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Hello everyone,

The arcanist occultist of my group became the moldspeaker so I decided to set Tempest as a magic staff. He found it at the end of our last session so yet didn't I decide what would be its powers and how to scale it throughout levels. I know staves can be pretty powerful but I kind of like the fluff... Do you have any suggestions to set the powers properly?

Thx for your help

Hi everyone,

I'm currently running CoCT anniversary ed. and just ending Edge of Anarchy. I'm about to begin Seven Days and my adventuring group includes a Cleric of Abadar and a Paladin of Iomedae. I'm expecting to have great moments of arguing when blood veil will rise but still I would need some advice on some spots:

- Of course, my cleric of abadar will have to choose between obey to the temple or cure Korvosans for free or almost. I'm pretty sure he will stand a long time at the first choice, at least until the city itself will be heavily threatened by the Blood Veil. Any advice although?
- I wonder why Grau would still call on the PCs to find a cure for Brienna if he forbid his sister to go to Abadar's temple because of the money... I mean, maybe the PCs can be generous, but still in his role, the Cleric of Abadar will ask for money for the cure...
- What about Ishani Dhatri's moral dilemma? I'm pretty sure my Paladin will detect Ishani Dhatri's poor faith and will try to convert him... But in front of a cleric to the temple ?
- What about Zenobia's "convertion" ? That should be a rumor for commoners but won't my cleric of Abadar will have access to this case and then will want to investigate?

Thx for your advices.

Hello everyone,

the Fireball spell description wrote:

"[...] If you attempt to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, you must "hit" the opening with a ranged touch attack, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely. [...]"

Following the called shots rules (, you can imagine the wizard would want (and could) cast his fireball directly in the mouth of a purple worm (or any other creature stupid enough and with a mouth wide enough...) of course, with a tough malus like something around -8 (as aiming the head means -5 and aiming the heart means -10).

But if he just cast True Strike the round before...

What kind of damage would you apply in such case? x3? x5? I assume a cinematic approach would directly kill the creature but... how to deal with it to not completely break the game?

Thx of your answers.

Hello everyone,

Assuming the young characters rules from Ultimate Campaign, 15 years old (or around) humans can be created as Adepts.

Adepts are indeed lvl 0 spellcasters, which means 15 years old human Wizards, Clerics, Druids or Witches (for instance) apprentices began their training younger.

I guess 10 years of practice to become a fellow wizard would quite fine, which means a 10 yo kid enters as apprentice, began to cast 0-lvl spells at 15 yo (at the middle of his studies) and become a complete lvl-1 wizard at 20 yo.

But how to make it compatible with the so easy way to just "take one wizard level" on the fly, during the leveling of a normal character?

If 10 years old would be a good age to begin as apprentice (for any spellcasting trained class) what if I would want to play this moment for my PCs as an introduction before an adventure path? What adjustments would I have to apply to 10 yo human characters?

Thx for your answers

Hello Everyone, and again sorry for my poor english skills.

Blood Of Fiend, page 3 wrote:
"Most tiefling babies are born with a sign of their future imprinted on their skin—nubs of horns, spines on their arms, claws, a barbed tail—but some do not manifest any mark of the planes until they reach their teen years and begin to mature. The process is different for each of them. Some grow painlessly into their adult forms, while others suffer agony as their bodies transform in unnatural ways."

The Adulthood age for a Tiefling is 60 years, +4d6 for Intuitive class, +6d6 for self-taught class and +8d6 for trained class (source: Advanced Race Guide, page 248).

Considering the Young Characters rules from Ultimate Campaign page 194, I assume the Youth of a Tiefling would be at 30 yo, but what would be the adjustments for Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert, Adept or Warrior?

More than that, Tieflings are not only spawns from two tiefling parents, but also possibly from a human parent and a half-fiend parent... Considering the Blood Of Fiend explanations, a Tiefling could possibly born in a small human town and completely look like a human normal baby, for instance from a woman raped during a past fiendish raid (and she could hide this dramatic story from her husband...) and then , at teen age, after any sort of shocking event, the young normal kid shows suddenly any fiendish traits... But of course, if the young hidden tiefling doesn't grows as fast as humans, that can't work. Even if he looks normal, his human mother won't feed him during ten years with breastmilk...

So may I simply reject age rules for tiefling and stick them to humans ages? Would there be any consequencies?

Thanks for your answers

Thx for all your answers,

Actually there are some good indications in "Catastrophe!" from Adventure Path #30 "the Twice Damned Price".

Hello everyone,

I'd love to know how you would deal with a player that would want to set fire to a 30 feet high wooden watchtower (made with interlaced tied trunks and a flat platform at the top) in blasting it with Fireball(s). My question isn't really about direct damage dealing but rather how far it would catch fire with each fireballs and without any intervention (rain, buckets of water or spells or whatever) how long would it takes before it collapse... I figured out it would take less time than just fire flaming arrows on it I guess... But I still really don't know how to evaluate this time.

Furthermore, I'd love to know how to deal with crushed glass in dog's food to kill or put out of the fight. Intelligent creatures would surely cut themselves superficially before stop eating, but about animals, IRL there were some cases where cats or dogs died because of such malevolence. Do we have to deal it as a poison? Or something deadlier?


Theocracy - I Am

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
If the paladin knew that an innocent person was being subject to torture and rape and tried to stop it by breaking into a the home would this also be a problem? The rescue of the slaves takes higher priority than the breaking and entering.

They were not sure, they had only suspicions. And for me this is exactly the difference between the pious and the pragmatist. Indeed the paladin has always to choose between bad act and worse act, but in this case in my opinion he would clearly seek for a strong proof the manor would hold slaves. They had only footsteps.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
As lighting fire to the building is also not a problem. For it to work as a diversion people need to be aware of it so the chances of someone actually getting hurt is slim to none. You are going to want the fire in a very visible and hard to reach place like the roof. You are going to want more smoke then fire so it draws more attention and causes more confusion.

I agree, in the case he would have pay attention that no innocent would be hurt. He didn't.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
From what I can gather the city is not where the party is from and may even be consider hostile territory. The authorities are present but do not seem to perform their job with the utmost integrity. So what legitimate authority did the paladin disrespect? The evil slavers? The corrupt nonexistent city watch?

Not hostile but neutral territory. Hostile would be a city under the hands of a cleric of Asmodeus.

Really? Your Paladin becomes Robin Hood as soon as he is seeing some malfunctions in the institutions? In my opinion he would first try to respect the laws. If the laws don't work, then he maybe will manage to act outlaw, but after judging the pros and cons carefully.

LazarX wrote:

If I were going to use a number system, I'd keep it hidden from the players. I'd rather have a player think. "My powers aren't working the way they should be, perhaps I'd should seek some advice" rather than (I'm two decimal points away from shifting alignment, now I should clean up my act.)

Ok I see. I prefer use a number system just to keep the track, but keeping it hidden from the players is a good idea. I guess I will combine something between some knowledge religion check, divine dreams or flashbacks, some partial random failure in his powers, and from now on a hidden track of the alignments.

Many thx for both of you.

LazarX wrote:
Would this have been an issue if the party did not have a Paladin?

