi, and then exits.

"I think I would rather die than eat this!", Merrick cried out, playfully.

"This has gone on too far, I think. Hasn't it? I don't know anymore."

"This...This is really too much, I think. I'm already getting full.", Merreck burps.

Ellirayne D'Lyrandar wrote:
"I can't speak for the others but Deerian and I aren't here to be any kind of inconvenience, we can sit ourselves out of the way and leave you to your private table" Ellirayne politely assures the uptight young woman with a kind smile.

"Nonsense! Thervi just doesn't like to share her portion of the air with others. You know the type. It's fine with me, you can all crowd around my end."

"Ah, we'll just push a couple tables together. I'm sure it'll be fine. If I'm any judge of character, I'm sure our dinner experience will be better for having these people around. Either way, we should start moving things now, before everyone else gets settled. You ready?"

Merrick catches Starlan's eye, and calls him over to the rest of the group with a welcoming wave.

Looking at Irirangi, Merreck shakes his head a little; "Now, why do I find that hard to believe? Still, you made a fantastic entrance. You really outdid all of the others. I'm sure it will be on the tips of their tongues all night."

"Those poor chaps. They'll be fine in a few minutes. Tam's a good guy. Well, a good warforged, anyway. I'm pretty confident that this is the most exciting thing that's probably happened to any of those sleeping beauties." Merreck lets out a pretty hearty chuckle, and pats Irirangi on the back. "Say, isn't one of those fellows a House Orien member? He looks marked too. I stand by my word then; most thrill that guy's got since the day he was born. Good show girl."

Vraxeris Manor


"Good show! Good show! The fiend looks like it just needs a little helping hand, and it will shatter like mother's crystal!" Merrick yells from the sidelines.

Vraxeris Manor


Merrick pulls the others in for a closer look. Large sections of smooth white marble have been fitted together to fit the length of the wall. It appears to be a large-scale map of the known world. The map is handpainted, and in painstaking detail.

On closer inspections, it becomes clear that large patches of detail stand next to practically no detail at all. And in fact, the detail that is present is something more akin to a traveller's notes than a map for the general public. Specific names, culinary delicacies, and little points of interest dot the otherwise geographic information.

"'s a map...My map, to be specific. Or rather, I guess, our map. Consider this, an official extension of my offer from earlier in the day. You really do need to travel, and I really like to travel. We can fill in the rest later."