Not in a short term. But in a long term anyway it has. In my opinion, if you don't have an idea about the way your PCs evolves, you could miss a gameplay effect that would or would not affect your PCs: spells, items but also divine magic, divine spellcasting classes and of course your plots. It is for me really important to know what is the alignment of my PCs and not simply let them choose at the beginning and never change it through 20 levels.

LazarX wrote:
Ultimate Campaign's system smacks to me of micromanaging taken to a nearly absurd level.

I agree that it is something else to manage for the Gamemaster and I truly have enough things to manage. But for me this system allow to track the inertia of a changing behaviour. When Gilarius was saying " I'd want more than one event like this before I did anything to his status, with warnings so the player knows what is likely to happen.", isn't it precisely the way to warn the player? if he loose a degree on the scale, he doesn't change his status as he is still Lawful/Good. But next time will he loose this status, except if he does enough Good or Lawful actions to get back the degree he lost.

Anyone else is using this system?

Thx of your answer

He was completely aware of the plan in the inn. Actually he was a part builder of the plan. And he didn't cast detect evil in the inn before. And even if I was shocked with the Inn, i didn't realize directly he indeed played with lives of not evil commoners.

I wasn't expecting to make him fall directly without "warning him" as you said, and I guess I wasn't thinking of those Knowledge religion tests to give him warns. I think I will take your idea about him thinking of what he did, maybe through some dreams or some flashbacks.

But considering I'm using 9-points scale alignment, I was thinking of getting him from Lawful(2)/Good(1) to Lawful(3)/Good(2) (which means he has still a degree left in the Good/Evil scale, but he is on the edge on the the Lawful/Chaotic scale). Do you think it would be appropriate?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello everyone and sorry again for my poor english

This message to get your opinion on a situation I was confronted during my last session.

I 'm currently running a pathfinder campaign. My PCs are level 5. To summarize here, there are:
- Dorian, human paladin (shining knight) 5
- Hank, half-ork barbarian (wild rager) 5
- Shine, tiefling (grimspawn) wizard (foresight school, staff bond) 5
- Balty, gnome alchemist (oenopion researcher - I authorize this archetype outside of Nex) 5
- Laurelen, half-elf oracle (stargazer) of Desna 5
- Malko, halfling rogue (scout & knife master) 5

I have to say I'm using the 9-point scale alignment system from Ultimate Campaign.

Currently in my campaign , my PCs are looking for specific NPCs . Without further details , they have discovered that these NPCs were prisoners of slavers . Their investigation led to a great free city , important center of trade, but riddled with corruption and struck by a bloody war between criminal guilds. In this city , the lord is suffering from a long illness. The authorities are present but do not seem to perform their job with the utmost integrity .

It is in this context that they have discovered a tavern in crowded slums in which among prohibited gambling tables, a dealer selling some slaves they sought.

They decided to create a " diversion" to disperse the crowd . Balty moved silently in a corner of the inn and set fire to the building with a bomb. In the midst of the crowd, Hank & Dorian tried to catch up with the merchant and slaves , but they fled through the back door that led to a warehouse where there was a secret passage leading to the sewers .

During the time that the PCs find the secret passage , the slaver had managed to outrun them , but the PCs managed to find traces into sewers, which led to a manhole just outside the fortified guild hall of a powerful and influential merchant guild .

Hank went to the gate , taunting the guards and sentries and trying to provoke them. Balty , Malko , Shine and Laurelen , using levitation potions and spells, freed themselves from the walls and decided to observe the court hall from the sky, from the rear of the building to assess protections.

Dorian encouraged Hank to attack . They eventually push the gate of the mansion after having taken several volleys of arrows . The 4 other PCs heard the mayhem in front of the building and then attacked as well .

I will not go much further , just know that they are forced to retreat due to the opposition. Custody was warned , they are now wanted in the city.

I did not expect that they directly attack . I thought they would rather take information on this merchant guild or find a way to infiltrate . Maybe I have not been enough of a deterrent in the initial defenses of the manor.

From a roleplay point of view, I agree with Hank's reaction: he is a barbarian, he ignores the authority and civilization, he is impulsive and easily frustrated. His player even said at the time of the attack: "We had to stop me! Why did you let me go?". Similarly, Balty, Shine, Laurelen and Malko were just in the observation first. They have attacked as well to help their friends.

This is the reaction of Dorian that bothers me a lot. Although the city seems to be corrupted, is this a valid reason for a paladin to use violence and violating private property, while the only evidence they had was just footsteps ? ... In my opinion it should lose Loyalty alignment points in this story, but I do not know to what extent. Do he has to lose his powers for that act? To tell you, I'm already shocked with the Inn diversion...

But until now I took no decision cos I needed to think about it. This is why I'm asking your opinion.

When the rogue or the assassin is braced, glued against a wall, hung from the ceiling by claws, a peak or a rope, and he would silently eliminate a sentry or an enemy, he can not use a bow or a crossbow and a throwing weapon requires large movements, which is neither discrete nor easy in this case (I always apply a penalty of -2 to -10 on the attack and stealth rolls). Both appropriate weapons in this case are the blowgun and the hand crossbow (the pistol works also but immediately reveals your position).

Stop arrange fights on a flat surface in full light to propose real undercover sessions (with places to hide, places to climb, places from which to draw in ambush and full of powerful enough sentinels make him bitterly regret the slightest misstep ...) In these conditions I bet the hand crossbow would be soon your rogue's best friend.

Again, the Ultimate Campaign could help to introduce deadly clandestine raids into enemy strongholds in favor of the night in our campaigns.

Otherwise yes, a hand crossbow against a tarasque in a plain that is pitiful. It would be better to have a ballista or trebuchet... And btw, if you throw an H-Bomb on the great Cthulhu, it regenerates and now he is also radioactive... :)

I've had many debates with other players and masters about pregens.

The fact is:

  • I HATE to spend a complete session just in creating the PCs. I play only 2 sessions in a month so for me it's a complete waste of time to spend one of them just in creating PCs. And online creation is not always possible.
  • Except GMs that are too happy to finally be able to be at the other side of the screen and that can understand the needs of a GM to build a great intrigue, there are usually only two types of players I've met: experienced are always minimaxing and optimizing (often even if it's against the plot) and beginners don't know at all how to build a character.
  • I'm sick of "you are in a inn" introductions. I like my PCs to be involved in other new original ways. Get hired or "it's the right thing to do" is clearly not enough for me. Somewhere in their sheet or in their background I always try to sow a little seed that always seems to be a small detail for them and later will be a major element in my intrigue.
  • Hooks are the best way to "control" and "prevent" their actions cos' I believe the famous "No I won't do that because it's not something my character would do" is actually a GM failure. Depending on alignments it's often the best way to make them do something you want them to do. Lawful Good characters are great for "it's the right thing to do"... But often for True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral characters I have to find something else... Money/Power is really classical and often too weak for Good characters. Relatives are really interesting and allow secondary plots. Survival fits with every kind of characters (it's for me often the only way to create a Chaotic Evil group). Structures/Hierarchy have some freedom impacts but always work (they are in the same army, the same guild, on the same boat, etc...). Personnal Honor code is great for a single PC, what about the others?

I still agree large sagas are accomplished by playing it out. But I really like heroes when their destiny is already written from their childhood.

I got your advice for something: between my 6 PCs there are 3 beginners, 2 average players and 1 game-master. The game-master is playing Balty so I think I would let him create his cousin Jofifre like he wants. he doesn't need me at all for that and I'm sure he would create a great character.


This post to talk about multiple characters scenario.

As I already told in other posts, I'm currently running a highly modified kingmaker campaign. I have 6 player-character – 2 girls/4 guys. We just finished stolen land and the party is now level 4. I always use pre-generated characters after asking what kind of character each player like, or in creating PC+2 or PC+3 characters to let them have a wide array of choice.

Here are the current characters :


Male Gnome Alchemist (Oenopion Researcher) 4
CN Small Humanoid (gnome)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 25 (4d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0 (-2 vs. Charm or Compulsion effects if there's a promise of wealth or power); +2 bonus vs. poison
Resist acid 5, poison resistance +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +4 (1d3/19-20/x2)
Ranged Bomb +7 (3d6+4 Fire/x2) and
. . Light crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks bomb 2d6+4 (11/day) (dc 16), discoveries (explosive bomb, infusion)
Spell-Like Abilities Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Prestidigitation (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
Alchemist (Oenopion Researcher) Spells Prepared (CL 4):
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Bombs, Point Blank Shot, Throw Anything
Traits Collector (Craft [alchemy]), Excitable, Unstable Mutagen (1/day)
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+7 to jump), Appraise +8, Craft (alchemy) +13 (+17 to create alchemical items), Disable Device +7, Fly +4, Heal +4, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +8, Profession (clerk) +4, Ride +6, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +10, Survival +3, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, alchemy +4
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan
SQ experimental mutagen, fast poisoning (move action), master tinker, mutagen (dc 16), power-hungry
Combat Gear Potion of bull's strength, Potion of invisibility, Potion of jump; Other Gear Masterwork Leather armor, Mithral shirt, Crossbow bolts (20), Dagger, Light crossbow, Boots of striding and springing, Heavyload belt, Ring, Backpack, masterwork (6 @ 10.75 lbs), Bandolier (8 @ 2 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (1 @ 0 lbs), Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Flint and steel, Formula book, Noble's outfit, Waterskin, Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Custom Flask, Maspalio's Formula Book, 0.09 GP of Valuables
Special Abilities
Alchemy +4 (Su) +4 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 2d6+4 (11/day) (DC 16) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 2d6+4 fire damage.
Collector (Craft [alchemy]) If have collection within 5 ft gain +2 trait bon to selected skill.
Damage Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Acid attacks.
Dancing Lights (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Dancing Lights once per day.
Experimental Mutagen (Su) Create a weaker mutagen that is safe for others to use.
Explosive Bomb (Su) The alchemist’s bombs now have a splash radius of 10 feet rather than 5 feet. Creatures that take a direct hit from an explosive bomb catch fire, taking 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Extinguishing the flames i
Fast Poisoning (Move Action) (Ex) Apply poison to a weapon as a move action.
Flare (Pyromaniac) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Flare once per day.
Heavyload belt This wide leather is held together with two strands of oxen skin threaded through holes on each end. The belt’s wearer is affected as though subject to a permanent ant haul spell (Advanced Player’s Guide). Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ant haul; Cost 1,000 gp
Infusion When created an extract can be used by anyone, but takes up a slot until used.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Master Tinker You are proficient with any weapon you have personally crafted.
Mutagen (DC 16) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 40 min.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Poison Resistance +2 (Ex) +2 to save vs. Poison.
Power-Hungry -2 vs. Will saves if the effect's creator promises wealth or power
Prestidigitation (Pyromaniac) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Prestidigitation once per day.
Produce Flame (Pyromaniac) (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Produce Flame once per day.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Unstable Mutagen (1/day) You discovered or were given a secret to make your mutagens more unstable—but also more potent. Once per day, you can create an unstable mutagen. It is like a normal mutagen in most ways, but also gains a single benefit or hindrance due to its inst

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Male Human (Varisian) Paladin (Shining Knight) 4
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +1
AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 21 (+8 armor, +3 shield)
hp 34 (4d10+8)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +7
Immune fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +7 (1d4+3/x2) and
. . Gardienne +9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Longsword +8 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks smite evil (2/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin (Shining Knight) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Mounted Combat (1/round), Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Traits Inspiring Rush (1/day), Militia Veteran (any town or village) (Profession [soldier]), Natural-Born Leader
Skills Acrobatics -9 (-13 jump, -4 to make high or long jumps), Climb -6, Diplomacy +10, Escape Artist -9, Fly -9, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +1 (-1 while away from your love interest), Profession (soldier) +8, Ride +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -4, Swim -6
Languages Celestial, Common, Varisian
SQ aura of courage, aura of good, lay on hands (2d6) (5/day), lovesick (elora), mercies (mercy [sickened]), paladin channel positive energy 2d6 (2/day) (dc 15, skilled rider, variant channeling (bravery/valor variant channeling [+1 sacred])
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear Half-plate, Heavy steel shield, Gardienne, Longsword, Cloak of elvenkind, Ring of jumping, Backpack (9 @ 18 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (1 @ 1.2 lbs), Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Holy symbol, silver (Iomedae), Holy text (11 Acts of Iomedae), Mug/tankard, Torch (2), Waterskin, 60 GP
Special Abilities
Aura of Courage +4 (10' radius) (Su) You are immune to Fear. Allies within aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs Fear.
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Bravery/Valor Variant Channeling (+1 Sacred) Additional save vs. fear/AC bonus, or standard channel
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Inspiring Rush (1/day) +1 to attack and damage on charge, allies who charge before next turn also gain bonus.
Lay on Hands (2d6) (5/day) (Su) You can heal 2d6 damage, 5/day
Lovesick (Elora) If you are away from your love at the beginning of a day, -2 initiative and perception
Mercy (Sickened) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the sickened condition.
Mounted Combat (1/round) Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Natural-Born Leader Your cohorts, followers, and summoned creatures gain +1 vs. Mind-affecting effects, +1 Leadership score if you have the Leadership feat.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (2/day) (DC 15) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Ring of jumping This ring continually allows the wearer to leap about, providing a +5 competence bonus on all his Acrobatics checks made to make high or long jumps.

Requirements: Forge Ring, creator must have 5 ranks in the Acrobatics skill; Cost 1,250 gp
Shield Focus +1 Shield AC
Skilled Rider (Ex) (Su) Ride does not have an armor check penalty. Your mount gains the benefit of your divine grace class feature.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +3 to hit, +4 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC when used.

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Male Half-Orc Afflicted Werewolf Barbarian (Wild Rager) 4
CN Medium Humanoid (human, orc, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 natural)
hp 43 (4d12+12)
Fort +7, Ref +2 (+1 bonus vs. traps), Will +1
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity (1/day), trap sense
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Armor spikes +8 (1d6+4/x2) and
. . Dagger +8 (1d4+4/19-20/x2) and
. . Thorin's Axe +9 (1d12+6/x3)
Special Attacks rage (15 rounds/day), rage powers (auspicious mark [1/rage], intimidating glare)
Str 19, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 18
Feats Blood Vengeance, Power Attack -2/+4
Traits Bloodthirsty, Linebreaker (Belkzen), Warsmith
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 jump), Climb +8, Craft (blacksmith) +3, Diplomacy +0 (-2 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized, +4 to change attitude vs. animals related to lycanthropic form), Intimidate +9, Perception +7, Profession (soldier) +1, Sense Motive +0 (-2 vs. Creatures that threaten, accuse, or challenge you and haven't apologized), Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Orc
SQ change forms, fast movement +10, lycanthropic empathy, pride, uncontrolled rage (dc 14), wild fighting
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds (2); Other Gear Dagger, Thorin's Axe, Amulet of natural armor +2, Artisan's outfit, Artisan's tools (Craft [blacksmith]), Backpack (9 @ 24 lbs), Bedroll (2), Belt pouch (empty), Flint and steel, Mug/tankard, Waterskin, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Auspicious Mark (1/rage) (Su) Gain +1d6 bonus on one d20 roll, once per rage.
Blood Vengeance When an ally is dropped, you can enter a weak rage as a free action. Stacks with barbarian rage.
Bloodthirsty +1 damage when an attack reduces a foe to 0 HP or fewer or you confirm a crit.
Change Forms (Su) Change into Hybrid or Animal forms.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Intimidating Glare (Ex) While raging, use Intimidate to shake your opponents.
Linebreaker (Belkzen) When charging, add 10 feet to your base speed.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Lycanthropic Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of your type of animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Pride -2 to diplomacy and sense motive vs. those who threaten, accuse, or challenge you, until they apologize
Rage (15 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Uncontrolled Rage (DC 14) (Ex) When drop a foe become confused (Will neg). If fail, save again each rd.
Warsmith You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls against creatures and objects made primarily of clay, crystal, earth, metal, or stone.
Wild Fighting (Ex) Make extra attack at full BAB when full attack, but -2 to hit & -4 to AC for 1 rd.

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Female Half-Elf Oracle (Stargazer) 4
NG Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 21 (4d8)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune magic sleep; Resist elven immunities
Weakness oracle's curses (haunted)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Shortbow +7 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks revelations (awesome display -4, guiding star +4 [1/day], spray of shooting stars [60', 5' burst, 4d4] [1/da)
Oracle (Stargazer) Spells Known (CL 4):
2 (4/day) Cure Moderate Wounds, Hold Person (DC 16), Glitterdust
1 (7/day) Murderous Command (DC 15), Command (DC 15), Bless, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds, Unbreakable Heart
0 (at will) Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink (DC 14), Read Magic, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound (DC 14), Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Extra Revelation, Point Blank Shot
Traits Faithful Artist (Perform [sing]), Varisian Wanderer (Perform [sing])
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +6, Diplomacy +11, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +6, Perform (sing) +9, Ride +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome
SQ elf blood, mysteries (heavens)
Combat Gear Oil; Other Gear Masterwork Studded leather armor, Arrows (18), Dagger, Masterwork Shortbow, Ring of climbing, Ring of feather falling, Backpack, masterwork (4 @ 2.5 lbs), Belt pouch (1 @ 1.1 lbs), Flint and steel, Ink, black, Inkpen, Lamp, Paper (10), Scroll case (12 @ 0 lbs), 46 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Awesome Display -4 (Su) Your Illusion (pattern) spells treat observers as 4 HD lower than their actual HD.
Elf Blood You are counted as both elven and human for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Faithful Artist (Perform [sing]) With Desna's blessing, you have pursued an artistic path. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one Perform skill, and Perform is always a class skill for you.
Guiding Star +4 (1/day) (Su) +4 to all WIS checks. Empower, Extend, Silence, or Still a spell without increasing casting time or level, 1/night.
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Ring of feather falling Feather fall activates if you fall more than 5 ft.
Spray of Shooting Stars (60', 5' burst, 4d4) (1/day) (DC 16) (Su) 5' burst within 60' deals 4d4 fire damage, Ref Half.
Varisian Wanderer (Perform [sing]) +1 to Perform (sing) checks, Perform (sing) is always a class skill for you.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.


Male Halfling Rogue (Knife Master, Scout) 4
CG Small Humanoid (halfling)
Init +6; Senses Perception +9
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1 size, +1 dodge)
hp 21 (4d8)
Fort +1, Ref +8 (+1 bonus vs. trample attacks), Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities blade sense +1, evasion, underfoot; Resist underfoot
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Dagger +9 (1d3+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20/x2)
Ranged +1 Hand crossbow +9 (1d3+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Shortbow +8 (1d4/x3)
Special Attacks scout's charge, sneak attack +2d8/+2d4
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Traits Poverty-Stricken, Reactionary, Well-Informed (Diplomacy)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +10, Climb +7, Diplomacy +3 (+4 to gather information), Disable Device +16, Escape Artist +9, Fly +6, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Perception +9, Ride +7, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +9 (+11 to conceal a light blade), Stealth +15, Survival +6, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
SQ +1 to critical confirmations (dagger), avarice, fearless, hidden blade +2, rogue talents (fast stealth, finesse rogue)
Combat Gear Oil; Other Gear Masterwork Leather armor, +1 Dagger, +1 Hand crossbow, Arrows (20), Crossbow bolts (20), Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Dagger, Shortbow, Ring of maniacal devices, Backpack, masterwork (5 @ 4.25 lbs), Bandolier (4 @ 2 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (2 @ 1 lbs), Flint and steel, Lamp, Mug/tankard, Thieves' tools, Grunamyr's Codex, You have no money!
Special Abilities
+1 to critical confirmations (Dagger) Choose a weapon from the following list: sling, dagger, or any weapon with "halfling" in its name. Add a +1/2 bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
Avarice Must gain at least 10% more treasure than allies or cannot Aid Another for 1 week
Blade Sense +1 (Ex) +1 dodge bonus to AC vs. attacks made against you with light blades
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Stealth (Ex) You may move at full speed while using the Stealth skill without penalty.
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Hidden Blade +2 +2 bonus on Slight of Hand checks to conceal a light blade.
Mobility +4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity.
Scout's Charge (Ex) Charge attacks deal sneak attack damage as though foe is flat-footed.
Sneak Attack +2d8/+2d4 +2d8 damage with a dagger-like weapon if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Underfoot +1 AC vs. larger opponents and +1 save vs. trample
Well-Informed (Diplomacy) +1 Gather Information and Knowledge (Local), and one of these is a class skill.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.


Female Daemon-Spawn Tiefling Wizard 4
LN Medium Outsider (native)
Init +10; Senses see in darkness; Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 20 (4d6+4)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +1 (1d4-1/19-20/x2)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4):
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Fiendish Heritage, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll
Traits Dark Magic Affinity, Focused Mind, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +0, Appraise +3, Bluff +0, Climb -3, Diplomacy +0, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal -2, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +4, Ride +0, Sense Motive -2, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +3, Survival +1, Swim -3
Languages Abyssal, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Infernal
SQ arcane bonds (object [staff] [1/day]), forewarned +2, meticulous, opposition schools (enchantment, necromancy), prescience (8/day), specialized schools (foresight)
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds, Scroll of Magic Missile, Scroll of Protection from Evil, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Vanish, Staff, Wand of magic missile, Oil; Other Gear Dagger, Cloak of human guise, Backpack, masterwork (6 @ 8.5 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (1 @ 0 lbs), Flint and steel, Ink, black, Inkpen, Lamp, Scroll case (6 @ 0 lbs), Spell component pouch, Spellbook, Book Of Harms, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Staff) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook 1/day. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Damage Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Dark Magic Affinity You have an instinctive talent for unleashing the vilest spells, letting the taint in your blood empower your malicious magic. Whenever you cast a spell with the evil descriptor, you act as if you were one level higher for the purpose of determining
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Fiendish Heritage You possess a strong tie to your fiendish ancestors, granting you favorable abilities. Prerequisite: Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level. Benefit: Your fiendish bloodline proves particularly strong, being tied to a specific race
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
Foresight Associated School: Divination
Forewarned +2 (Su) Always act in surprise round. Initiative bonus. Init = 20 at level 20.
Meticulous -2 on all untrained skill checks
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Prescience (8/day) (Su) Roll a d20 at the beginning of the round, and use that result as the result of any other d20 roll before the next turn.
Scroll of Magic Missile Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Protection from Evil Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Sleep Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Vanish Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

With each players I tried to develop and suggest background options and events. The goald is to involve them directly as much as possible in the main plot.

An exemple in my game:

Shine is involved directly in a large prophecy through her blood in our game : her half-daemon father had to breed with mortals to let « sleeping agents » here and there in the material plane. At the end of our first season after the fall of the Stag Lord, she was the only one (but she doesn't know why yet of course) up to open an ancient sanctuary under a large mystic sceal in the basement of the ruined tower in the stag lord's fortress.

For the second season, as I'm currently writing it, I was thinking at something a bit different : play for a while different characters in different places that are also involved in one way or another in the same plot.

my ideas for now for upcoming new game season:

In his background, Balty had an event with his cousin Jofifre. In our game at the very beginning the PCs had to flee from Brevoy for many reasons and when the civil war began in Brevoy, the PCs were exploring the green belt. I was imagining maybe that his cousins Jofifre may have stayed in Brevoy and meet other characters... I have a major NPC for my intrigue that stayed also in Brevoy. I was thinking maybe when the first party is currently building their kingdom, the civil war may rage in Brevoy and Jofifre with other new characters may meet my major NPCs and soon flee from Brevoy as well during a dedicated scenario.

the new characters I have in mind for now (I still have to create 1 or 2 concept more):

Amethyst , a half-elf drow-descended Witch (Bonded Witch) 5
Nirrshah a she-catfolk Monk (Nimble Guardian) 1/Ninja (Cat Burglar) 4
Ingrid, an she-ulfen Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 3/Fighter (Viking) 2
Magnus a dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 2/Cleric of Torag (Forgemaster) 3
Voronwë an elf Magus (Spelldancer) 5
Hearas a half-elf Ranger (Battle Scout, Skirmisher, Wild Shadow) 3, Fighter (Archer) 2
Jofifre a gnome Bard (Prankster) 5

I thought that for another scenario or plot, we could use same feature to play flashbacks with parents or great-parents, or maybe play his own heirs in a large kingdom campaign. I really think it is possible to write and play large sagas this way.

Did you already played such kind of changing characters features ? Do you have any comments or advice about my PCs or something else ?


Rickmeister wrote:
I run two Kingmakers, and one is led by a fighter (CHA 13) and the other by a druid (CHA 12). We have players in the group that have far better CHA bonuses, but we all agreed that it was not just the ++++ that counted, it was the playing. And sure, their kingdom has grown slightly less because of that, but does that really matter? You don't have to break the game, you have to have fun :)

Then I guess my players are somewhere between yours and power gamers. They still bothers a lot about background and storytelling but still I guess you can't stop them trying somehow to break the game or at least find the best way to get maximum bonus. Ask them to gave logical roles instead of optimized role would be similar to ask them to let the Rogue roll the disable device check even if the Alchemist has a better skill bonus because "it has to be the Rogue".

Plus the system has to reflect your vision of the game otherwise you don't need to keep it. After all, all those kingdom things can be played just in a descriptive way, in telling month by month "ok ur population is growing" or "the treasure is running low" or "you got a peasant rebellion"... So i won't use Charisma if it's not (only) charisma in my vision. I change the rules or I just tells about the kingdom in a freestyle way.

tonyz wrote:
The thing with rulers and counsellors is that what they have to do isn't usually summed up in any one skill, or even any several skills.

You right but I guess it's always the same for everything in a tabletop rpg, as the rule system has to modelize the "reality" it's still always an approximation. Strength isn't the only stat needed to touch someone in reality, right?

So you right, even several skills would be far from sum up a whole kingdom role. But it's more a matter of gameplay that push me to change those rules. With current rules, any single character could find a good place to be efficient in a kingdom role, whatever the background, the skills, the class. I guess I see why the rules are done this way, but I don't want such vision in my campaign. I want that those roles needs personal investment, and it has to be chosen in weaking other skills. I want that class and skills limit the bonus.

With the current system, a Paladin with a headband of alluring can be a really good ruler... he can also be a really good general and a fine high priest. Ok, it seems fine... But he can be also a great Magister... what?!?

That's why I want Skills, BAB, Spellcaster levels inside of those bonus calculation. I don't want any weaky precious pumba bard as a good General, just because high Charisma is enough. So the rule has to be deeper on this topic.

Rathendar has a really simple solution (creating dedicated skills) and I kind of like its simplicity, but I'd rather have a system in which ruling capacities can be helpful also in adventuring, and it doesn't weight a class in front of another one for each roles...

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Here it is my work until now on this topic. Please don't hesitate to make suggestions.

Monarch or Ruler
Main leader of the kingdom, essentially a charismatic role, title depends of the kingdom size
Bonus formula : MIN(Bon.CHA ; (Diplomacy + Sense Motive)/10) rounded down, +1 if Leadership feat.
Benefit :A knight, a baron and a count chooses one of a nation’s statistics (Economy, Loyalty, or Stability) and modifies that score by his bonus, a duke or a grand duke chooses two of these values to modify, and a king or a high king modifies all three values.
Vacancy Penalty : A kingdom without a ruler cannot claim new hexes, develop open spaces, build roads, or purchase city districts. Also, increase Unrest by 4 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no ruler.
Special : The ruler can't be easily changed from one month to another. Except during the creation turn, any ruler change takes 4 kingdom turns to be effective (during this time, the vacancy penalty doesn't apply as the new ruler is in place but his Ruler bonus doesn't apply neither on stats). Ruler title depends of the kingdom size:
from 1 to 4 hex : Knight
from 5 to 10 hex : Baron
from 11 to 20 hex : Count
from 21 to 60 hex : Duke
from 61 to 80 hex : Grand Duke
from 81 to 130 hex : King
131 hex and more : High King

The consort applies his or her Ruler bonus the same way than the ruler itself. The ruler and consort bonus of a county or smaller kingdom can applies on different kingdom stats.
As long as the consort or the ruler is present for 1 week per month, the vacancy penalty is avoided.
In addition to the consort's ruler bonus, the consort adds half of his/her Charisma bonus to the Kingdom Loyalty stat.
Special : The consort can't be easily changed from one month to another. Except during the creation turn, any consort change takes 1 kingdom turn to be effective (during this time, both charima bonus to loyalty and consort's ruler bonus to stats don't apply)
Vacancy Penalty : None

No change

The Spymaster observes the kingdom’s underworld/criminal elements and spies on other kingdoms.
Bonus formula : MIN(MAX(Bon.DEX;Bon.CHA) ; (Diplomacy + Sense Motive + Bluff + Disable Device + Escape Artist + Disguise + Sleight Of Hand + Perception + Stealth)/45), rounded down
Benefit : Increase Loyalty, Economy, or Stability (Spymaster’s choice)
Vacancy Penalty : Rampant crime reduces Economy by 4. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no Spymaster.

Commander of the guards, Master of the kingdom's defenses and of the inner security, Applies the laws
Bonus formula : MIN(BAB ; (MAX(Diplomacy;Intimidate)+Know.geography+Know.local+Perception+Prof.soldie r+Sense motive+Survival)/25), rounded down, +1 if Leadership feat.
Benefit : Stability
Vacancy Penalty :  -4 Stability, -2 Loyalty
Special : In a county or a smaller kingdom, the same character can be Marshall and General at the same time without vacancy penalty and without malus (both his Marshall bonus and General bonus apply). This double rôle can be assumed as well in a duchy or a grand duchy, with a -2 malus to both Marshall and General bonus but still without vacancy penalty. This double rôle can't be assumed in bigger kingdoms.

Grand diplomat
Master of the foreign relationships
Bonus formula : ((2xDiplomacy)+2x(number of known languages)+Sense Motive+ Know. nobles)/25, rounded down, -5 if illetrism
Benefit : Stability
Vacancy Penalty :  -2 Stability, no promotion Edicts

General or Connetable
Supreme leader of the armies
Bonus formula : MIN(MAX(Bon.FOR ;Bon. CHA) ;BAB ; (MAX(Diplomacy;Intimidate)+Prof.soldier)/10) rounded down, +1 if Leadership feat.
Benefit : Stability
Vacancy Penalty :  -4 Stability
Special : In a county or a smaller kingdom, the same character can be Marshall and General at the same time without vacancy penalty and without malus (both his Marshall bonus and General bonus apply). This double rôle can be assumed as well in a duchy or a grand duchy, with a -2 malus to both Marshall and General bonus but still without vacancy penalty. This double rôle can't be assumed in bigger kingdoms.

Hierophant or High Priest
Spiritual guide of a kingdom
Bonus formula : MIN(MAX(Bon.SAG ;Bon.CHA) ;Divine spellcaster level ; (Diplomacy+Know.religion+Spellcraft)/15)) rounded down
Benefit : Stability
Vacancy Penalty : Decrease Stability and Loyalty by 2. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no High Priest.
Special. The choice of a Hierophant gives a strong idea about the spiritual and morale teint of a kingdom. In the case of a multi-religious society, the systematic choice of a religion instead of another one can bring jealousy and oppositions of interests... Too much differencies between a kingdom alignment and divinity alignment of his hierophant can bring as well some bad consequences.

Regent, up to rule the kingdom in place of the ruler in case of vacancy. The chancelor loyalty bonus is based on counter power with the ruler, so the bonus increases with ruler/chancelor oppositions, but it's also in this case when the chancelor is tempted by putsch or assassinations attempts...
Bonus formula : Same as ruler, modified by both alignment differences (absolute value) between Chancelor and Ruler (using Ultimate Campaign 9-point scale alignment optional rule) :
MIN(Bon.CHA ; (Diplomacy + Sense Motive)/10) rounded down, +1 if Leadership feat, +Absolute value (loyal/chaotic ruler score - loyal/chaotic chancelor score) + Absolute value (good/evil ruler score - good-evil chancelor score) -8
Benefit : Loyalty
Vacancy Penalty : None. A kingdom with a chancelor and without ruler is a kingdom with a chancelor as a ruler and no chancelor.
Special: Whenever the Chancelor act as the Ruler for the turn, he has to succeed at a Loyalty check during the kingdom’s Upkeep phase or Unrest increases by 1.

Master of the laws and edicts, Arch-librarian of the kingdom
Bonus formula : ((Prof.scribe+Prof.clerk+Prof.librarian)/15) rounded down, -5 if illetrism.
Benefit : Loyalty
Vacancy Penalty : -4 Loyalty, -2 Stability, no edicts.

Represent people, usually a guild master, merchants or craftsmen. Master of town cryers as well
Bonus formula : ((Diplomacy+Know.local+Best craft or profession skill)/15) rounded down
Benefit : Loyalty
Vacancy Penalty : Decrease Loyalty by 2. The kingdom cannot gain benefits from festivals. Increase Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase in which the kingdom has no Councilor.
Special : The efficiency of the councilor depends of his own reputation among the people of the kingdom. The GameMaster may adjust this bonus following the fame, the reputation or the infamy of the councilor

Royal assassin
The Royal Assassin can serve as a public executioner, a headsman, or a shadowy eradicator of kingdom rivals.
Bonus formula : MIN(MAX(Bon.FOR;Bon.DEX);Sneak Attack dices; (Acrobatics + Climb+ Disable Device+ Disguise+ Escape Artist+ Perception+ Sleight Of Hand+ Stealth)/40) rounded down
Benefit : Loyalty
Vacancy Penalty : None
Spécial : Fear provoked by the presence of the Royal Assassin reduces Unrest by 1 during each Upkeep phase.

Jack of all trade of the ruler, master of the intendancy. He helps to make things works in the kingdom, especially to rule the expenditures.
Bonus formula : (Appraise+ Bluff+ Diplomacy+ Intimidate+ Know.geo+ Know.local+ Perception+ Prof.scribe+ Prof.clerk+ Prof.librarian+ Sense Motive+ Climb+ Disable Device+ Disguise+ Escape Artist+ Perception+ Sleight Of Hand+ Stealth)/40 rounded down
Benefit : Economy
Vacancy Penalty : None

The Magister guides a kingdom’s higher learning and magical employment.
Bonus formula : MIN(MAX(Bon.INT;Bon.CHA);Arcane spellcaster level; (Know.arcana + Spellcraft)/10 ) rounded down
Benefit : Economy
Vacancy Penalty : -4 Economy

The Treasurer manages the treasury and is in charge of the incomes and outcomes of the royal treasure.
Bonus formula : (Appraise+ Prof.clerk)/10 arrondi à l'inférieur, -5 if illetrism.
Benefit : Economy
Vacancy Penalty :-4 Economy, Each BP expenditures are increased by kingdom size/20, Incomes are decreased by kingdom size/20.
Special : In a county or a smaller kingdom, the same character can be Treasurer and Sheriff at the same time without vacancy penalty and without malus (both his Treasurer bonus and Sheriff bonus apply). This double role can be assumed as well in a duchy or a grand duchy, with a -2 malus to both Treasurer and Sheriff bonus but still without vacancy penalty. This double role can't be assumed in bigger kingdoms.

Sheriff or Warden
In charge of the tax collection, and the special ressources rentability
Bonus formula : (Appraise+ MAX(Diplomacy;Intimidate)+ Know.local+ Prof.clerk+ Sense Motive)/25 rounded down
Benefit : Economy
Vacancy Penalty : -4 Economy, tax level can't be nothing else than « None » , Special ressources are bringing no Economy bonus.
Special : In a county or a smaller kingdom, the same character can be Treasurer and Sheriff at the same time without vacancy penalty and without malus (both his Treasurer bonus and Sheriff bonus apply). This double role can be assumed as well in a duchy or a grand duchy, with a -2 malus to both Treasurer and Sheriff bonus but still without vacancy penalty. This double role can't be assumed in bigger kingdoms.

Odraude wrote:
In Ultimate Campaign, they have optional rules where 5 ranks in a certain skill (depending on the position) adds to your attribute.

I got those rules and it's not really enough for me as it's only a bonus. I'd love to go further with rules that would limit bonus roles with skill scores.

Philip Knowsley wrote:

This growth would happen at a MUCH faster rate than the attribute bonus
will grow on any of their stats. This being the case - you'll need to
find a way to balance your new system - otherwise you might find a low
level PC getting say +15 in your system, whereas even a 15th level PC
by RAW might only get +6 or maybe +8 to the relevant stat...

Of course, I can't take the raw skill bonus. I was thinking at something about skill score divided by 5 or 4 (I prefer skill score rather than ranks cos it includes attributes, items, racial, and special class bonus). The main drawback is that it complicates a lot the bonus calculation, but it's a minor drawback for me in front of having much "realistic" bonuses.

I will tell you of my proposal in an upcoming post but pay attention that my work is still at its beginning so it still needs a lot of tweaking before being playable I guess. Any constructive propositions or critical will be really appreciated.

Hello everyone and sorry if this thread already exists. And still sorry for my english...

Actually I was waiting Ultimate Campaign release before discuss this topic.

I don't really understand why kingdom roles are based only on attributes. I guess it's a gameplay question, to balance PCs developments and not exclude Barbarians and other cheap skills class, but it's not really a good reason for me. I can't explain myself how a wild sorcerer with feathers, tribal tattoos, primal language and a stratospheric Charisma (and nothing else) can be efficient in each and every leadership roles of a kingdom (or almost). Being a good leader is indeed something innate, but not only innate for me, and almost not innate at all for some specific roles. And I love the idea that my PCs would want to spend some skill points for kingdom roles, learning levels after levels to become better leaders. I admit kingdom development would be a big part of my campaign (with lots of intrigues, wars, diplomacy issues, political alliances and so on...) and not only a free-time activity between two dungeons.

I'm working on skill based roles for my campaign. The kingdom phase is just beginning for the second season of my campaign next September so I have time left to tweak and fix everything before.

I already have some strong ideas I guess (Diplomacy or Intimidation for the Ruler, Diplomacy and Knowledge Nobles for the Diplomat, Arcane Spellcaster level for the Magister, Divine Spellcaster level for the High Priest, Appraise and Profession Clerk for the Treasurer, I want also create a Seneshal role based on profession Library, Scribe and Clerk)

But before anything, I would love to know if some of you already worked or maybe played already with such kind of rules.

Thx everyone

SlimGauge wrote:
Well, a trained human child can ride a full-sized horse, so I don't see a halfling or a gnome having TOO much of a problem, if the tack chosen was suitable (can the stirrups be adjusted short enough, etc.).

You got a point.

But what about (and I had the case) a halfling rogue mount a enemy horse in combat to sneak (first round of combat so the enemy was flat-footed, and no AO) him and then take control of the horse the second round as the human enemy was disabled because of the sneak... ?

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This topic interests me a lot, cos I have a gnome and a halfling between my PCs, and they are always riding light horses, but with a saddle made for humans!!... I planned to brought them an occasion to get smaller mounts but for now I don't know how to rule the case and what kind of malus I should apply to their ride tests...

Thx for your answers.

Thx for your answers.

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Hi all,

I have some questions about the life cycle of souls, the judgment of Pharasma and Abaddon. In "The Great Beyond", it tells us that souls are created in the "plan of positive energy", then the soul is embodied in the material plane. At death the soul leaves the material plane and then travel through the astral plane to the "Boneyard" where she becomes a "petitioner". There, his final destination is determined from the "Outer Planes" based on certain criteria.
- Apart from the religion adopted by the mortal, what are the criteria that determine the final destination of the soul?
- What happens if a mortal is converted to a religion but does not follow its precepts? If it exists, a lawful good worshipper of Asmodeus would end in Heaven or in Hell?
- What happens to atheists? They all end up in the Boneyard? If no, what would decide their end travel?
- Except for the criteria of beliefs, why she would end a soul in hell rather than into the abyss, or into the abyss rather than hell? The Book Of The Damned I would suggest that hell is a punishment for the souls of certain mortals. This is not the case of the abyss?
- The door between Abaddon and the Boneyard is closed but I have nowhere seen an explanation of the closure. Does this mean that petitioner did not travel to Abaddon from the Boneyard? If this is the case then who are the Petitioners for Abaddon (except those whose mortal worshiped the four horsemen) and how are they going?
- The Daemons work at the end of time and feed on souls. Does this mean that a mortal shot by a daemon can not be resurrected?
- In Abaddon, the Petitioners are called the hunted. They spend an eternity to be persecuted by the Daemons that feed on those they catch. The Hunted survivors eventually turn into daemons. The Daemons build the innermost conspiracies, manipulating other Fiends to achieve the end of time. The four horsemen are showing the most malevolent intelligence and yet they do not understand that each Hunted they absorb is a less Deamon in their army?

In short all this is not entirely clear and one of my players is playing a daemon-spawn tieffling that goes from actively seeking out its origins ... Thank you for your answers.

Cheapy wrote:
As the wolf learns more about his companions in the party, I think he might instinctually start to see them as his pack.

Mmmmhh depends of how close to the druid the other characters are. In case of real conflicts such as alignments issues, I guess the "wolf pack" would still be limited.

Kolokotroni wrote:
Also what about his skills? There is a lot of wilderness exploration in kingmaker, isnt the druid shining out in the woods with survival, and knowledge nature? Or have you shifted the games focus to combat and away from some of the exploration in the AP? I mean I dont know for sure as I've only played in it and have not read the adventure, but I know my group would have loved to have a druid around in the first part of kingmaker.

I just used the sandbox to add customized encounters. But of course, knowledge nature and survival is useful, except that at level 1, the difference with other character isn't really obvious:

- The Barbarian and the Alchemist have both as class skills
- The Rogue is a Scout Archetype and has the Poverty-Stricken trait
- The Paladin has the Militia Veteran (Survival) trait
- The Wizard isn't skilled at Survival but master better knowledge.

So no-one is completely useless in nature. I bet with levelling, the druid would surely slightly become better, but it's not really the case in this group at low levels.

Onishi wrote:

Are you saying the animal would not be tripping when possible? I agree with you that the wolf may not be focused on setting up the perfect flank possition with the rogue (but a smart rogue would be very likely to set up his position based on where the wolf has gone), but it should almost certainly have the basic skill of attack, of which he would use his own best abilities when attacking, including tripping when possible. Also a druid using handle animal is a free action.

SRD wrote:
(A druid or ranger can handle her animal companion as a free action or push it as a move action.)

Thx for the free action rule.

No I just would say that without aknowledged (aka successful handle animal skill check) express orders from the druid, the wolf would stick to the druid and help him to fight. And even if a wolf pack usually tries to flank and trip (so would his companion do the same), the wolf would surely not get all understandings of a tactical issue, and would surely take the best position only by luck.

FallofCamelot wrote:
Well the issue is that werewolves are generally CE and the advice is not to allow your players to play one as they are vicious monsters generally.

Again we are off the subject, but you said everything with this word. What's interests me behind this, is putting this character in a position where he would be struggled between his green faith and the "evilish" beast within himself and all it can bring to him, access of anger, lust of raw meet, sudden scent, etc.... I don't plan to make him directly completely overflooded by the affliction, I better would see him fight against himself in a lost by advance fight. I guess I would make him find romance before contacting this affliction, to be able to see how he will have to manage to protect his love from himself. I don't really care if the rules doesn't allow to follow the decreasing control of the character, I'll invent some if I need them... Lycanthropy would be a way to add intensity and plots to the campaign storyline and nothing more for me.

But be sure anyway I'll do my best for my players to have fun, and I'll drop the idea otherwise.

LazarX wrote:
People disparaging the wolf as an animal companion forget about it's one major advantage.... it's Trip attack. Which gets even better when it goes dire. And if he's playing a wolf shaman, that's his only choice for companion anyway.

I guess trip can be useful, but still, druid companions are NPC allies and not fully controlled by PC (handle animal & trick isn't at all a full control). To be "realistic" I usually consider his companion acting as both would form a wolf pack, so using as far as possible trip attack and flanking with the druid. But unless using the animal tricks and the handle animal skill (in taking a simple action doing it...), I am far from the picture where a druid would spellcasting away from enemy lines when his companion would flank rogue's opponents... So I still see for now the companion as a light advantage.

Cheapy wrote:
Uhhh, did he approach you about wanting to be a werewolf? Or did you force him to be one? Not having control over your Character generally means not having fun.

I guess it's off the subject, but of course I never force my players to play something they don't want to, although I often include new twists and turn in my story, and this affliction would be one of them. I will first try to stealthly know what he would think about playing a werewolf character (otherwise I'll drop the idea) and if after first session he would be unhappy with this affliction, I would include something in my story to allow him to heal.

I guess my friend don't really want to be a melee monster, as the barbarian is usually already dealing a really large amount of damages, although I bet he finds upcoming shapeshifting features really fun and wants to use them in an efficient way (surely not only in combat I guess).

In another adventure path, my friend played a wizard and had a lot of fun with. So I will have to ask him, but I bet he would love to rise a healer/spell slinger/summoner or something like that. Last session he told me he thinks first level summonings are really useless. (lasts only 1 round, tiny creatures => no reach => have to enter enemy square to attack => means opportunity)

GM plans:
I made him take the Ulfen traits "Animalistic Affliction", as I plan to make him become a Werewolf sooner or later, with some special links with his background... I didn't decide everything yet, but still have this idea in mind.

What is exactly the "all rounder" druid?

About quaterstaff and 2 weap. fight., he wanted to use this weapon and a sling, so I just gave him a "bonus" sickle.

And I suggested him combat casting in case he would be sticked in close combat, or targeted by preparing enemies vs spellcasting opponents. Was it a bad idea?

Hello everyone, and sorry for my poor english skills.

I'm currently running Kingmaker's first part (Stolen Land) lightly modified (for heavier opposition), with a 5-6 epic fantasy point buy characters group, including a human druid. After first session, the druid player told me he feels really useless, especially during fighting scenes.
The group also include an Half-Orc Barbarian, an Halfling Rogue, a Gnome Alchemist, a Tiefling Wizard and a part-time Human Paladin.

The few times I could play as a PC, I never choosed a druid, just because I don't feel really comfy with this class. I saw a lot of threat about how much efficient a druid can be, but I guess both of us would really need some advices about how to rise a druid and how to be the most efficient inside this group. Btw I didn't find any valid links to get Treantmonk's guide to Druid.

Here are this PC stats (generated with Hero Lab):


Male Human (Ulfen) Druid (Wolf Shaman) 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Masterwork Quarterstaff +0 (1d6+1/1d6/20/x2) and
Sickle +1 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+1/20/x2)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Combat Casting, Druid Weapon Proficiencies, Two-weapon Fighting
Traits Animalistic Affliction (Ulfen), Devotee of the Green: Knowledge (Nature)
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb -2, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Handle Animal +6, Heal +7, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Perception +7, Ride -1, Stealth -1, Survival +9, Swim -1
Languages Common, Druidic, Skald, Sylvan
SQ Animal Companion Link (Ex), Heart of the Wilderness +0, Nature Sense (Ex), Share Spells with Companion (Ex), Spontaneous Casting, Wild Empathy +3 (Ex)
Combat Gear Bullets, Sling (20), Masterwork Quarterstaff, Sickle, Sling, Wooden Armor; Other Gear Backpack (9 @ 13.5 lbs), Bedroll, Flint and steel, Torch (3), Wandermeal (per serving) (3), Waterskin
Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Heart of the Wilderness +0 +5 on CON checks to stabilize, +1/2 level to negative HP level for death, +1/2 level Survival.
Nature Sense (Ex) A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Spells cast on you can also affect your Companion, if it's within 5 feet.
Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Harald's Wolf Companion Amaguk:

Male Wolf
NN Medium Animal
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 14 (+4)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Bite (Wolf) +3 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Trip
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14 (18 vs. Trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Tricks Attack [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Guard [Trick], Guarding [Trick], Stay [Trick], Track [Trick]
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6 Modifiers +4 to Survival when tracking by Scent
SQ Come [Trick], Guarding [Trick], Stay [Trick], Track [Trick]

+4 to Survival when tracking by Scent +4 to Survival when tracking by Scent.
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Guarding [Trick] The animal has been trained for guard duty.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Track [Trick] The animal will track a scent.
Trip (Ex) You can make a trip attempt on a successful attack.

Thx for all of your advices

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Hello everyone,

I would be really interested in some Gamemastery Map Packs ("Lairs", "Campsites", "Ruins", "Caverns" and "Graveyard"), but the fact is that I use computer & software now during my games for tactical mapping (easier and cheaper). So pen & paper maps are not useful anymore for me, I'd rather have them as a pdf to be able to include those maps in my mapping software as I wouldn't have to numerize them.

I know subscription would have allow me to have both format, but it seems there are no ways for me now to get those 5 pack in pdf versions, and for now I'm not interested in upcoming map packs.

I have to say I would be agree to pay printed version price to get them in pdf.

Is there a way for me to get those 5 packs in pdf?

Thx a lot.